Chapter 19

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"Do you like the burger?", Zain asked her for the one-hundredth time. "Yes Papa bear", she teased knowing very well that he hated the name. He rolled his eyes at her going back to his food. Valerie thought of how the nickname resembled his attitude. He was so protective and most of the time, people thought he was her bodyguard. The suits did not help at all. She had tried to make him wear casual clothes but it was a complete disaster considering he was always working. She watched him finish his second burger and was about to start attacking the french fries basket when she saw mayo on the corner of his lips. She lifted herself a bit, wiped it off with her finger then licked her finger. She watched as his eyes went a shade darker. It had been a month since they made love. Zain travelled with his father for business for three weeks and before that, he was busy prepping for the trip. They went on a few dinner dates in between before he left but he had to drop her off and rush home to get some time to rest. Valerie knew he was a hard-working man so she never pushed him, besides she was also busy coordinating the cafeteria with Mia because Liam had to go on leave. It was fun and hectic at the same time, she wondered how Liam did it. He was always calm as if it was the simplest thing in the world. "I suggest you stop teasing me because it has been a very long month and I don't think am in the mood to just make love to you", he said in a low but heavy voice that made her press her thighs together. "What are you in a mood for Papa bear?", she asked seductively and watched him adjust his seating, he was hard already. "A long hard fuck Valerie. I mean it though, stop with the teasing... please", he said then swallowed hard as if he was imagining it. The thought of him craving her that way made her body come alive.

"Oh my god! Is that Zain? Zoya! you didn't say your hot brother was going to be here", the girls said making Valerie turn on her seat to face whoever the screaming person was. She was a young blonde girl that looked like she was in her early twenties. She was with a group of girls that were being directed to their table by one of the waiters. One of the girls who had the same eyes as Zain turned to their table, her face lit up the moment she saw Zain, and she ran to him. He stood up pulling her into a hug. "Are you stalking me?", he said with a smile. The girl rolled her eyes making Valerie smile. "You wish... Hi! Am Zoya, his favourite sister", she said hugging Valerie which was unexpected but she recovered quickly and hugged Zoya back. "So what's the occasion this time around?", Zain asked looking at her with amusement. Valerie had never seen him so laid back before. With Rayan, he was always quiet and only spoke when Rayan or Yolanda asked him something but with Zoya, he was more interactive. "Nothing special, we were studying then we got tired. Since it's cheat day, we thought burgers and milkshakes will be awesome so here we are", she explained with excitement making Zain chuckle. "Ok then, tell him to put it on my tab ok?", he said making her smile even bigger. "You are the best", she said hugging him one more time then she hugged Valerie and left. "She seems nice", Valerie said the moment Zain sat in his previous spot. "That she is. But am not surprised, she is the only girl and last born. You will be amazed how many things she gets away with", he said making Valerie laugh in understanding. When they were done Zain managed to convince Valerie to sleep at his place. She finally accepted. It was her first time and she did not want to make an excuse... again. She was avoiding that part because she wanted to give herself time. She thought of it as a hasty decision so she always found a way to avoid that conversation or always made sure that she invited Zain to their apartment every time he was free. 

Valerie knew Zain was rich but didn't expect him to live in a mansion kind of rich. The house was beautiful and modern and it made her remain in awe because she kept admiring every single thing they came across. It was a beautiful mansion. When they reached inside, he gave her a tour across the place, she was not surprised that Zain had a gym in his house, what surprised her was the shooting range court that he had in his backyard. "What is this for?", she asked looking at Zain with confusion. "I used to do a lot of this when I was in the army so I like to practice sometimes", he said casually. Valerie's eyes went wide but she could not ask because they had agreed on leaving the past where it belonged. "Will you teach me sometimes?", she asked feeling excitement course through her veins. "Of course angel, anything for you", he said kissing the top of her head as he directed her to their bedroom. It was a pattern of dark blue and white. There was a king-sized bed which was not a surprise because Zain was very tall. Valerie recalled how his feet always fell over her bed when he went for a sleepover. "You can wear one of my shirts tomorrow, I suggest you get naked because I need to put that skirt somewhere else I don't want to tear it into pieces", he said making Valerie laugh. He did have a tendency of being impatient when it came to reaching some places in her body. Her boobs and her pussy to be precise. Despite her constant begging for him not to do so, he always did and rush to make a promise that he would buy a new one. It was a caveman behaviour that always turned her on because every time he did it, she would run her fingers through his tight muscles making him moan. It was a weird language that only the two of them understood.

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