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Sitting in the Salvatore office, my dry eyes scanned the letters on the page of the spell book. My brain hurt as I constantly filled it with useless information. Days had passed since Kai had drugged me and I was trying to forget about it. He was my only companion in the entire world. It was a tough call, but I decided having him around was better than being completely alone.

Tapping a pencil on the desk, I reread the same sentence I had been on for minutes. Giving up, I closed the book, moving on to the next.

Far from the office I could hear muffled rock music. Feet stomped and occasionally I could hear Kai poorly singing along. Annoyed, I got up from the desk. Grasping the door, I slammed it shut.

The music muffled more, allowing me to go back to my work. I read about sleeping spells, growth potions and everything in between. Everything except how to get me out of the prison world.

"You look stressed."

I looked up from my studdies to see Kai leaning against the door frame. Too focused on the book, I hadn't heard him walk in.

"Well, I'm trying to find a way out of here, which is more then what you're doing." I spat.

"I am doing something. I'm waiting for your friends to come get you." He said as he walked closer to me. "Come on. Get up."

Grabbing my arms, Kai pulled me from the chair. I held the book in my hands, making him take it from me. Reaching for it, Kai swatted at my hand.

"What are you doing?" I grumble.

"We are going to play a game. I have been in this place for years with no one to talk to. Then Damon and Bonnie come along and you let them go back to the real world. Now your here so you owe me." He explained.

"No Kai. I dont want to." I complained.

I felt Kais grip on my arm tighten to the point where it hurt. Panic filed me, worried about what he was going to do. My other hand grabbed his wrist as I tried to pull him off.

"You are going to play a game with me." Kai growled.

I winced as he pulled me to the living room. He brought up to a table where he pushed me to the ground. Kai left for a few moments before returning with a box in hand.

"So Zee-Zee do you know how to play?" Kai said as he started setting up the game.

"Don't call me that," I said as I grabbed a game piece. "Let's get this over with."

Kai nodded and we started playing. We moved our pieces across the board as we collected more of the paper game money.

"If you don't want to be called Zee-Zee, then what do you want to be called?" Kai questioned.

Without looking up from the game I replied.


"Thats no fun. How about Zay or Zee or even Lee? Do you like any of those?"

I shook my head no and rolled my eyes. Picking up my piece, I quickly moved it along the board.

"Zaylee is fine." I said flatly.

"How about little witch?" Kai teased. "That suits you."

I chose to ignore Kai as we played the game. Slowly, the night drones ok until the game was over. Kai begged me to play another round, but I left up to my room.

Everyday we would have the same routine. Wake-up. Eat. Study. Game. Sleep. Again and again. It was becoming routine that I learned to expect. Days even weeks has passed, but I hadn't been keeping track. All I knew was that I was wasting time here while my family lives their lives in the real world.

"Ready for Monopoly?" Kai said enthusiastically as he barged into the office.

I sat on the floor with books spread around me. Each open to a different page I wanted to go back too. A book sat in my lap while I took notes on an already covered pad of paper.

Grabbing my notes, Kai tossed them aside. I inwardly groaned, trying not to show my anger. Standing, I followed Kai to the living room where we played our game.


"Yes! I win!" Kai boasted while jumping up from the table

My fists curled up, crumpling the money I had been holding. Kai continued ti celebrate as I stared out the window. My fists shook as I stood up from the same place I had sat everyday for weeks. I was living the same day over and over.

"Kai, I'm going to go for a walk. I need to clear my head." I told him.

Moving towards the door, I tried to get out before he could stop me. I wasn't fast enough as he harshly grabbed my wrist. Even though he has done this a countless number of times it still build up fear inside of me. I never knew when he would snap.

"You better not try to run." He demanded.

Ripping my arm from his grasp, I glared at him.

"Don't touch me." I snapped.

Anger flashed in his eyes, but I ignored it. Pushing open the door, I walked out into the street before he could say another word.

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