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My body ached as I lay in Bonnie's bed. After she had gone to class I looked at my back in the mirror. Most of my back was covered in purple bruises. After seeing the marks I had gotten back into bed.

As I lay in bed a shiver ran down my spine. Eyes burned my skin. My own eyes shot open as I scanned the room. Sitting up, I looked around the dorm.

"Nice to see you again Zaylee," Lily's voice said from behind me.

Turning around, I saw the evil vampire standing behind me. She wore a smile on her face, but I could see behind it.

"Lily," I nodded, taking a step back. "What do you want?"

"You already know what I want. I want my family."

"You have Damon and Stephen. I'm not giving you the chance to release Hell on Mystic Falls." I protested. "Not a chance."

"What's that term you witches are so fond of? Loophole?" Lily spoke.

"There is no loophole. I'm not giving you the ascendant. You won't get back to that prison world."

"You seem to think that I am here asking for your help. I'm not," Lily smirked. "I'm her because I will get my family back."

The veins under Lily's eyes darken. Her smirk widened as she took a step forward. Lifting my hand, I said a spell to fight her. When nothing happened, I looked up to the vampire.

"Lovely words Zaylee," Lily chucked. "Here's another one: Die."

Lily sped at me, pushing me into the wall. I screamed as her fangs sunk into my neck. As blood left my body I tried to push her off. Realizing I was next to the fireplace, I reached for one of the pokers. With all of my strength, I stabbed it into her stomach.

Lily gasped as she fell to the ground. Sprinting out of the room, I held my neck as blood poured from the wound. In the hall I ran into something making me stop.

"Wow. You are not good at running."

I gasped seeing Kai standing in front of me. Using the hand not holding my wound, I tried to say another spell. When nothing happened Kai laughed.

"Oh does the little witch not have any magic? That's my fault," He shrugged. "I was spooning you earlier and I think I might have sleep-siphoned you. But you should keep trying. It's adorable."

"How are you here?" I asked, backing away.

Kai grabbed my arm in a tight grip, not letting me move.

"Did you really think you could screw me over?" He yelled, putting his face close to mine.

"Where were we?" Lily asked, standing behind me.

The woman's fangs grew as she lunged at me. A scream escaped me as I jumped up. My eyes searched around me as I tried to get out of the tangle mess of blankets I found myself in

"Zaylee it's okay," Bonnie said as she ran towards me on the bed.

My hands shot to my neck as I felt for blood. Beneath my fingers was nothing but skin. On the other side of the bed was Elena staring down at me worried. I took deep breaths as I tried to calm myself.

"Was it about Kai?" Elena asked.

"And Lily," I whispered.

The two looked at each other sadly before helping me out of bed.

"We destroyed the ascendant. You have nothing to worry about," Bonnie tried to calm me.

"Let's get you ready so you can get your mind off of it," Elena said as she pulled a new set of clothes from the overnight bag I had brought.

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