Chapter 21

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Zain's POV

Zain entered his office clearly not in the mood. Being with Valerie was by far the best thing to ever happen to him but her constant reluctance to accept the privileges that came along with dating him was starting to get on his nerves. It was like she wanted him to pretend not to be rich. It was annoying him. "Good morning Zain", Pauline greeted him with her usual energy that disappeared the moment their eyes met. She held her waist as if asking him 'what now?'. He ignored her and went straight to the office.

"Hello, Son. Pauline said you are having a bad day. What's up?", his father asked the moment he entered his office. The relationship between Zain and his father was a straightforward one. They talked about everything and Zain highly depended on his father when it came to ultimatums or dilemmas. "It's Valerie. She hates it when I treat her like a Queen or give her special treatment and it's driving me crazy", he said with so much anger and instead of his father sympathising with him he chuckled. Zain looked at his father with confusion. "Son, weren't you the one wanting a woman that would be with you for you and not your money?", he asked with a smile. "It was dad, we have already established that that is not why she is with me. I need to be the boyfriend now, I want to take care of her. I see Rayan shower Yolanda with expensive jewellery all the time and she would be so happy but with Valerie, if you want to get the same expression take her to Joe's and order her a burger and she would be the happiest woman you have ever seen. Am not like that anymore. I have events and galas and meetings at five-star restaurants that I would like her to accompany me but I can't ask her that. First, am sure she will push to being herself which is dressing casually and second she will say that flashlights and bodyguards are not her things. I don't know what to do about it. Am happy with our relationship but I have the other side of my life that I want to share with her too you know?", he said and when he did not get any reply, he looked at his father to find him in shock. Yes, he was in shock with himself too. He never opened up that much before but then again he never had to explain himself to the women he was with in the past, they always allowed him to lead the way as long as the money was involved. "Dad, snap out of it. I just had a moment. Are you going to help me or not?", he said nervously. "Waoh! I guess your mother was right, this Valerie does seem to be the one", he said standing up and pouring himself some whiskey. He took a sip and returned to the chair that was facing Zain. "Mum talks about her?", he asked in surprise. "Yes, she does. I told her that I met Valerie at the anniversary party and she wouldn't shut up about it ever since", he said sipping his whiskey. Zain was officially curious to know what his father thought of her. "So what do you think?", he asked making his father smile. "She seems like an amazing woman, strong and independent too. Perfect for your bossy attitude", his father said and smirked making Zain roll his eyes. "Look son, if I were you I would take her someplace, it can be a vacation or whatever just a place where you two will be alone, then I would tell her what you just told me. She needs to know how you feel and what you want. She needs to understand your point of view. You said it yourself, she has been through a lot, she might be scared of going public because she doesn't know what the future holds. Ok?", he asked looking at Zain who was deep in thought. His father was right. He needed to talk to her. "Thank you, dad, I will do just that. So tell me what brings you here this early?", he closed his laptop to give his father full attention. "There is a business meeting in Paris on Saturday afternoon that I need you to attend. It's an old friend of mine from college, they need some sort of consultation on how to enter our market. They are in the real estate business and recently entered into hospitality as well. Are you up for it?", his father asked knowing very well that he can never say no to him. "Sure thing. But you said the guy was an old friend though so why not meet him yourself...for bonding?", he asked and his father smiled. Zain knew his father was avoiding something. "Well for starters Valentino always liked shortcuts and with the way he was suddenly in the top five billionaires list internationally, you gotta agree with me that I smell shady business around him. He did propose a partnership once and I refused because I don't trust him but consultation... I think you can handle that, considering am retired and all", he said calmly finishing his whiskey. "Ok Mr. Retired I will get on it, send me the details", he told his father as he watched him walk out of the office.

His father sent the details of the person he was going to meet and he had Pauline schedule a meeting. "Hey bro!", Rayan said walking into his office with too much excitement which only meant one thing, he was about to do something crazy for Yolanda.. again. "Hey Rayan, what did you buy her this time? A yacht?", he said opening his laptop ready to start the day. "No. Not yet but we are going to the city of love this weekend to celebrate her birthday and you are coming with her", he said dropping himself on one of the sofas. "Why would I do that?", he asked sarcastically. "Well, because Valerie already agreed to it", he said with pride. "Fine! I have a meeting there on Saturday anyways so I guess we could leave on Friday evening. I will have breakfast with you guys then go to my meeting and join you afterwards, will that work?", he asked his creepy clown-like smiling brother who nod his head so fast that Zain thought it was going to fall out.

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