introverts ; xu minghao

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┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° synopsis
new to seoul, minghao gets assigned to the quietest person in his class and with it, the two of them are forced to break out of their shells.
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° genre & tags
fluff / student!au / exchange student!minghao / quiet student!reader / reader wears glasses / scene of bullying / same age relationship / guess u can call it character development
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° pairing
minghao x afab!reader
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° w.c
3.0k words

┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ ° author's note
xu minghao i'll sacrifice my soul pls

˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ now loading... enjoy! ꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄

The bells chimed loudly through out the campus, ringing in every attending student or staff's ears as it travelled through the mazes of corridors and filled the classrooms. There was a chorus of disappointed groans and moans from students filling the hallways, pushing and shoving to get to their metal lockers that others slammed shut into the quarrelling atmosphere. It was time to disperse from gossiping crowds and couples with their faces mushed together. Although it was to be noted, you'd never be seen in such an environment, for you where already seated at your desk with your head in a revision guide. Were exams approaching? Of course not but you'd like to stay on top of your studies as much as possible.

What was the point in mindlessly gathering like a cult in a crowded corridor, you thought to yourself as the masses of students in your class began to herd through the door as it opened. Couldn't that wait for outside of school hours? You shook your head mentally, scrapping the thought as you turned your gaze back down to the open pages in front of you. You hadn't the slightest of any friends, you liked it that way. Perhaps a little lonely sometimes however at what cost did company come without drama? Not that you were ever involved in it but you overheard plenty from the girls seated around you. You had - once upon a time - had a friend, you reminisced as your eyes landed to the empty desk beside you. Until she was forcibly moved schools and you never heard from her again.

The clicking noise of freshly polished heels hitting the tiled school flooring silenced the rowdy noise surrounding you as the classroom door slid open and your youthful teacher stepped in, eliciting some whispers from the males amongst your class population. Your eyes rolled almost automatically, looking back at your book as you expected her to start the class attendance shortly but it never came, in fact the sudden whispering of the girls surrounding you caused you to raise your head once more.

Stood beside your teacher rather awkwardly was a tall, lanky male you wished you could describe as a beanpole. His hair was brown and wasn't styled yet still maintained a neat look you couldn't comprehend when all the males in your class stiffened their hair with gel. His gaze wandered the many staring faces of your classmates before it fell to you. Neither of you even exchanged a smile as you both turned your heads away, with you swallowing a tight lump in your throat.

"We have a new exchange student joining our class for the rest of the semester from China today," your teacher spoke up, drawing the attention of many listening ears as the class craved for information about the mysterious student, "I'd like to assign him to one of you, I expect you'll take care of him during his time with us."

The classroom erupted once more into loud, screeching sounds as the girls shot from their seats, their arms raised as they all yelled "me!" in hopes your teacher would choose one of them to be assigned the good-looking exchange student. You clicked your tongue quietly, not faltering as you kept your head low and begged that your teacher would just choose one of them and bless you with silence once more in the classroom.

"Miss l/n?" your teacher called out over the girls' many pleas - they however quietened at your name, slowly lowering themselves back into their seats as they turned to stare at you. You raised your head, confused, "I'm entrusting our new exchange student to you. You'll sit beside y/n, she'll take care of you."

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