adjustment to existence ; wen junhui

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ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ summary; getting what you want comes at the cost having to adjust to it.
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ genre & tags; fluff / vampire!au / reader having a tough time (jokingly) / maybe some angst for a section regarding junhui
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ pairing; junhui x afab!reader
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ word count; 1.3k words

ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ author's note; this is the sister fanfiction to:
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

You had never really wholly understood the cost of that day with Junhui. You didn't regret it, oh no but at times like this, you remembered how long it was taking you to adjust to your new life. On this particular morning, Junhui had already left early to meet with Minghao for their usual weekly meeting. You still hadn't a clue how Minghao got away with stealing hundreds of blood bags but yet you were thankful. Junhui had once explained that if Minghao suddenly got caught or fired, you'd both be forced to hunt like actual vampires - and he's clearly established that the life of a hunting vampire is not easy. The three of you got lucky, if anything.

A yawn escaped your lips, your legs brushing against the sheets as you stretched in response to your body waking up. You no longer kept a bottle of water beside your bed while you slept, it'd always remain the same no longer how long it sat there - you wouldn't drink from it. You heaved your body up, heading towards the bathroom of the apartment. It was silent, so you assumed Junhui hadn't returned home yet but then again, you'd learnt it the hard way since you began dating him that vampires barely made noise anyway, so who were you to say he wasn't home yet?

You lazily squeezed the toothpaste onto your toothbrush, wetting it before you looked up and startled yourself. That was the first thing on the list of things you hadn't adjusted to yet; your lack of reflection. You sighed as you continued to brush your teeth, staring at the empty mirror. You relied on Junhui to fix issues with your appearance when you would go out and honestly you were beginning to think it wasn't a bad idea. You no longer had the ability to nit-pick at your insecurities anymore like you would once upon a time.

The silence of the apartment was broken by the sound of the front door opening and closing, followed by choirs of two males laughing. A smile crept onto your face as you rinsed your mouth before deciding to scout for the two. You decided they'd most likely gone to the spare room with the blood bags. You emerged in the doorway, watching the two Chinese males intently without them noticing you. They were idly speaking in Chinese, to which you could listen to all day even if it meant you understood nothing. Junhui lifted his head, stretching his back before his eyes landed on you and he jumped, startled. You giggled as he approached, wrapping his arms around you as he kissed your head. You'd left your shared bedroom in Junhui's shirt and a pair of your own shorts, not really feeling effort on this day as another yawn escaped your lips.

Junhui knew you'd emerged for your morning blood bag, one he'd usually bring to you in bed but as you did grabby hands, he picked you up so he could return to Minghao. You hummed, your legs around his waist as he held onto you, casually continuing his Chinese conversation with Minghao. Laying your head on his shouder, you admired the very faint scar of a bite mark on his pale neck in the rising sun's light. It was something he refused to discuss with you and you could only assume he didn't beg someone to turn him like you had done.

The way Junhui turned was much more traumatic for all parties involved. It happened before he emigrated to South Korea, something he'd done in response to his past in China. Junhui always told you of his family, how he was an older brother and a first born son. He spoke so highly of his little brother, someone he was extremely proud of. Junhui played piano often when he was at home in China, performing in competitions his family would so happily attend in support of their son.

Sometimes he still would play for you, sat at the piano in the corner of your living room that was collecting dust. He knew you loved to hear him play but he knew he could only do it for short bursts of time before he was reminded of that night once more. Junhui had a piano competition, something he oh-so-confidently waited for with his passion to play. His family would be attending that night, his biggest fans. The night was perfect - it seemed normal. The myths and legends of vampires would never prepare you for a mass attack at a student piano competition, however and that's exactly what caught Junhui so unprovoked.

The sudden screams of the quiet crowd that he was performing to, the flashes and splatters of red blood and the searing pain in his shoulders and back as he was launched off of the piano stool and onto the stage, a stranger's head at his neck. Junhui's turning didn't happen as peacefully as yours. You were only with Junhui, another vampire. Junhui was in a crowded school gymnasium of other vampires but also a majority population of humans - to his newly turned mind, fresh food.

Junhui fled the country without even seeking his family out. He was scared that they'd been through the same as he had or that they'd simply witnessed the acts he'd shamefully committed in the moment of being a full fledged vampire. The soft pad of skin touched your teeth and you blinked your eyes, looking up at Junhui to see him smirking as his thumb touched your pointy fangs. There was the second thing you'd lacked to adjust to as Minghao and Junhui had already done.

"Still learning to hide her fangs?" Minghao teased from where he'd just finished filling the fridge. Junhui hummed, removing his hand as he leaned to place a kiss on your lips instead. You accepted the kiss as an apology for the sudden teasing.

"Mhm," Junhui responded, brushing hair from your face as you let out another gentle yawn, "she'll get used to it - hey can you pass me a blood bag?"

"Thirsty already? You've not even been awake four hours." This time Minghao's teasing voice was aimed to your boyfriend, who rolled his eyes from the angle you had on his face.

"It's for y/n, she has one every morning." You could almost smile at Junhui's words, admiring the male as he finally let you stand on your own two legs. You stretched once more, taking the blood bag from Minghao with a warm smile as you began to sip at the blood, humming as you rocked on your feet. Junhui watched. He watched with a small smile crawling across his chapped lips, he watched as your eyelashes fluttered shut and you began to sway slightly instead. His eyes trailed down to how his shirt drowned you, looking more like one of the dresses you would wear than a shirt. He'd voiced it a few times over since you'd began dating that he absolutely loved when you would wear his clothes, even more so without you asking him.

He'd always randomly find you in the kitchen when you were still human, wearing one of his button-up shirts as you made yourself breakfast. He could watch forever. As your eyes looked up at his, Junhui's smile widened a little and his arm snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him as Minghao folded up cardboard box after cardboard box that the two Chinese men had carried into the apartment prior to your appearance.

You had the urge to ask Minghao about his job and how he got away with all of this as you watched him work so diligently, however you held your breath and kept drinking instead.

"I best be going so I can start my shift." He smiled, laughing lightly as he rubbed the back of his neck. Junhui followed with a chuckle.

"You can always stop by after your shift. Y/n will probably make pasta again tonight, two nights in a row." His words caused you to puff your cheeks at his judgement of your cooking recently. Minghao laughed, taking up the offer before he left the two of you. You were still pouting, even if you knew Junhui was joking and that was simply because you wanted another kiss apology from the male. 

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