Chapter 34

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"Oh my god! You guys are everywhere", Mia said the moment Valerie entered the cafeteria. She had a feeling that would be the case considering how the paparazzi surrounded them as they left the restaurant. The only thing that encouraged her was how Zain was calm, he even admitted to enjoying the attention because he had the sexiest girlfriend in the world. The statement that earned him a rodeo. "Look at this", she said showing Valerie a gossip page on Instagram with a huge question mark on her side. Liam had to scold her for her to stop obsessing about what people were saying on the internet.

"We're having guests today from another company. They are here for a meeting so their mini buffet will be served in the executive boardroom, Liam and Valerie please do the needful", Claire said walking away in a hurry. For Claire to be nervous, it had to be important people. "Does this mean you and him have patched things up?", Liam asked. "Yeah... we're kind of official official", she replied with a smile. She knew that she had to talk to Liam. They never had a chance to talk about his feelings. She looked around and saw it was just the two of them in the room. "Liam, do you want to be more than friends with me? I mean, my roommate keeps telling me that she is getting such vibes from you and I told her that she's crazy because we are friends, right?", she asked after he did not answer. "Am sorry... I shouldn't have asked that", she was about to leave when he pulled her back. "She is right. I do have feelings for you. I can't help it. I have tried to get over it but I can't", he said avoiding her eyes. "Liam, you know I have a boyfriend. I can't be more than a friend to you nor do I want to lose what we have", she said holding on to his other hand. "I know. I just... I just need some time. I will get over it", he said pulling away.

The rest of the day was awkward but she tried her best to avoid him. They served the guests, who they later found out were one of the most loyal customers. They had been doing business with the Burhan family for years. Service went perfectly as usual with Claire having a huge smile. When they were done Valerie rushed to the lockers to change. She saw Yolanda waiting for Rayan as usual and decided to say hi to her before going to Zain. "Hi there, mysterious lover", she joked using one of the headlines from the gossip magazine. "I don't get where the big deal is", Valerie complained making Yolanda laugh. "Welcome to my world. At least they are being nice to you. I was called all sorts of names from gold digger to whore... the list is endless but it will go away in time", she said looking behind Valerie. "Baby!!", she screamed running to Rayan like they hadn't seen each other in ages. Which was weird because they live together. But ever since Valerie knew the lovebirds, they had the same energy toward each other. "Hey talk of the town", Rayan joked while pulling her for a hug. "Please don't start", she whined. "Am craving Joe's baby. Val, wanna go grab a burger?", she asked with puppy dog eyes. Yes, it had been a while since they hung out so she thought why not. She texted Zain and then left with them.

When they reached Joe's they ordered and waited for the food. "Am going to the ladies' room, be right back", Valerie said standing up from their booth. She walked past the crowd smoothly, finding her way to the ladies' room easily. She was washing her hands when she heard the door being locked. When she turned to see who did it, she was met with the man she was hoping to never see again. Antonio Greco. 

"Iris... I just need to talk to you. Please hear me out", he said with the same deep voice that used to make her crumble but now it just sounded bitter. It was the voice of a betrayer. The man who sacrificed her. She could not form any words. "Baby please", he begged. The nickname. It brought more pain than pleasure, it was not the same anymore. She was trembling with rage. He noticed. "Iris, I know everything and am here to apologise. I didn't mean for it to happen. I wasn't thinking straight. Please forgive me", he rambled but it all sounded like noise in her ears. It made her anger grow to the point where tears started falling from her eyes. She wiped the tears away aggressively. She remembered what Zain did when he was on the verge of losing control. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one", when she was done. Antonio was gone and the door was open. She took a deep breath returning to the booth. "Finally! Am so hungry... let's eat", Yolanda said grabbing her burger. Zain walked in and noticed her state. He was the only one she could tell. She said goodbye to them letting Zain guide her to his car. On the way, she saw Boris at the counter. When their eyes met she looked away. Antonio's words kept on repeating themselves in her head over and over again. "What's the wrong angel?", he asked when they got home. "He was there. He followed me to the ladies' room", she told him. "What? Why didn't you call me?", Zain said angrily. "He didn't hurt me. He apologised. I just froze", she said. She remembered the torture in the section 30 prison. It made her body tremble. She walked straight to the bathroom removing all her clothes. She stood in front of the mirror, she looked at her body which was covered with scars. Tears started falling from her face as her finger touched every scar. It was too painful. She felt hands circling her waist from behind. "Val, do you believe him?... do you still love him?", Zain asked her as their eyes met through the mirror. She saw he was covered with worry. "No. There is only one man that I love. And he is the one holding me right now. You're the only one for me Zain Burhan", she said turning to face him. She pulled him in for a kiss.

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