Chapter 39

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They were busy getting ready for the gala when Valerie felt Zain standing right behind her. She tried to turn but he stopped her. He placed a gold necklace on her, it had a deep blue stone that matched his eyes. it was so beautiful. "Zain. This is so beautiful. Thank you", she said admiring it through the bathroom mirror as he helped her with the zipper. "I think the dress is too tight", he said running his hands up and down her hips. She moved to a six-foot mirror, turning round to look at herself, there was nothing unusual. She told herself, it was just Zain being possessive as usual. "Are you sure this is the same size we got?", he asked inspecting her behind as she put on her shoes. "Yes Papa bear, now let's go", she said pulling him out of the bedroom before he could undress her... again. 

The place was crowded with fancy cars. Zain even went ahead and got them a limo for the night. It made her nervous. Zain reached out for her hand kissing its back. "Relax. It's going to be ok. Do you trust me angel?", he asked looking deep into her eyes. "I do", she replied squeezing his hand gently. It was their turn to get out of the car. He got out first then helped her out as well. Even though she was wearing heels, she was still short compared to Zain, something that he always made fun of. There was a red carpet on which they had to pose for the pictures. The camera people kept on asking for more but Zain ignored them, leading her into the building. She was thankful because the flashlights were too much but she also made a promise to Zain that she would not complain about it. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Burhan. Welcome", the man at the reception ticked their name on the attendance sheet as they entered. "Mrs?", she teased making him smirk. She was introduced to countless people, some nice, some mean but Zain took care of the mean ones. Older men that they came across told Zain that they were waiting for wedding invites which he promised to send to them when they were ready. "Can we dance?", Valerie asked. She used her puppy dog eyes to make him accept. "You're the most beautiful woman in here tonight", Zain said looking into her eyes. The deep blue eyes that were worth getting lost in every single time. "Thank you Zain", she said feeling herself melt into him. "You're welcome angel", he said leaning in ready to seal his words with a kiss. "May I cut in?", they both turned to see Antonio looking sharp as he always did. Valerie was not surprised, he did enjoy such events. They were good for appearances. "Sure", she replied pulling Zain's lips to hers. When she was satisfied, she pulled away. 

"I'll be fine, I promise", she whispered to him. He nods his head, releasing her. She watched where Zain went to sit, making sure he was in the line of sight before accepting Antonio's hand. "You look amazing Iris", he said as they danced slowly. "It's Valerie", she corrected him. "Am sorry, i guess am still stuck in the past", he explained making her roll her eyes. "Whose fault is that?", she asked sarcastically making him swallow hard. "What do you want Antonio? I have a life, I think it's time you get yours sorted too", she advised hoping that he would understand. "I wish it was that simple. I feel guilty and trapped. The only way I can move on is if you forgive me Ir- fuck! Valerie", he said with hurt in his eyes. She felt pity for him, maybe he did feel guilty. Maybe he did regret it. "I forgave you a long time ago Antonio. What happened, happened and there is nothing we can do to change that. I am with Zain now and he loves me and is happy. You should do the same, find someone and settle down", "I don't think I can, I can't risk a chance of hurting someone again, I've never gone back on my word, never, but I did it with you and it tore me apart, it still does", he said looking away from her. "Antonio, am sure there is someone out there for you. Don't lose hope, I didn't and look at me, I got myself a giant teddy bear", she joked making him chuckle. "Yeah, he does look like one", he said and they both turned to look at Zain. He was talking to one of the old men they had met earlier, his face emotionless, his brows furrowed, a face that he always had when he was in a business mood. "Does he make you happy?", Antonio asked with a serious face. "Yes he does", she replied with a smile as they stopped dancing. "You two should meet", she said with a smile as they head to where Zain was standing. "Oh we did, he came to my office and warned me to stay away from you. His exact words were 'stay away from my business...all of it' " his Zain voice was so funny that she could not resist laughing. "I swear, he was very terrifying", he said making her laugh even more. "Miss Valerie", she turned to see a guilty-looking Boris. "Hi Boris... don't worry, water under the bridge", she said offering him a hand to shake. Which he accepted fast as if he did not believe that it would be that simple. It made her chuckle. She returned to Zain who released a breath when he saw her. "Took you long enough", he said looking annoyed. "Am here Papa bear", she said sticking to his side as he introduced her to more people. They stayed until dinner time, She was exhausted so they left right after.

"You went to threaten Antonio in his office for me?", she asked when they were getting ready for bed. "Yes. I don't like him, even if you do", he said removing his tie. She was happy that he felt the need to go and defend her. It was the best feeling about being in a relationship with Zain, he would do things without knowing how romantic they were. "So I was wondering... would you like to come with me to our family trip?", he asked nervously. "By family, you mean your whole family?", she asked just to be sure, her heart beating so fast that she thought she was going to faint. He nods in agreement.

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