"i'm a real adult" [soonyoung prompt]

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w.c: 700 words

prompt: "i'm a real adult. just last week i brought a vegetable."

a/n: aha i'm so glad you liked it! thank you for requesting - and yes of course! i'll add you to the anon list <3

Soonyoung had always liked to heavily boast that he was the man of the relationship, caring for you particularly when it came to your health and wellbeing. Carats adored that thought, cherishing the concept of loving boyfriend Soonyoung and keeping it close to their hearts. However yourself and Seventeen too knew otherwise. He could barely care for himself without the thirteen of you keeping him in check.

Every morning before you went to work, you ensured he'd at least eaten and brushed his teeth. You didn't really care once he'd done that in your sight as you hurried off to your job. You worked in a local daycare; quaint and cosy. Soonyoung adored hearing stories about what all the kids had gotten up to each day after work. He also kept asking you to teach them horanghae but you ultimately refused to plague them.

On days where you worked late helping out a friend at their family owned business, Soonyoung couldn't rely on you cooking him dinner.


The caller ID flashed so vibrantly on your screen as you let out an exhale, the instrumental tune of 'Spider' blaring in your ears as you swiped, raising the phone to your ear.

"Babyyy..." Soonyoung whined on the other end almost as soon as you picked up, "what time are you home?"

"About an hour left, why?" You hummed, drumming your fingers against the table, "you haven't caught the kitchen on fire again - have you?"

Soonyoung scoffed a little dramatically into your ear followed by a soft huff. A smile tugged at your lips at how childish he could be.

"Rude of you to insinuate I set it on fire in the first place," he muttered, you pictured his pouty face, "I want your cooking tonight. I'm tired of instant noodles."

"Soonie is that all you've been eating while I'm out late?" You quirked a brow, getting your answer from his sulking silence, "wait until I tell Seungcheol... are you even an adult?"

"I'll have you know I'm a real adult!" Soonyoung gasped, emphasising the real part. You rolled your eyes, "just last week I brought a vegetable."

"No, I brought the vegetable. I proceeded to make kimchi out of it." You tutted, clicking your tongue as you sat carefully back in the bar stool. Soonyoung let out a long, tired sigh and you knew it was already bad enough he was staying awake so long during his promotions. He was probably shattered.

"Please baby," he mumbled, borderline begging, "I just want food and cuddles."

He didn't have to say much more. As much as you taunted and scolded his lack of cooking expertise, you recognised he loved your home cooking like it was an addiction. It was comfort to him and you was his home. You gathered just from how much he wanted you, today had been tough at work. You tried not to chew your nail at the thought of your boyfriend overworking himself again.

"I'll be home soon, can you preheat the oven for me?"


With fully tummies and a certain happy tiger boyfriend, the two of you washed up and slipped into bed. You'd washed the sheets barely even two days prior and they still held their fresh scent so well. Soonyoung pressed the 'on' button on the remote, letting the random television channel not only light up your room with a soft static glow but fill it with sound as you curled up against his side, your cheek resting against his chest.

Your index finger began to trace shapes onto the bare skin of his chest, even little patterns and doodles of cats that made Soonyoung shiver under you. You smiled, glancing up at him as he was fixated on the television at the foot of your bed. You could faintly see the dark bags under his eyes or the way his eyelids were already drooping in the warmth of your bedsheets.

Clicking your tongue, you reached to turn the television off, illiciting a whine from your boyfriend as you pressed a kiss to his head.

"You're falling asleep, Soonie," you whispered softly and he made a gentle noise of acknowledgement, "come on. You worked hard today."

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