"sounds illegal, i'm in" [wonwoo prompt]

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w.c: 1,131 words

prompt: "sounds illegal, i'm in"

a/n: thank you so much !! but also thank you for interacting with me even if you're newer, i remember seeing your url in my notifs<3

"Wonwoo," you called from where you sat comfortably at your gaming desk. Your boyfriend hummed from the other room, "baby, come here."

"Say please." He hummed, proceeding to sip the boba you'd fetched for the two of you this morning before your regular gaming antics. Scoffing, you folded your arms across your chest and leaned back into your chair.

"Pretty please with a cherry on top can you come here?" You whined, tired of his prolonging bullshit as you brimmed with excitement thanks to the announcement stretched across your computer monitor. There was the creak of Wonwoo's chair as he stood - you'd offered to buy him a new one once but he'd complained that he'd have to 'break it in' and make it comfortable and that's simply too much effort for Jeon Wonwoo.

With his controller in his hand and his headset wrapped around his neck, your boyfriend appeared at your side in an instance, chuckling slightly at your pouty form.

"What can I do for my favourite support main?" he questioned, leaning down to briefly kiss your head in apology. You perked back up at the topic at hand, pointing to your monitor screen, "they're finally giving us a second game?"

You nodded excitedly, almost mute from anticipation as you processed the game announcement.

"They've teased it for years but now we have an official date!" You exclaimed, tugging on his free hand to which he laughed.

"But how much is it going to cost?" Wonwoo rose a brow, giving your hand a squeeze as your shoulders fell a little. They hadn't announced that far ahead yet and you'd just brought more themed decor to litter your desk.

"They haven't said yet." You mumbled, puffing your cheeks a little. Wonwoo leaned and pressed another kiss to your head, humming.

"Well we'll wait and see," you nodded at his words as he placed his controller and headset onto a free space on your desk, "come on, I'm starving."


You'd spent most of your time since the game announcement awaiting more news on the game. You wish you could say you were doing it patiently but that was far from correct at this point. You wanted the news and you wanted it now.

Sprawled out on the couch with an electrical fan in front of you on the coffee table, you let out a loud, annoyed sigh that made Wonwoo chuckle as he entered the lounge to check on you. Of course, he had to make sure his girlfriend wasn't wasting away in the summer heat. From the look of how you'd set yourself out on the couch and the expression on your face, you were borderline close to melting.

"What's so funny?" You huffed, opening your eyes to look up at the tall male who lingered over you. Adorning a plain white t-shirt and some shorts, you wondered how he wasn't suffering and how he still looked so good when you felt awful. That was the blessed curse Wonwoo had and you were ultimately very jealous of it.

"How are you even finding that comfy right now?" He tilted his head, his face smug as he admired how you were almost hanging off the couch upside down. Your flimsy silk pajama top had ridden up and was showcasing the skin of your tummy and you'd parted your legs because heaven forbid your thighs touched and became sweaty. Even despite all of your efforts - even despite being parked in front of a fan, there was still small glistening beads of sweat decorating your forehead.

"I'm finding it better than anything else, clearly." You replied sassily, not missing how Wonwoo's brow arched at your tone.

"66,200 won." He sighed. Your eyes widened, shooting to sit up as you stared at him in disbelief.

"Do they think gamers are made of money? I have a precise appetite to keep up and skins to buy for a lady who's back looks like it's about to break." You complained, jutting your lower lip as you tilted your head back and let out a loud groan.

"A precise appetite of takeaway, boba and occasionally nachos," Wonwoo mused and you shot him a glare, "and I told you you didn't need that Mercy skin."

"I don't care," you mumbled, sulking only somewhat as he sat beside you, "it's pretty. And purple. And space themed."

"And that warrants buying it?" Wonwoo quirked a brow and you whined.

"You're asking an awful lot of fucking questions Jeon Wonwoo!"


Dawdling by the door of Wonwoo's designated gaming room, you gripped your phone tight in your hand.

"You know, if you stand there much longer you'll complain that your feet hurt and you'll forget why you came here in the first place." Wonwoo spoke up, his fingers methodically clicking away on his keyboard due to the fact he was in the middle of a game. That was why in all due respect you were waiting by your door but he must have glimpsed your figure in the reflection of his death screen.

"I got an idea," you spoke up, entering his room to sit in your bean bag Wonwoo had placed down so you could watch him game. He made a concerned sound and you groaned, "give me a chance to explain!"

"Go on then but if I lose this map, it's on you." Wonwoo hummed, his eyes not leaving his monitor screen as you watched the vast colours of the game reflect in his glasses. Sighing, you prepared yourself.

"I know a guy who could maybe help us out," you started to explain, causing Wonwoo to side glance at you where you sat, "he pirates things - albeit not a good option but maybe, I can ask him to pirate us a copy..."

"Do I want to know why you know him?" Wonwoo interrogated and you shook your head, illiciting a soft yet guilty "no" from you.

There was a brief silence between the two of you as Wonwoo focused on his ongoing game and you anxiously fiddled with your phone. You was hoping he'd understand, especially with how much the game meant to you. Perhaps it certainly wasn't a good option and perhaps you should just save up money for the actual game copy instead but you were needy and lowkey desperate and you wanted the game. Lowkey, Wonwoo did too. Not only that but he would do absolutely anything in the world for you, his precious girlfriend - and he didn't do it just because he needed someone to pocket his damage in game. He did it because by God did he love you. Drawing a sigh from the man, he turned to face you as the victory screen glowed on his monitor.

"Sounds illegal, I'm in."

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