Chapter 36

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Antonio's POV

If looks could kill Antonio knew that he would have been six feet under. He never thought that one day he would see the woman and that he was ready to do anything to look at her with so much anger and hatred. It was both terrifying and heartbreaking. If it was Adira, then she would have thrown something at him because she was a violent person but Iris, his Iris was still the same. She just stood there and started counting backward as if trying to regain control. It made him wonder, was she having a panic attack? Maybe she thought she was seeing a ghost. He had been following her the whole day hoping to get time to talk to her and when she went to the toilets he followed making sure that Boris kept an eye on the couple that she was with. He didn't expect a happy moment but he didn't expect her to react the way she did. He was hoping that they would argue because at least he would be sure that she released her frustration but she just chose to remain bottled up. Boris told him via his earpiece that her boyfriend just arrived and was in the parking lot so he had to leave. He sat in one of the VIP rooms that gave him a clear view of her booth. He looked from a distance and even though he apologised, he didn't feel better, he felt even more burdened. Even though things had turned out well for her the images he saw in the medical file kept playing in his head over and over again. He watched until he saw Zain and Iris leaving. He wanted to follow them but stopped himself.

"Mr. Greco, you have a visitor", his PA told him. He checked his calendar but there was nothing so he figured it was one of those people who thought they could just walk into his office and demand he take their projects. It seemed like typical behaviour for most businessmen in the city. "Let him in", he said without looking up. "Nice office", he knew the voice. His jaw clenched. "Zain, welcome", he said calmly. There was only one reason why Zain would be in his office that early in the morning. He knew. "Thank you. When you said your office is a few blocks, I didn't think you meant literally but I see you were serious", he said still looking around. Antonio knew that he had a beautiful view but that was not news to the son of the oldest family in town. He was a tourist compared to the Burhans. "I was. I hate to be rude Zain but what do you want?", he said feeling fade up with formalities. That got Zain's attention. He turned and sat in one of the chairs that were in front of his desk. "Am here about Valerie", "You mean Iris", he felt the need to correct him. "No, I mean Valerie. We both know you killed Iris the moment you left her to rot, which am thankful for because I wouldn't have her if you didn't", he paused making Antonio process the words, he needed to hear it, he needed someone to call him out on it because Boris was never going to do it. 

"Look, I don't care why you did it but I care about why are you reaching out to her now", he said sounding annoyed. "Why? Are you worried that she will come back to me?", he could not resist the urge to annoy Zain, he was in his territory after all meaning something must have made him lose his mind. He chuckled, and it was not the less confident kind that made him uncomfortable. "Antonio, you were living with her once, of course, she has a connection with you. Am willing to bet she forgave you ages ago. If you choose to call it love, that is up to you but to me, you're just a connection of what was once a happy life so NO, am not worried because unlike you when she says she 'loves' someone, she never goes back on her word. I know that you are in the Mafia", he said standing up which made Antonio stand up too. It was his instinct to defend himself. "Relax, it's none of my business and I would like for it to stay that way. Stay away from my business. All of it. If you know what I mean", he said fixing his cufflinks before walking out of his office but not until he bumped into Boris who was entering. 

"Boss, why was he here?", Boris asked just when Zain entered the elevator. "He knows, about Iris and the business", "You want him taken care of?", "No, as much as I hate the bastard he is Iris's boyfriend. What I want though, is to know who the fuck he is because rich boys don't have the guts he does", He told Boris while sipping some whiskey. "Sure thing. You have a meeting with the chief in ten minutes". "Thank you, Boris, you can go", he replied logging on to his computer. He knew what his father was going to say and he was not looking forward to it. "Son. Should I be concerned with the need for you to be in that town considering the distraction that is there?", yes his father never liked beating around the bush. "Do you see any decline in the bank accounts?", he asked sarcastically. "No, and I will believe you if you tell me with your own words that she is not the reason why you insisted on handling this expansion yourself while we both know Boris is more than capable of doing so", he pressed making Antonio loose his cool. "She is not a distraction", he answered shortly. His father was suddenly quiet, he was thinking about something. "Am bringing Adira. Just to be sure", "No fucking way!", he said angrily. "Why not?", "I don't want her here. Am fine on my own", "She is your wife", "No she is not and if she comes I swear to god I will make her disappear... I don't care what promise you made to her fucking dead father. You know I can", he spat. "Fine! just make sure you keep your head in the game", "When have I stopped? just stay out of my business ok?", he ended the call not waiting for his answer. His phone rang taking him out of trans, it was Boris. "What?", "I got his intel're not gonna like it. Am on my way to you", he said then hung up.

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