you are the sun [pt.1] ; ot13

22 1 0

ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ summary; being in a friend group with thirteen guys can prove a handful sometimes.
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ genre & tags; fluff, platonic soulmate!au, idol!au, afab!reader
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ pairing; ot13 seventeen
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ word count; 708 words

ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ author's note; i'm debating making this a series?
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

You hummed a soft tune to yourself as you admired the bustling park in the summer heat. This was your favourite place to come with your friends when the weather was nice, you frowned at the thought. You hadn't been able to come here since they were trainees. Since they debuted, things were more on the down low, for your sake and theirs. You understood very well why things were now the way they were, as your thumb scrolled along your Twitter feed and you read once more a dating rumour within the K-POP industry.

"Honey, come on," a woman's voice sounded not too far down the path to your bench. You looked over, noticing she was speaking to a child, "we have to go get daddy from work."

As the pair walked away, the kid occasionally scaring off a swarm of birds that had landed on the grass, you couldn't help but smile again. You couldn't complain about your friendship now that it'd been going on for so long. You were just thankful they stuck by you even after they debuted. As you rested your head back, eyes closed to bask in the sunlight, your phone chimed.

shua dude: seungkwan has somehow convinced cheol and the staff to let us go on a staff-less trip. where tf are you?

y/n: in the park? how'd he manage that?

shua dude: i haven't a clue. no promotions upcoming so i guess they don't mind. get your ass to the apt

y/n: sir yes sir

You stood up, slinging your backpack over one shoulder as you left the crowded park with your phone in one hand and your can of soda in the other. Seungkwan was out doing his usual, you could guess. He had his way with words, especially with Seungcheol so you wasn't overly surprised - you were more surprised Joshua told you to go to their apartment. If they were including you in another one of their antics, you'd probably end up dead from alcohol poisoning.

Humming the tune from earlier once more, you pushed the doorbell to their apartment complex. A voice came through the intercom rather quickly.

"Who is it?" The voice belonged to Mingyu, his breathing slightly jaggered as if he'd ran to answer.

"Y/n, now let me in I'm going to melt out here." You joked and soon after the door buzzed open and you headed up to their apartment door. Joshua stood by the apartment door, holding it open for your arrival as you smiled, earning a smile from the older man back.

The idiots were all yelling, rather loudly at each other. They still had staff over, presumably helping them book this trip they'd coerced them to let them take. You bowed politely to the staff, who acknowledged you with dips of their heads as they sat quietly, waiting presumably for the yelling to stop.

"Yah, the staff are trying to book your trip for you and you're acting like a zoo," You raised your voice, watching them all pause and look at you, "will you sit down before I tell them to not let you go?"

You must have felt like a classroom teacher in that moment as they all hurriedly settled back onto their couches, looking at the staff in anticipation. Seungcheol let out a sigh of relief from beside you, rubbing his temple with his hand.

"Thank God you're here, y/n." He mumbled, making you smile as you wrapped an arm around his shoulders bringing him closer to you. He reciprocated, wrapping his arm around your waist as the two of you stood and watched the staff finally book this trip.

They settled on letting you all go to Udo, an island just off the coast of Jeju. The boys were hellbent that where ever they were going, they wanted a beach. You snickered at this concept - they were most likely just trying to get you to go in the water. When you came back to your senses, the boys were looking at you.

"What are you waiting for? Go pack, stinky." Chan ordered jokingly and in response, you flipped him off. Bidding your farewells, you turned on your heel and left the apartment behind.

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