the way you hold me ; vernon chwe

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ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ summary; moments of peace are rare but the way he holds you makes up for that
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ genre & tags; fluff / idol!au / just some soft scene with vernon
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ pairing; vernon x afab!reader
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ word count; 1.1k words

ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ author's note; this may be a little short but i thought of this at like 5am after i just woke up and then went back to sleep (:
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

Feet brushed against satin sheets that emitted scents of soft, freshly washed cotton after you'd done the washing days prior. A faint groan muffled itself into the pillows under your head and slowly you turned your head to admire the half asleep form of your boyfriend, Vernon. A smile crawled across your face, watching as the rising sun painted his face through the thin curtains that drifted ever-so-slightly in the summer breeze. It was rare you two could lay together like this in the mornings. Your boyfriend was usually rushing off to do idol things - perhaps dance practise or an appearance on a TV show. If it wasn't Vernon hurrying off so early, it would be you - always finding some chore to do or being roped into something by your sister.

You rolled with some effort onto your side, turning your back to Vernon as you reached across to your nightstand for your phone. It was only 7:23am, you had nothing planned for the day but you were uncertain about Vernon. Usually he'd be awake by now anyway, so he could shower before the day started. A heavy feeling laid across your waist as your boyfriend shuffled behind you, closing the gap you'd made when you rolled over as he pressed his back against yours. He planted a kiss on your hair, your legs entwining as he got comfy nestled up to you as you mindlessly scrolled through social media, seeing what things his fans had posted now; you never had a problem with most of it, mind you. You loved scrolling and seeing gifs and photos of Vernon that his fans had created. You would save some of them, anyone could mistake you for a fan sometimes.

"What time is it?" His sleepy, deep voice startled you slightly as he let out a yawn, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder as he waited for your response. Vernon never admitted often how in love he was and he would even more sparsely mention what he loved about you. But by God was he head over heels for your voice. He'd always promise himself to one day sit and record your singing, or simply the way you hum when cooking dinner. Vernon not only cherished those moments but he cherished hearing your voice.

"7:26am, do you have a schedule today?" You hummed in response, raising his hand that'd fell over your waist to your lips so you could plant a kiss in return for his. Vernon hummed back, deep and hearty as he took his hand back momentarily to run a hand through his rough locks, ruffling them some more.

"Only this afternoon," he finally replied back as he replaced his arm back around your waist, to which you rolled onto your back once more so you could see his face, "which means I get to spend more time with my amazing girlfriend."

"You flatter me," you mused, rolling your eyes as he pressed his lips to yours momentarily, "I should make breakfast."

You moved to get up, preparing to sling your legs over the side of your bed but a strong force pulled you back, convinced he could keep you in bed for longer. He chuckled as you shot a small glare in his direction before admitting defeat.

"We'll get up soon," he reasoned with you, to which you nodded - knowing damn well it wouldn't be 'soon,' "we don't get to do this often."

His words brought a frown to your face and you nodded again silently, letting out a soft sigh at the thought. You were simply lucky that he only had an afternoon schedule today. Out of the blue, Vernon's catchy ringtone - an instrumental of 2 Minus 1, his song with his other American bandmate - began to tune into the silence. Vernon furrowed his brows as you passed him his phone, watching his face as he answered the call. He was responding to the caller in Korean, which meant you couldn't cross off the potential callers - for Christ's sake you lived in South Korea with him, what was you supposed to do? Cross off the possibility of his bank, his company, his medical records?

Your very limited Korean also meant you wasn't overly picking up too much of what he was saying. He threw in the occasional 'hyung' and at least you knew what that word was, and you confirmed mentally to yourself whoever it was was older than him. You didn't find that to be very hard seeing as he was born in 1998. The only one of his bandmates younger than him was born in 1999. You got on well with Chan, now that you thought about the maknae. Vernon finished his call, proceeding to lay on his back and scroll through social media. You cuddled up to his side, slotting yourself under his raised arm that was holding his phone above his face. He pressed another kiss to your head as he scrolled through Instagram.

"I miss chwenotchew," you commented quietly as you reminisced on his old account name, making him chuckle in response, "who called?"

"Cheol-hyung," Vernon sighed and you almost thought it would have been a bad phone call until he continued, "it's like he has no faith in you waking me up on time. He was making sure I was awake for practise this afternoon."

You laughed, placing a hand on his bare chest as you traced small figures and shapes onto his skin with the tip of your finger, humming to yourself. Of course it would be practise this afternoon, he had a comeback right around the corner that he was preparing for. With that, you began to remember the world tour his company had recently also announced. A frown painted your face as you tried to fight negative emotions but you weren't entirely sure if you'd be able to join Vernon on this one. You had to miss the last one because you weren't well but thankfully - somehow - it was cancelled midway through because of the ongoing pandemic.

"What do you love most about these moments, Sol?" You spoke quietly, looking up at his face through your eyelashes as you referred to him by your nickname for his Korean name, he seemed a little shocked at this but responded none-the-less.

"Being able to just feel your touch," he mumbled, putting his phone down as he placed his arm around you, the other hand tracing on your shoulder as you had done to him, "I'm rarely around long enough to see your eyes open too. You're usually asleep by the time I can come home so I miss out on seeing them, my favourite colour."

You hoped you could hide the bright hues of red and pink your cheeks were turning in response to his answer - one you didn't entirely expect but that's why you asked in the first place. You didn't exactly know what to say, so you were glad when he continued, "what about you?"

"The way you hold me."

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