Chaper 20

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Valerie decided to wake up early the next day so that she could make breakfast for Zain. She slipped out of bed without waking him, took a shower and wore one of his huge t-shirts. It ended up being like a top dress kind of shirt but it served the purpose. She walked into to the kitchen feeling goosebumps all over her because it was every Chef's dream kitchen. Fully stocked mini pantry with state-of-the-art utensils that kinda seemed unused, which made Valerie even more excited. She took out all the ingredients that she needed for waffles and chicken. Zain loved to eat but he had a sweet tooth like Rayan so she was going to go with that. When she was done cooking, she found a tray and placed their breakfast on it. She walked back to the bedroom slowly, he was still sleeping so she placed the tray on the bedside table and started to shake him slowly hoping he would wake up. "Papa bear, wake up, I brought breakfast", she said while shaking him only getting a groan in return but he refused to wake up. "Zain if you don't wake up right this instant there will be no sex for you for a month", she said holding a laugh. Her act was impossible to control with the way Zain woke up abruptly almost pushing her out of the bed. She was laughing like a crazy woman at this point, holding onto her stomach. Zain looked at her with an annoying face that made him look so cute that Valerie could not control herself, she pulled him in for a kiss. When she was satisfied, she wanted to pull away but he held her in place making her deepen the kiss. She felt his hands under the t-shirt she knew that if she allowed things to escalate they were going to be late for work so she pulled back and release a breath. "I could get used to this", he said with his sleepy voice that made Valerie even more smitten. "I made breakfast", she said watching his face light up. She stood up from his thighs and placed a tray where she was sitting before, giving him a view of what she made. He licked his lips with hunger waiting for her to give him a green light to eat which she did because he looked like he was going to pass out if he didn't eat. "This is amazing Val, thank you", he said while stuffing his face with waffles that had a ridiculous amount of maple syrup. "Your welcome Papa bear. Can you slow down though, you might end up choking", Valerie scold him making him smile with a mouthful. The view was equal parts funny and disgusting.

"Here, this will fit", Zain said giving her one of his shirts to wear. It was still big but bearable so she folded the hands to make it fashionable and wore her skirt from the day before. When she turned to ask Zain how she looked, she found him checking her out. "You like what you see big guy?", she asked running her fingers along her curves. "Hell yes!", he said and smashed his lips on hers making her moan as she kissed him back. "Young man you better be up already or I am g-", someone said while opening the door with so much force making them pull apart turning to where the voice was coming from, a woman between her late forties and early fifties was standing in the bedroom door with a shocked face. "Pauline. Good morning. This is my girlfriend Valerie, she works in the cafeteria. Valerie meets Pauline, my assistant", Zain said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. "Oh my! I thought you don't date, I apologise, I should have knocked", she said shyly making Valerie smile. "It's ok Pauline, nice to meet you", Valerie said offering her hand but she was pulled into a hug instead making her laugh.

"Can you drop me at the front please?", Valerie asked like always. She didn't like being given special treatment which despite saying that he wouldn't, he always did. She knew that when she screwed up stuff at work Claire did not penalise her like other workers because of her relationship with Zain. Claire and Zain were close so it's obvious that she was favouring her friend's girlfriend and it annoyed her. Zain looked at Valerie with furrowed brows as if saying he did not want to. He always used his private parking and elevator to get to work. Only Pauline knew when he was in. Rayan also had the same privileges but he preferred using Yolanda as his ride dropping her at the main entrance every time and that was what Valerie was used to. Despite Zain looking like he was conflicted he stopped the car at the main entrance. Valerie kissed his forehead and wished him a good day, to which she did not get a reply but she didn't care. She walked out of the car just in time to bump into Rayan. "Oh, I see. We are irrelevant now", he joked making her laugh. "Good morning Rayan, I thought you will need some alone know for pre-birthday honeymoon", Valerie said wiggling her brows making Rayan burst out laughing. "Thank you for reminding me, we are taking her to the city of love this weekend", he said with excitement. "What do you mean we?", Valerie asked looking confused. "I mean you, me and Zain", he said casually running for the elevators. It was hard to make sense of what he just said so she made a mental note to ask him about it after work.

"I have never been happy to see anyone in my life!", Valerie said the moment she saw that Liam was back making the whole kitchen laugh. She pulled him in a hug that made his body stiff for a second then he hugged her back. "If I knew going on leave would get me a hug, I would have gone ages ago", he joked making Valerie giggle. "Welcome back Liam and never leave me in charge again", she said smiling at him. She could have sworn that she saw his eyes filled with lust but he blinked returning them to a normal state. "Well my dear, unfortunately for you that can't happen because you are my wingman", he told her with a wink making her smile. He always did know how to make their work environment fun.

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