Chapter 4

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"Agent Stonebrige, your people have issues keeping things to themselves", she said still not looking at him. "Iris, you are a victim, like thousands that are being fooled every day by the Greco family, they hide under the fact that they are businessmen with endless connections might I add while we both know they are nothing but... Am sorry that I was not there to protect you from my team but you have to understand, they killed a family, a mother and two kids just because she refused to give the information they wanted. They also killed a member of my team. And you were in the middle of all of it. Emotions are bound to get mixed into the equation. I really do apologise", he said sincerely making her release a breath. "I just want to start over, can you help me with that Agent Stonebrige?", she asked turning to face him. "Yes I can, and that's why am here. If you sign this confession, I will help you disappear", he said pushing an envelope to her side of the table.

It was a written confession confirming that Antonio and his father were in the mafia regime along with her giving consent to testify should Section 30 catch them. "Agent Stonebrige, I can't sign this, I can't see him again, am sorry. I just want to forget this ever happened. Please, you owe me that much", Agent Stonebrige looked at her tearful eyes and nod his head. "One of my men will come to you, he will give you a new passport and some money. This is my card if you change your mind at any time, that is my personal number, you will be able to reach me. Take care of yourself, Iris". He said standing up and leaving her to her thoughts.

She was scared that he might have lied but she remembered ever since she came across Agent Stonebrige he has never gone back on his word.

It was a new day and she was woken up by a knock on her bedroom door. Guards usually make sure they don't run into her but today they were on her doorstep. She had forgotten about the passport until she opened the door to meet the woman who beat her before. She looked calm. She handed Iris the bag and her new passport, "Thank you...", "Agent Vega, that's my name", she finished actually talking to her for the first time. "Thank you, Agent Vega. This means a lot to me and for what it's worth. I wish I was able to help you but I have to move on. I have to forget this place. It only holds pain and suffering. I hope you can understand that", Iris told her with a sad smile. "Am sorry for what I did. I was just so angry that I lost sight of why I do what I do", she said her eyes watering. "Agent Vega, I don't hold anything against you, if I was in your shoes I would have done the same", Iris assured her. Agent Vega left right after. Iris felt lighter, she needed to let everything out. She opened her passport and found her new identity to be Valerie Armstrong.

"Are you ready", Agent Stonebrige asked her when he took her to the airport, asking her not to tell him where she was going. The man had given her enough money to last without a job for a while, he helped her more than anyone had ever done her whole life. Iris or should we say Valerie was so grateful and was officially ready to start a new life. "Yes, thank you so much, I don't know how I will ever repay you but please know that I appreciate your help and I hope that one day I will be able to return the favour", she told him with eyes full of tears only to find herself pulled into a hug.

She went ahead to buy a ticket and boarded a plane ready to go and start a new life in a new country.

The flight was long so she used it to browse along different employment ads and finally found one that suit her. Dishwashing, they needed one in a hotel named 'Shukraan', it was a five-star hotel which meant it had a lot of people. Perfect for hiding in plain sight. She sent an application and then continued to browse for accommodations. She found another ad for a lady needing a roommate, she also reached out to her via email letting her know she was interested. When that was done she was now ready to relax and wait for the feedback.

She arrived late at night and checked in a motel, she was going to wait for her applications to be replied to. After taking a shower she checked her phone for any replies but there were none so she went straight to bed, she was tired and food did not look like a priority on her table.

Valerie's phone rang, she struggled to wake up trying to reach for it. When she did it was an unknown number. "Hi there, am I speaking to Valerie?", a high pitch voice asked making her smile. "Yes it is", she replied still feeling sleepy. "Great so when do you want to come and check the apartment out before becoming my official roommate?", she said making her sit on the bed to see the time, it was twelve-thirty, she was surprised to have slept that long but settled with the reason being she was tired from the trip. "I can be there in an hour if that is ok with you", she said hoping it didn't make her sound desperate. "Of course it's ok, I'll be waiting" she replied cheerfully. "Thank you, please send me the location".

Yolanda was a ball full of energy and she clicked with Valerie instantly. She showed her around the apartment, which was beautiful and modern, her boyfriend bought it for her as an anniversary gift but it was too big so she thought she could find a roommate. "Thank you for the tour, I like the space", Valerie answered making Yolanda jump for joy. After signing a contract with her in front of her boyfriend Rayan who was there to make sure all went well, she was ready to move in. Rayan was good looking and they were a match made in love heaven. He was a mixture of Arab and British so yeah an accent was a must. He was nice and so was Yolanda. Valerie thought one task was completed the other was to follow.

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