bedsheet heart to heart ; kim mingyu

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ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ summary; sometimes the sheets talk about insecurities and the pillows listen.
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ genre & tags; fluff / idol!au / mingyu soft moment / slightly insecure/nervous mingyu
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ pairing; mingyu x afab!reader
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ word count; 969 words

ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ author's note; gyu in the hot mv<33 also this is short im crying i thought i could make it longer
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

Legs tangled together as you rolled over to face your much larger boyfriend, who happened to be blocking the morning sun from blinding you as you slowly woke up. He was holding his phone over his face, scrolling through his social medias and occasionally replying to the group chat he had with his band. With pursed lips, you debated whether he'd even noticed you were awake.

"Pout any longer and your face will stay like that," he suddenly spoke up, warm brown eyes glancing at you momentarily before he leaned to kiss your forehead, "good morning."

The sour expression on your face quickly wiped off and was replaced with a smile, laughing softly as you rubbed your eyes.

"Morning - anything interesting happening?" You mused as he kept scrolling on his phone. Mingyu sighed, turning his phone off before throwing it into the empty space of bed beside him.

"Everything's to do with this damn comeback," he raised a hand to run it through his messy bed hair, letting out a stressed sound, "I can't escape it. The guys are on about it constantly, carats are posting about it all the time too and tagging us..."

With a frown painting your face, you laid onto your back, tapping Mingyu's shoulder before tapping your chest. The stressed male left no room to debate as he laid his head on your chest, one of his arms over your stomach as you traced light patterns onto his bare back. Your spare hand reached up to play with the dark fluff on his head, running your hand through it and stroking it occasionally as Mingyu sighed contently.

"It's really burdening you, isn't it?" You mumbled quietly as your boyfriend closed his eyes. He nodded somewhat to the best he could where his head was placed, making a soft noise.

"It's our first comeback since we renewed our contracts, we're trying to prove our maturity..." His voice drifted off as he stared off across the room, "Am I stupid for being nervous about it? I'm scared they will not like the concept compared to our older concepts."

"Of course you're not stupid, Gyu," having to reassure your boyfriend on the topic caused you to frown, with a major dislike to him talking himself down, "I'm sure they'll absolutely love it. You're their favourite group after all, right? Carats love you guys."

Mingyu was silent as his eyes closed once more, taking this opportunity to embrace the warmth radiating from your body through flimsy pajamas with his ear pressed to your chest. He could hear your heartbeat clearly, how steady it beat in the moment paired with the silence of the room and the two of you gently breathing. He would lay here forever if he could, wrapped against you as you played with his hair as if there was no one else in the world. These moments meant more to him than words could say, especially when you would listen to all of his troubles. He exhaled, the air tickling your skin a little as your eyelashes fluttered shut.

"You need more faith in yourself," you mumbled sleepily into the stillness of the bedroom on this Saturday morning, "sounds a little backhanded of me but still, if you weren't any good at what you were doing, you wouldn't have just renewed your contract."

You were right, Mingyu couldn't argue that. Yet every comeback he was filled with an existential dread that his fans wouldn't enjoy their work or they wouldn't enjoy his content especially. He never wanted to fail his fans and he for the most part didn't want to fail his band and company either. There was always so much pressure placed on their shoulders, he was certain his groupmates most likely felt the same. Yet speaking to them about the topic would never feel as good as it would in this moment, with his head on your chest and your hand in his hair.

The sunrise filtered into the room, making the room glow in shades of oranges and reds as the fabric curtains did little to block out light. You tilted your head to admire what you see of the sunrise through the tall, outstanding buildings of Seoul that painted the skyline. You were unsure if Mingyu had any schedule today however as the sunrise crept higher, the male made no moves to get up. He stayed glued against your body, both of your bodies starting to become clammy from the heat . You hummed gently, removing your hand from his awful bed hair.

"Stay here," you ordered as you pried your clingy boyfriend off yourself, "I'll bring you breakfast."

Mingyu smiled up at you as he laid back on his back, the white sheets draped over his body that made you flush ungodly colours every time you saw it as if you had never seen it before. For a split moment, he pulled your arm down so he could kiss you, making you whine slightly.

"Sometimes I wonder where I'd be without you." He mumbled against your lips and as you pulled away, you pouted like a child mid-tantrum.

"You'd be starving, now let me go." You huffed in retaliation as Mingyu let his grip go from your arm, his hands in a surrender at your small little glare as you slid out of bed and left the room. Mingyu proceeded to stare at the door in wake of your exit, wishing time could speed up somewhat and you'd be walking back through that door again. He closed his eyes, groaning slightly at the aches in his shoulders from dance practise the day prior. He dreaded what practise would bring that day.

He'd withstand it all oh-so-bravely if it meant climbing back into these sheets again with you once more. 

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