Chapter 45

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Zain's POV

He couldn't sleep. He hated the guy with passion but he knew Valerie cared for him. The last time he allowed him to dance with her at the gala, he saw how Valerie looked at him, the look was full of pity. She worried about him and the reaction he saw when the bodyguard was explaining what happened cemented it. He could help him. He was going to help him. He looked at Valerie who was sound asleep on his chest, thinking of the look she will have on her face when he returned the bastard safe and sound. She would be pissed at him, she might even say no to marrying him. Something that he was planning to do on their anniversary which was in two months. He was seeing more disadvantages to what he was about to do but he had to do it. It was partly for his sanity. He told himself that, Boris looked like someone who was crowded with guilt and he was obviously going to go in without a plan so he needed help, he reminded him of Hank. He slid away from the bed making sure not to wake Valerie. He wrote a note for her, telling her that he was going to help Boris and that she should go to Rayan's place. He walked to Boris's room waking him up. "Let's go", he commended and as if Boris knew what he meant, he woke up and followed him to the basement. He unlocked the safe taking out the guns while Boris loaded them in the bag. "Do you know how to find him?", he asked Boris who took out his phone and showed him the beeping tracker. "Let's go get him", he said directing him to one of his pickup trucks. 

"Does she know you are helping me?", Boris asked after a one-hour silent drive which Zain seemed to enjoy. "No", he answered not looking away from the road. "Why are you doing it? Is it for redemption?", he pressed making him release a breath. He did it a lot after realising it helped him calm down. "For Valerie. She cares about him. I know she won't be happy until she knows that he is safe. And I want her to be happy", he explained to Boris who chuckled in response. "I have seen a lot of women in my time but none of them were powerful enough to turn two of the most stubborn men I know into her puppets. Love, it's a very dangerous thing man. That I can assure you", he said looking out of the window. Zain knew he was speaking from experience. Only people with unclosed wounds would have such a response toward love. He decided to let his opinion fly. He was ready to do anything for Valerie, even if it would cost him his own life. He didn't care. "We are close, we should park here, and go on foot", Zain told Boris waking him from his sleep. "Fine with me", he agreed. "Let's suit up", he told Boris who nod in agreement. They got dressed in bulletproof vests, securing the guns and knives. Zain started feeling the adrenaline kick in, it had been a while since he was in action. The feeling of excitement filled his lungs as they walked slowly approaching the target. He saw a hill on one side of the warehouse, he signalled Boris to proceed without him. The hill was going to give him the vantage point he needed to cover Boris if things went sideways. He positioned his sniper rifle on a stone making sure that he was not visible but could see every part of the warehouse, fixing the scope so that he could see clearly, when he was satisfied he took a deep breath relaxing his body. The warehouse was by the lake meaning it was open to the side that was facing the lake allowing him to see everything and everyone. On a normal occasion, no one would know if the place had any human beings, which was the perfect hideout. He understood why they chose such a location. They would have never found him if Boris hadn't put an undetected tracker under Antonio's index finger. He could see that Boris had already passed the gate, killing two guards swiftly but that was the only quiet victory he could enjoy because a few seconds later the alarms went off and people started shooting at him. It was Zain's time to get into action. He dropped every single person who rushed out of the warehouse allowing Boris to get closer until he was at the door. He gave Zain a thumbs up allowing him to look around. There was no one else except the ones in the warehouse. It was like five people, he waited to see if Boris could handle it. There was a bit of shouting then gunfire then dead silence. He adjusted the scope once again finally seeing Boris opening the door with a bloody Antonio on his shoulders. He stood up from the hill running to where they left the car. He turned it on just in time for Boris to arrive with the unconscious Antonio. 

"How did you learn to shoot like that? The army is good but not that good", Boris said on their way back. Zain remained silent. "You were in secret ops weren't you?", he asked again but Zain remained silent. "Does he have any wounds that need attending to?", Zain asked Boris who kept on turning to the back seat as if not believing they were able to pull it off. "Fuck! I didn't check. But he has a stable beat", he replied sitting properly.  "Good enough. We will check him when we get home", "She is going to be pissed", Boris said with a smile, Zain thought of Valerie's angry face making him smile back. "Yap, she is going to make me wish I returned in a body bag", he said and they all burst out laughing. "Thank you for this. I owe you one. I know he will too", Boris without looking away from the road but Zain knew who he was referring to.

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