Chapter 50

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The lovebirds were up to something, she could feel it. She tried asking Zain but he was useless as always. Coming to think of it, Zain was always that way. The thought made her smile. He was changing for her, that part was clear because even he admitted it to her. He told her that. A lot of people including the tabloids were still in shock, he was wearing smart casual and attending more events. Rayan told her that Zain always had a ton of awards in something every year but, he never showed up until he met her. He was way friendlier and even managed to start a conversation during high-level meetings and that made Rayan happy. She was proud of him. Even Aaliya called Valerie to thank her for the flowers that Zain had been sending her every now and then. Even Yolanda was amazed. Back to the lovebirds, they had been staying with them for a while, something about renovating their house to accommodate the baby. Yolanda was six months in and still looking fabulous. In the beginning, Valerie thought it was the free breakfast but now she was not sure. They were being secretive which was unusual. "Zain, are you sure they are not up to something?", she asked him as they were leaving for work in the morning. "Yes angel", he said kissing the back of her hand as he continued to drive. During the course, the day Zain called her telling her that he had a meeting outside the office so the driver was going to pick her up. She was ok with it because it was nothing unusual. "Who is that bombshell?", she asked Mia when she saw Liam opening a mini boardroom door for an hourglass figure, she kissed Liam on the cheek and then waved goodbye. "That is Tracy, Director of the agriculture wing and Liam's boo", the last part caught her by surprise. "What?", "Yap, they have been playing cat and mouse for a while but I think they are in it now", she said wiggling her brows. "Finally!", Valerie said giving her a high five. "Finally what?", Liam asked out of nowhere, they didn't even see him coming their way. "Finally Tracy", Mia said and Valerie smiled making him blush. Liam the charmer was blushing. "You did good", she teased making his ears turn a deeper shade of pink. "What are you nuggets doing here? go to work", Claire shouted from the staircase making them run to the cafeteria like school kids. "Am happy for you Liam", Valerie said patting him on the shoulder. "Thank you Val", he answered with a smile.

When Valerie reached the house it was quiet so she figured the lovebirds went out. She walked to the door and found a note,

Follow the signs...

She knew it was Zain's handwriting, she smiled. She opened the door only to find rose petals aligned perfectly on the floor. She followed them to their bedroom and found a floral wrap dress and another note.

Please wear this and come to the backyard...

She removed her uniform, putting on the dress as instructed. She walked back to the kitchen and then backdoor. More petals were leading to the garden. She found Zain standing next to a table set for two, candles all around it. He was wearing a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. He looked like a bad boy from a romantic film, a guy everyone warns you about. "Hey angel", "What is this?", she asked with a smile, he smiled back telling her to come closer. She did. She was within arms reach when he went down on one knee, pulling out a velvet box. "Zain...", she could not finish the sentence, she just froze.

"Valerie. Am not good at this as you already know so, am not going to ruin it by recalling what Landa made me memorize", he said making her giggle. "I love you and I want to be with you forever, will you marry me?", he said while opening the box to reveal the most beautiful and from the looks of it expensive ring Valerie had ever seen. It was happening, her dream was coming true. She didn't have to wait for him, he was already asking. Zain cleared his throat returning her to reality. "Yes. Yes, I will marry you Zain", she said happily. He stood up and hugged her like he didn't believe she would say yes. He placed the ring on her finger, kissing it. "Oh my god, it has blue in it", "yeah, I figured you deserve to have your favourite colour in it. A reminder of me", he said a huge grin making her laugh. "You're amazing. I love you Zain", "I love you too. Let's eat", he said pulling a chair back for her. He also sat down. "You can come out now", he shouted and before she could ask who he was talking to Yolanda and Rayan came out from behind the tree. "This is what you guys have been doing all along? She is pregnant you idiots!", "Don't worry, I was just handling the camera and bossing them around. Now smile", she did as told. Yolanda took pictures of them while Rayan served them take-out burgers with milkshakes and extra sprinkles for Yolanda. Zain was looking at her all the time. Not saying a word just observing. When their eyes met she winked at him and mouthed 'i love you' making him smile. She kept looking at the ring. It was a foreign feeling but it felt good, she was finally getting married and she was happy it was with Zain. "So where is the wedding going to be?", Rayan asked. Valerie had no answer so she turned to Zain. "Paris, we are going to get hitched in Paris", he said reaching out for her hand. "Paris it is, woohoo!", Rayan said earning a smack. "Sorry baby, got a little excited", "You're very weird baby. But I love you anyways", Yolanda said pulling him for a kiss, his hand falling automatically falling on her baby bump. They looked cute and Valerie was sure they were going to be great parents to their baby. She turned to Zain who was still looking at her but this time it was a look of hunger and she was sure it was not for the burger and milkshake kind.

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