Chapter 2

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It had been six months since the Colombo incident. Iris had already adjusted and now she was living with Antonio in his mansion. They were good for each other and she was so happy.

She was busy preparing dinner when Antonio opened the door in a hurry walking past her as if he didn't even see her, she tried to follow him when one of the bodyguards stopped her. "Boris, what are you doing? I need to see if he is ok, let me through", "Sorry Iris, we are in a rush, you going in there will slow him down, Valentino's orders", he said not meeting her eyes. She took a deep breath and sat on the kitchen chair waiting for him to come out of the room.

An hour later he emerged from their bedroom wearing all black with a duffle bag in his hand. "What's going on Antonio? Talk to me please, you're scaring me", she said making him stop in his tracks, he almost left without even looking at her. He gave Boris his bag and told him to start the car. Iris was so confused that she didn't understand or know what to do. He walked up to her, and hugged her tight, it felt like a goodbye, "I wish things could be different Iris. I love you", he kissed her forehead and left without a word, she tried following but was stopped by more guards that she had never seen before. She was about to react when she heard police sirens and six black cars entering the compound in a rush.

"Where is Antonio?", an intimidating woman with a black suit asked them. They were assembled in front of the house and told to kneel with their hands behind their heads. Iris was still in shock, she tried to form words but nothing came out. Then reality kicked in, she put two and two together, Antonio left her, and he left her behind to be arrested. "We found the murder weapon in the bedroom", the other guy said from inside the house. "Whose house is this? Take them to HQ for interrogation, we must get to the bottom of this murder". She said shocking Iris in the process. Antonio killed someone, he had promised her that he was not in the family business and that his father was the one involved in the mafia. He promised that he was not part of it. He lied, the thought made her cry even harder.

They were blindfolded and taken to an unknown place. She was placed in a room that only had a stainless steel table in the middle with two chairs, she was cuffed to it and told to wait.

The door was open and the same woman walked in again with a file. She sat in front of Iris opening the file and spreading the photos that were in it. It was dead bodies, two children, a woman and a man but not just any man, he was a police officer, he was different not the usual blue and black, what gave it away was the badge that his hand was holding. Iris watched in horror, her Antonio did it, he killed people. She tried to speak but she couldn't.

"Now that you have seen the fruit of your labour, how about you tell me where your mafia prince charming is, it's obvious that you were just taking orders". She said looking at Iris. "W-w-what?", she asked with a trembling voice. The door burst open and another woman walked in, she started hitting Iris while repeating, "You killed him" over and over again, she was chained to the table so her only option was to lay on it leaving other parts of her body vulnerable until a group of men entered and pulled her off of Iris's bleeding body. Iris struggled to get up to see properly, "Fuck the law, she deserves to die for killing my husband", The angry woman shouted at the man. "I didn't kill anyone, I swear", Iris said between the pain and sobs. They turned toward her, and one of the men who seemed older walked a couple of steps forward making her flinch. "If that is so, why is your DNA on the murder weapon?", "What are you talking about? What murder weapon?", Iris asked but only earned a slap on the face. "All the guards have identified you, we even have pictures of you and the mafia king enjoying lunch at fancy restaurants and you dare lie to my face?", he spat at the shocked Iris.

She was taken to a weird-looking cell and was told that she would never see the light of day until she told the truth. She cried every day that passed. The place was like an underground room so there was not even a single light from outside. She lost track of time. She had to pee and do all her business in the same bucket. The only way she was able to tell that it was a new day was when she was taken to the torture room.

"Let's see how good of a liar you are", the woman said hooking her up to a lie detector machine. She asked her a bunch of questions and the machine showed she was telling the truth, she didn't understand anything that they were saying. Iris only made sure that she answered truthfully to every question they asked her. The interrogating officers removed the machine from her and stood at a distance, Iris could hear them but they thought they were being discrete. "She is good", the lady officer said, "Nobody is that good even if she was trained from a young age. We are missing something", the male officer said looking deep in thought. "I don't think humane methods can help us break her", the lady officer said. "So what are you suggesting then?", "Let's call Agent Vega, she can make her talk", the lady officer suggested. "What? Hell no! She is not in her right mind, she might kill her", the man said making tears start to fall from Iris's eyes. "How many have we watched die down here? Once they are brought here the only thing that matters is getting results", the lady said making Iris give up on ever getting a chance at having a fair trial. "Am not ok with this, she doesn't look like someone who knows anything and my gut is always right", "Suit yourself, Chief wants results by morning", the lady officer said then punched her fingerprint on the door. "Take her back to the cell, we are done for the day", she told the guard.

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