Chapter 44

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They arrived home just close to eight at night. The whole compound was dark something that made Zain hit the brakes abruptly. "What is it?", she asked looking at him. He was looking around as if waiting for something to happen. "Someone broke in. Stay in the car", he said pulling a gun from under the sit. Her heart was beating fast with fear. "Val. Did you hear what I just said? I need you to answer me", he asked in a more serious tone. "Yes. J-just be careful ok?", she told him as he got out of the car. She locked the doors and waited. A couple of minutes later, the lights were turned on, she saw Zain approaching the car. "Did you see anything?", she asked as he drove past the entrance gate. "Yes and you won't believe it if I tell you who broke in, so might as see for yourself", he said carrying their bags into the house. The first thing she saw when they walked in was blood on the floor. "Zain, is that blood?", she asked and he nod his head. "Whose blood is it?", she was trembling at this point. "Val, don't panic. Do you trust me?", he asked putting her face in his huge hands. "Yes... yes, I trust you", she said swallowing hard. He pulled her to their kitchen where her eyes connected with Boris. His hand was bleeding and his shoulder was in a weird location. "Oh my god, Boris! what happened to you?", she rushed towards him accidentally touching his injured shoulder making him hiss in pain. "Am so sorry. Oh god. We have to call the police", "No we can't Val, you know why we can't do that", Zain said returning from their bedroom with a first aid kit and a bottle of whiskey. "What are you saying? He needs medical help Zain", she complained. He released a breath, putting the things on the kitchen counter. "Val, we can't call the police because nothing about this smells legal. You know what they do for a living, calling the cops will get you involved in this and I can't let that happen. I can fix him", he told her. Getting some sense into her. She nod her head and sat while he helped Boris return his shoulder to his normal location which sounded like a crack making Boris groan, then he removed the bullet. With the way he was screaming, she knew it hurt. Zain was calm and precise. Valerie knew that he must have done it a lot when he was in the army. "Done. Take these. They will help with the pain", Zain said walking to the bin and getting rid of the gloves and bandages he used. "Now that you are comfortable. Why the fuck are you here?", Zain asked turning to his emotionless self with his hands folded on his chest. Boris drank more whiskey no doubt trying to numb the pain. Valerie went to sit next to him, holding his hand. "They got to him, Miss Valerie. I tried to save him but I was not quick enough. They took Antonio", just hearing his name made her blood run cold. "What do they want with him?", she asked aware that her voice was trembling. "They want payback. It's the Russians. The Chief took over their territory. It's a long story but they want it back and we can't break the agreement he made with his late business partner, something about 'the code'. I have to go save him. I came here because I had nowhere else to go. They are everywhere", he said trying to stand up but he fell losing consciousness.  "Shit! Go open the guest room", Zain told her as he lifted Boris from the floor. She wondered how strong he was, everything seemed weightless to Zain. She ran to the closest guest room, opening it in a hurry. She watched Zain put him on the bed, positioning his hand in a way that it won't disturb the wrapped wound. "He lost a lot of blood. He will be ok", he told her as if he could sense how worried she was. She cleaned the blood from the entrance of the house while Zain cleaned the kitchen. The idea of Antonio being kidnaped brought back the memories of the time Luca kidnaped her. She was deep in thought not aware that the spot she was cleaning was already spotless, she felt Zain's hands take the brush from her. "I know you are worried about him but he looks tough enough to survive this so don't worry ok?", he said whipping the tears she did not know she had. "I told him to walk away from this, I warned him that one day this will happen but he was always so stubborn, now look where it got him", she told Zain, he looked emotionless. She felt guilty for saying such things to Zain. It is wrong to talk about an ex or even care for him while with another man. "Am sorry, I can't help but wish I could help him. I know you don't like him", she said turning away from Zain who didn't let her. "I might not like him but you do and I don't blame you for it. You had a connection to him and anyone who in their right mind would feel somewhat responsible in a situation like this", he said pulling her in for a hug. She felt his hands hold her tighter as if she would disappear making her do the same. She went to take a shower ready for bed. Zain joined right after. She waited for him until he was done. She slept in her favourite spot the moment he got between the sheets, his chest. Listening to his heartbeat had become the best lullaby for her. It made her feel more connected to him that way. His fingers kept drawing patterns that only made sense to him. She didn't care as long as she got to sleep by his side. "Sleep Val, we will figure it out in the morning", he said, right on queue, her eyes became heavy, exhaustion finally taking over.

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