Chapter 24

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"Happy Birthday to youuu!", Valerie sang for her friend from the top of her lungs as she blew out the candles. They went to a five-star restaurant that had the most amazing view she had seen so far and it was just amazing. Yolanda was smiling all the time and the way she would look at Rayan made it all worth it. She wished that she had someone to tell but sadly she was sitting all alone, admiring the couple who tried their best to involve her but she settled with being their paparazzi. "You wanna be in the picture with them?", the waiter said with a smile and she nod her head joining the lovebirds for a picture. They put her in the middle kissing her cheeks making people around them sing a couple of aaawwws. It was fun. They finished dinner and settled for a night out in Paris. They went to a club where they were told by the waiter from the restaurant it was banging. They danced the night away.

They returned to the hotel close to five in the morning and found Zain waiting for them. He looked worried considering they all decided to ignore his phone calls the whole night. When they saw him sitting at the entrance, they all walked past him without saying a word. He followed quietly. Valerie was tired but sober, she knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep until she knew where Zain and her were standing. "Good night Bff", Yolanda said hugging her and Rayan kissing her forehead. "You are the best sister-in-law ever", he said clearly drunk making Valerie giggle. Zain opened the door for her, she walked in going straight to the bathroom, she removed her red bandage dress that gave her curves the best shape and removed her makeup. She went under the shower and was about to reach the bath loaf when Zain reached for it and started washing her. She let him clean her body until he was satisfied. He dried her hair and body, dressing her in one of his t-shirts. 

"Are you tired of me?", she asked startling Zain. He did not reply. "Look, I know that am not much to look at compared to the women I saw you with online but I thought that we were doing great. I thought that you were as happy as I was. I thought you wanted me", she said feeling tears fall from her eyes only this time around she did not look away. She wanted to the truth. He stepped closer and held her hands in his. "Valerie, I love you", he said looking into her eyes. "If this is how you show me that you love me then I don't want it. I want to go back to how things were between us and if that is you not loving me then I will take it just not this. This is too painful", she said crying harder. "Valerie am sorry. I didn't realise that I was hurting you. I just...I want you to let me express my feelings for you the way I want to. Every time I try to do it you shut me down and I just got so frustrated that I started avoiding you", he was rambling. Zain never rambled. Valerie was confused, she knew he was confessing but he did not make sense. "Zain what are you saying, I don't understand. Are you saying that it is my fault?", she said feeling annoyed. "Yes. You act like me having money is a bad thing. Like going out with me to a fancy restaurant is a crime or me giving you luxurious things is also wrong well guess what, I want to go out with you to fancy restaurants and company events and all that crap, I want you to dress up for me, I want to show you off to the paparazzi because I love you and I am not afraid to tell the world about it", he said releasing her hands pacing back and forth clearly in panic mode. She had never seen Zain in such state before. He started panting and counting. Valerie understood what he was doing right away. She reached for his hands, looked into his eyes and started counting with him. "three, two, one. Breathe my love. I got you", she said pulling him in for a hug. He hugged her tightly as if he was afraid that she would disappear. She just saw a glimpse of what people did to recover from PTSD, it made her wonder what kind of soldier he was but then again, they told each other that the past didn't matter. She was going to be there for him. " sorry, I didn't know that troubled you. I thought you were ok with it. I didn't mean to be selfish and am sorry. I want to change, I want to be there for you", she said pulling away to meet his eyes. "It's ok you don't have to do it if it makes you feel uncomfortable, I just wanted you to know how I feel. I don't want to hurt you, Val, I just need you to meet me halfway", he said trying to move away from her but she grabbed his hand pulling him back. "I promise that I will from now on. I want people to know that you're mine too and mine alone because I love you Zain Burhan and there is nothing that I won't do for you. If that means walking into the office with you or flashing my amazing curves in front of the paparazzi then so be it", she said with a smile on her face that made Zain pull her in a hungry kiss, which she rudely pulled away from making Zain look at her with confusion. "I have a condition... you will start wearing casual clothes when you're not in the office", she said making him chuckle. "Yes Ma'am", he said pulling her in for another kiss. She jumped circling her legs on his waist making the palm of his hands hold onto her ass, squeezing lightly making her moan. She moved to kiss his neck, then sucked it until she reached his weak spot. She sucked on it making sure to leave a huge hickey on it. Moved to the spot under his earlobe and did the same making him lose control and surrender to her.

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