joshua hong as a husband

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joshua x afab!reader
requested by anon
i have so many fic requests i turned this one into a hc

- okay this man is a love bug
- we been knew that's why he's a gentleman
- so he will treat you to things completely out of the blue
- the amount of times he comes back from work holding some gift??too many to count
- pet names he'll use: honey, darling and sometimes he'll use baby and sweetheart
- so here he is opening the front door with a bouquet of assorted flowers that he chooses the colour of based on the season
- "honey? i'm home!"
- and of course he knows you'll come rushing because you've missed him all day, especially during promotions when he goes away for periods of time
- yet again he does these things completely out of the blue so you're super thrown off every time he suddenly appears with a gift
- you've complained before that you don't deserve it but your husband is incredibly stubborn holy crap
- he's also spent too much time around jeonghan and he'd pull the guilt-tripping card if he has to
- you've told cheol about this
- he laughed
- these random after work gifts could be ANYTHING
- he's brought home a custom bracelet once ???
- chocolates, flowers, books that he knows you like the author of!!
- sometimes he picks up dinner on the way home too because he's always complaining that you cook too much for him and don't rest
- okay so DATES
- this man is fucking extravagant in the slightest of ways
- you can bet you're being booked into five star restaurants just so he can get you to dress pretty and show you off undercover
- you tolerate wine for the free bottle usually but joshua will finish whatever you don't drink
- he usually does the expensive restaurant dates after busy promotions or tours that you didn't go on - you usually miss out on the asia tours where they stick close to home
-  but if they travel to america you're usually with them
- he uses the expensive restaurant dates as an apology for not spoiling the fuck out of you for a long time
- on the real you adore him doing these occasionally because holy fuck feeling fancy IS AMAZING?
- for regular dates he still ends up doing so much
- this man will do day-dates so don't expect to just go to something for a date and then it be over
- nah this man makes a whole ass itinerary for it from the time you wake up to the time you get home
- he takes you to aquariums, coffee shops you didn't even know existed, art galleries
- he's taken you wine tasting to try broaden your horizons from the weird taste of the wine the five star restaurants serve
- and even after this, he'll always double check how you're feeling
- not feeling well? tired but you slept all night? cramps? headaches?
- no worries, day-date switched to at home date
- he'll mound the couch with all of your fluffy blankets for comfort, letting you choose which one you felt like using today since he knows you're emotionally attached to them all
- he'll make breakfast, your favourite dish from whichever culture you're from! or he'll opt for just a korean dish if you don't particularly have a favourite from your own
- you'll eat breakfast together maybe just watching some programme on tv to fill the time but once you're done it gets competitive
- joshua will turn on his playstation - like an utter kid - and the two of you will play monopoly
- when you get tired of it he starts a movie marathon, or a drama that you really like or have on your watch list
- maybe even anime
- he'll order takeaway for dinner and always ask what you're craving
- if you don't know, he'll give options but if you still don't know he'll surprise you
- he knows all of your orders off by heart, he claims its his best aspect as your husband - you deny it
- you'll be eating and he'll be casually watching until you ask what he's looking at
- "my wife"
- he'll say it all the fucking time
- "that's my wife" "this is my wife" "what's my wife doing today"
- even if hes on a tv show with seventeen or being interviewed he'll manage somehow to bring you up
- "oh yeah my wife has a job interview today"
- if you struggle with mental illness or other things that affect your sleep, he'll stay awake even if he's drained and he'll play guitar for you
- you'll jokingly ask him to do sunday morning but he'll give you a death glare
- he knows he overplayed that joke
- when you're ill he'll actually take days off work even mid-promotion
- he's a very devoted man and he makes sure you are very aware
- this man is an absolute angel of a husband and his unforgettable-ness gets bonus points for the fact you landed with a celebrity??
- imagine how telling your family you're dating an international idol went wowee
- oh and he is also the best man to meet your family out of all of svt i said it here first folks
- i think seungcheol would actually be second best to meet your family but that's for another time
- i'd also like to state that joshua is a walking reminder. whether it's something embarrassing you did years ago or your meds! he'll remind you
- he likes to say you have a brain like a sieve
- all of the kisses
- man is nervously into pda
- like he's scared of the paparazzi or fans being too much for you? so he's very cautious even after all the years you'd been with him
- you reassure him every time but most of the time he'll still only hold your hand and kiss your head when he gets a chance

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