finding out reader is pregnant [performance reactions]

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performance unit x afab!reader
unit reactions
lowercase intended
i wrote this with an awful headache HAHA but i felt bad for my inactivity

junhui can be pretty clueless so when you started dropping hints that you wanted to start a family, he didn't get them straight away. he blames his struggles with korean, you just smile and nod. but eventually he caught on, beaming as he agreed to try for a baby. everyone had lowkey been hinting that you would both be fantastic parents - so why not put it to the test?

you found out you were pregnant while junhui was home in china visiting his family - you had hung back in korea because of your work (seungkwan had also sort of begged you a little). so the only way you could tell him straight away was by phone call unless you wanted to hold back for another week, which you didn't think was fair. with your phone in your hand, you video called your boyfriend and hoped he wasn't in the middle of anything important. he was in the car and claimed he was buying you and the guys' gifts from china - you proceeded to laugh. "what's up? why are you ringing?" you wanted to be a little sarcastic back but you ended up being truthful, blurting out that you were pregnant. "what?! now i have another gift to buy..."

✎ not going to lie, soonyoung had almost begged you to start a family. he really wanted to start one with you but you were just a little dubious because of his job. one day you sat down with seungcheol and spoke about your concerns and he listened to all of them before asking if you wanted to start a family yourself - of course you did! so seungcheol said to try since you both wanted to! soonyoung was over the moon when you agreed finally.

you found out you were pregnant during the month of july, just a few weeks after soonyoung's birthday. he'd been at work all day doing some interviews and doing a performance for another media producer so when he came back, he wanted nothing but a cool shower. you let him, chilling very nervously on the couch until he came back and you just dropped the news - "soonyoung i'm pregnant" it took him a few moments to process before he swarmed you even in the sticky summer heat. he then proceeded to get out his phone and search for tiger related baby items. "what? they're gonna be just like daddy!"

minghao was the doubtful one when you asked about starting a family but he never said no. you took it as he was debating whether or not it would be wise but in light of seventeen and minghao renewing their contracts, he suddenly came home one night and asked if you both could try for a baby. you'd never admit how happy you were in that moment as you agreed.

minghao stayed by your side almost all of the time after you had tried. he was convinced he was not missing a single moment of his child's life - apparently not even missing the time after conception. when you started feeling ill in the mornings and were unable to keep food and water down, hao finally left your side but only to get a pregnancy test. he sat anxiously with you on the bathroom floor while it developed, waiting for the answer with a held breath. you were convinced he was more nervous than you. he must have also seen the result quicker than you as he enveloped you on the bathroom floor, the two of you falling in an embrace as he suddenly let out a soft sob while whispering about being a father.

✎ the two of you are both convinced you are still kids so chan never really thought of the concept of starting a family while the rest of seventeen spoke about it. they'd ask him but he always replied saying he would be ready when you were ready - what a man. however you never explicitly tried for a baby. when you started feeling heavily ill, chan suddenly got the inkling to fetch you a pregnancy test even as you waved him off and promised there was no way you could be pregnant.

chan perhaps started to think it was whatever deity in the sky's way of saying you were both ready - without the two of you recognising it. you did the test chan brought home, still mumbling about how it'd be negative and chan was just being too wary. but suddenly you emerged from the bathroom to look at chan, who was sat in the hallway floor outside of the bathroom waiting for you. "i'm pregnant." you whispered and chan wasn't sure if he was excited or panicked but he hugged you regardless, albeit tight as he stroked your hair while softly promising you were in this together. 

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