Chapter 23

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Zain POV

"What the fuck is wrong with you?", Rayan spat at him. He was a bit shocked. Rayan had never raised his voice at him before, no matter how mad he made him. But looking at him now he was so angry, he was trembling. "You didn't have to come if you didn't want to. Why do you have to be such an asshole!", He was still not able to reply, he was still processing Rayan's outburst. "Baby calm down, you don't have to make a scene. Let's take a walk", Yolanda said pulling him away. Zain looked around and saw that people were looking at him. He turned his attention back to his breakfast. Everyone needed a breather and so did he. 

"Mr. Greco, it's a pleasure meeting you", he said joining the table to see a well-built man with a mini version of him. They did look like ordinary men with a lot to hide. "Call me Valentino and this is my son Antonio. Please have a seat", he said with a huge smile which he returned. "Apologies. The old man could not make it", he said adjusting himself on his seat. "Oh! Do not worry, I know he has been having health issues so I was ok with meeting his prodigy. I have also retired anyways so this was more of to introduce him to my son", he said gesturing to Antonio. Zain nod his head at Antonio who smiled back. "So tell me, how can I be of service?", he said sipping the whiskey that was brought by the waiter. "Well for starters since this is a new generation, what do you think about getting into a partnership with us?", Antonio said. Zain remembered what his father had told him earlier about them. "Can I call you Antonio?", he asked and Antonio nod his head. "Great. Burhan and Sons was built on a more creative kind of projects so hospitality is not really our thing. Am happy to help you with the insights though, I assumed that was what the meeting was about?", he posed a question that seemed to annoy Antonio by the way his jaw clenched. "Sure", he said shortly relaxing on the chair. They asked some questions about things that they could have googled making Zain understand that the only reason they wanted to see his father was because of the partnership. They needed the support of the Burhan family to get access to privileges that they did not have, government privileges that they had no idea did not come from the Burhan family being a clean slit business but the fact that he was in the special forces. "Will that be all?", he said hoping that they will say yes so that he could leave and fix his real problem. "Zain? The world is so small", a voice that he had hoped not to hear forever said making him stand and turn. Adira, his one-night stand from Vegas. Yes, he remembered all the women he fucked. Including the ones with daddy issues. "Hello Adira, looking beautiful as always", he said pulling her in a hug that she held on longer earning a question from Antonio. "Wife. You two know each other?", he asked, he was annoyed and so was Adira. "Yes, we're old friends, aren't we Zain", she said biting her lip. Zain smirked knowing that she still fantasised on the night he rocked her world making her cry like the horny woman that she was. He gave her a once check from head to toe and replied, "Yes we are". "Since we are all familiar with each other, how about we give you the taste of our hospitality world?", Valentino said and when he was about to say no Adira looked at him with puppy eyes while Antonio seemed angry making him smile. He could not resist the urge to piss Antonio off so he agreed.

"Are you married Zain?", Antonio asked as they were looking at women who were busy stripping on the poles. "No", he said shortly. "Having a side piece then?", he pressed. "Yes, I do have a woman that I have claimed. I see you have a wife, how is life as a married man", Zain asked and watched as Adira flirted with every man that gave her attention. "Eventful...", he said with a look of guilt passing on his face. "You had one that got away didn't you?", It was Zain's turn to press him. "You could say that", he said looking deep in thought. "Well I hope you get her back", he said finishing his drink then said goodbye to him. When he walked out of the club, he saw a car that looked like a surveillance type. It was black and had secret service numbers on it. He walked towards it and knocked on the window. It was Hank and another woman. They looked tired. "What do we have here?", he said with a smile. "Do I even need to know how you spot us?", he asked with a smirk. "Noup, but you two look like you need some food, let's go, my treat. Lose the suits", he said and showed them the car to follow behind. He was thankful that Valerie was not there when he showed up with his friend and the accomplice with him where to change and ordered food for them. "What were you doing there anyways?", Zain asked his friend who was busy stuffing his face with food. The lady that was with him looked at Hank as if asking if they could trust him. Zain smiled because that was how they used to signal each other when they were working together. When Hank nod his head she relaxed. "Waoh! am that replaceable huh?", he teased earning a huff from Hank. "Shut up. We are after the Greco family. They have been in the drugs business for decades but we can't nail them to the wall. Deep pockets and stuff", he said throwing the tissue in a bin. "This is Emily. The fuckers took out her husband when he interfered with an interrogation", he explained. "Am sorry to hear that", he told Emily who just nodded her head and started packing her stuff. "Why were you there?", he asked his friend. "They want us to partner with them but Dad's been shutting them down for ages. I just did as well. I will try my best to get out of your way", he said walking Hank out the door. "Or you could come back in, we have something new now", Hank said with a smile. "No can do, being too high up for you, plus you can't afford me. Sir!", he said with a wink.

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