Chapter 22

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Valerie was troubled. She kept on trying to understand why Zain was avoiding her. She hadn't seen him for the rest of the week. She hoped that it was because he was busy with work but then again, he never seized an opportunity to pick up her calls or answer her texts or better yet not show up for breakfast when something sweet was involved. Rayan told her that he did not see his brother either but he assured Valerie that they were going to Paris together and that gave her peace of mind. At least he said yes to travelling with them. "We are ready girlfriend!" Yolanda said with so much excitement as usual but when she saw her friend deep in thought she knew something was bothering her. "Hey what's wrong?", she asked sitting next to her. Valerie hadn't noticed her until then, she could not ruin her excitement with her hunches so she faked a smile. "Nothing, am just nervous I guess. I have never gone on a vacation with a man before so I don't know what to expect", she said hoping that it would be enough to make her back off. It did. "Hey Zain is crazy about you so am sure he won't mind if you do something wrong, besides the shopping we did, he is going to go bananas", she said making them both laugh. Yes, Yolanda made her go lingerie shopping, they bought all kinds of stuff some more meaningless than others but she didn't care, she said Rayan told her to buy whatever she wanted. They left for the airport, they had a private jet obviously so no boarding hustle. The lovebirds were busy making out while she just concentrated on her phone, it used to bother her seeing them so open with their affection but she got used to it. The jet was so beautiful and it had the Burhan and Sons logo on it. As they were boarding Valerie tripped on the stairs, before she could fall, she was caught by one of the pilots who had a killer smile. "Watch your step beautiful", he said with a wink making her smile back. "Th-", "Reed, I don't pay you to flirt with my girlfriend", Zain spat making the poor guy retrieve his hands from Valerie who was pulled in before she could react to what just happened. "Calm down bro, he was just helping her", Rayan told his brother obviously confused as Valerie was. "Mind your own business", he said passing where Rayan and Yolanda were sitting. Valerie's eyes met Yolanda's who gave a flat smile. Zain placed her next to him, not even bothering with a 'hello'. He opened his laptop and started working leaving Valerie feeling lonely. It was a five-hour flight so she decided to pretend nothing happened, she took out her earbuds and listened to her favourite playlist.

"We are in Paris!", Yolanda screamed waking Valerie up. When she looked to her side, the seat was empty. She saw Zain walking out of the washroom. He still looked tense. Even the flight attendants were avoiding his gaze. She stood up just in time for Yolanda to take a selfie. Yolanda was ignoring Zain the same way Rayan was. They were taken to the hotel and the rooms were magical. It was already late so Yolanda suggested they order in and meet up the next morning. Considering how sleepy Valerie felt, she agreed. She found Zain glued to his laptop on the sofa that was in the room, she did not say anything, she just ordered food through room service, went to the bathroom and took a shower. He was still working when she got out. She ate alone and then went to bed. He was ignoring her. It hurt her but she reminded herself that she had to be there for Yolanda's birthday which was the next day. 

The sunrise was amazing from their room, she took a picture and decided to wear a wrap skirt that had a huge slit with a matching crop top. She let her curls run wild and put on red lipstick leaving the room before Zain was up. She woke up with him sleeping on his side of the bed, she had no idea when he got to bed and she didn't care. She was going to enjoy Paris. 

The hotel they were staying at had a lot of amnities but the one that stood out more was the pool. Although it was too early she found people already surrounding it, some having breakfast with their loved ones and others swimming. She walked around the hotel making sure to pass by the pool. She had no idea how beautiful she looked until she saw how men looked at her with lust. She just smiled, it felt good to be a sexy plus-sized woman. She found a less crowded spot and sat, enjoying the view. She looked at her wristwatch, it was ten, the time they were supposed to meet for breakfast so she started walking back to the hotel restaurant area. 

"Good morning lovebirds", she said cheerfully ignoring Zain who was checking her out without shame until Yolanda elbowed him. "Morning", he said taking his attention back to his phone. "Yes. I'll be there in an hour, we don't want to keep them waiting", he said to the person on the other side of the call. "You're leaving?", she asked making Zain turn to look at her. She felt disappointed because she thought he wanted to spend time with them and celebrate with them. She wanted to be a bigger person and approach him first but changed her mind the moment she saw the guilt in his eyes. "I have a meeting at noon with a client, I will be back right after that... It won't be long", he said nervously as if trying to defend himself. Valerie nod her head and tried to fight the tears, she knew that he was a hard-working man and she admired that about him but he was changing. And he was not changing for the better, she thought that he was being consumed by work but then changed her mind, Zain was no longer interested in her. Liam did say that he was a playboy and that he had a history of getting any woman he wanted. She knew there was nothing special about her so why would he change for her? "Excuse me, I think I've lost my appetite", she said then stormed out before tears escaped her eyes.

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