Chapter 3

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Iris was sleeping in her cell when she was woken up by a kick to her stomach, she jolted awake only to see the same lady who attacked her the first time she arrived at the prison, she was yet to know her name. The lady kept on hitting her over and over again. Iris started seeing black spots in her vision and at that moment she thanked the heavens that her time to escape from the torture had finally arrived. She gave in to the darkness.

"Why the fuck did you tell Agent Vega?", "I thought I was helping, she promised not to be brutal", "And you believed her? Fuck!". Iris could hear two voices shouting at each other but that was all she could do, she could only listen, she was not happy to return to the land of the living especially since it only meant more torture. She blamed Antonio and cursed the moment she met him. "What the hell happened to her? Who did this?", someone shouted. "It was Agent Vega Sir", "Who allowed her in the cells?", "I did Sir and I take full responsibility for what happened Sir". The man took a deep breath, "And may I know why you did it?", "We have tried everything Sir, even lie detectors and they still came out negative, I had to try". "Did you get anything then? From this mess?", "No Sir, she still insists that she knew he was in the mafia but he promised that he was done with them. She doesn't know anything about Agent Evans, she claims to have only been an assistant". "And her records?", "Everything checks out except for the murder weapon Sir", the man said. "What do you mean?", "Sir, I think she was framed". "Bring her files to my office and as for you, if I see you or Vega an inch close to her, I will kill you myself", "Y-y-yes Sir". The lady was scared, it made Iris even more scared, she wondered who the man was.

The bandages were taken off a week later. She started doing physical therapy and in the evening she was returned to the cell. Yes, it had a view this time and that's how she was able to tell. It was different, it even had a toilet.

One night she tried to stand up on her own to reach the toilet seat but fell to the ground, the pain was indescribable. She screamed. When a nurse was called, Iris waited until they were alone, it was the same nurse from her therapy. "Miss Lina, please help me end it, I need to end the pain", Iris told the nurse who met her eyes with sadness. "I can't my dear, the meds will start working soon ok?", she replied not understanding what Iris was asking of her. She kept eye contact, and the nurse's eyes went wide in realisation. Iris saw the pain in her eyes, "Please all I did was follow my heart and fell in love. I just want the torture to end. I have been through hell all my life and I thought falling in love would make it better. I just want to be with my parents, I don't deserve this", Iris expressed her hurt making the nurse hug her, she sobbed on her shoulder until the guards returned to collect her. The nurse held her hand slipping an operation knife into her hand without the guards seeing her. "Thank you", Iris told the nurse who only nod in return leaving in a hurry.

The lights were out, finally giving Iris the opportunity she was waiting for. She made a prayer and sliced her wrists, she sat on the floor with her eyes closed smiling at a memory of a feeling she used to get when she watched the picture of her parents every morning before leaving for work. She felt energy leaving her body, she relaxed even more. She gave in to the darkness for the second time only this time she was sure that it would work because even the guards didn't walk through the cells until after four hours.

Heaven was not what Iris expected, it was noisy. It had machines beeping and people talking. Then her nurse was there too when she opened her eyes. "Your dead too?", she asked the nurse in shock. "No sweetie the Chief found you in the cell and brought you here, you have been in a coma for four months", the nurse had a smile on her face which disappeared immediately after seeing tears leaving Iris's eyes. "Why can't I just die? Is that too much to ask?", Iris shouted causing the nurse to step back, she started removing the wires and tubes from her body when the door burst open. In walked a man she had never seen before along with the woman who has brought her hell twice now. She lunged for her with her weak legs knowing that provoking her would full fill her purpose, instead of fighting back, the woman stood still until the man she entered with came between them pulling Iris away. "Kill me! I killed your husband, I deserve to die! come on kill me!", Iris shouted not getting a response from her. She looked hurt and guilty, making Iris reduce her struggles. When the man released her from his hold Iris fell to her knees and sobbed with her hands covering her face.

"My name is Agent Hank Stonebrige, I apologise for how things were handled with your case and I assure you that everyone responsible has been dealt with accordingly. What's your name?", the man asked. They had relocated her to one of the so-called safe houses where she was living under the watchful eye of the so-called Section 30. They were a task force that was specifically created to hunt down drug lords and illegal arms distributors basically ending mafia regimes. Agent Stonebrige was the man leading it. He was nice to Iris since the first time they met. This was the first time that they were actually having a conversation in Iris's safe house.

"My name is Iris King, but you already knew that", she said focusing on the backyard that was covered with a mini garden. "Nice to meet you Iris, do you know who we are?", he asked her calmly. "Yes, you are part of the government that doesn't exist. Now that I know who you are how much time do I have until you officially kill me?", she asked feeling tired. "Who said that I was going to kill you?", he asked with a knowing look.

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