'Troy Peed Himself'

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Throughout the assembly, all Rah could think about was what had happened back in the trailer. Her hands were getting sweaty as she thought about what she saw.

Mike and El were the only ones who knew, she had to tell the boys but she just didn't know when the right time was.

The girl was pulled out of her thoughts as everyone started to get up from the stands. El and the boys had already gone ahead of her, and in her line of sight she saw Mike push over Troy, causing her eyes to widen.

Rah immediately got up and pushed through the crowd of students. "You're dead Wheeler. Dead!" Troy spat.

The older girl prepared to defend Mike but stopped when she saw that Troy had gone still.

"Come on Walsh, get him. I dare you" Rah said spitefully, the boy trying to move again.

Loud whispering started to occur as the girl furrowed her eyebrows, What is he doing?

Rah looked down to see Troy's pants slowly turning a different shade.

"Dude, Troy peed himself" someone called out from the crowd, making everyone laugh.

Mike and Rah faced each other and began to laugh along with everyone. They turned their heads towards Eleven, seeing blood run from her nose.

"That was totally badass, El," Rah told the girl. "Badass?" Eleven questioned, "i'll explain later" she responded.


"Come on," Mike told Eleven as they entered the AV room. Rah looked around the room in curiosity.

"So this is where you nerds hang out?" She looked back to the boys and saw their expressions. "I'm kidding," The girl said, smiling sheepishly.

"Now what?" Dustin questioned "she'll find him, right El?" The girl didn't answer Mike as she prepared to find Will.

As El closed her eyes, the back of Rah's neck began to ache again. She scratched her wrist as she watched the light burst and the static of the radio begin to clang.

Rah winced as the pain became too much,

"Mom?" Will's voice came through the receiver. Blood began to flow out of both girls' noses, as Will's voice continued to call for his mom.

"Will! It's us, are you there?" the boys shout into the radio "can you hear us? We're here"

Rah fell to the ground, going unnoticed by the boys. Her head felt like it was splitting in half and she could no longer hear what Will was saying.

She never noticed how the Heath kit was set alight, or how Dustin had to use the extinguisher.

The boys had all made their way out of the room, helping El, when they had finally realized Rah was missing.

"Where's Rah?" Mike asked suddenly.

Lucas and Dustin ran back into the room to see the girl limp on the floor, "hey" Dustin smacked her face "are you awake?" he asked anxiously.

"I am now Dustin" Rah bit out quietly. Her whole body was tired and she couldn't hold herself up anymore.

"We're taking you and El back to Mike's place, alright?" Lucas told the girl before grabbing her under arms to drag her along.

"I'm fine Lucas" the girl detested, trying her best to fight out of his grip but ultimately failing due to her lack of energy. "Stay still," the boy complained.

Rah gave up, "Whatever, I want to be dragged anyways."


Back in Mike's basement, the two girls lay side by side on the couch listening to the boys' conversation.

"What was Will saying?" Mike asked, "like home.. like home.. But dark?"

"And empty" Lucas added. "Empty and cold, wait did he say cold?" Dustin questioned.

"I don't know, the stupid radio kept going in and out" Lucas said exasperatedly.

"It's like riddle in the dark" Dustin joined, making Rah raise an eyebrow.

"Like home.. Like his house?" "like Hawkins!" Lucas and Mike conversed.

"Upside down."

Rah groaned, "what'd she say?" Lucas asked.

"Upside down," Mike said, he understood.


"Upside down! When El showed us where Will was, she flipped the board over, remember?" The other two boys walked over to Mike at the table. "Upside down. Dark. Empty" he continued.

"Do you understand what he's talking about?" Lucas aimed his question towards Dustin, "no."

"Guys come on, think about it. When El took us to find Will, she took us to his house right?" Mike urged the boys, "yeah and he wasn't there?"

"But what if he was there, what if we just couldn't see him? What if he was on the other side" Mike explained.'' What if this is Hawkins" Mike flipped over the board, "and this, this is where Will is, upside down."

"Like the Vale of Shadows" Dustin realized. The boys all looked at each other with concerned expressions while Rah rubbed at her eyes, willing herself back to sleep so she didn't have to deal with the situation at hand.

Dustin walked over to Mike's stuff and picked up his book of Dungeons and Dragons and began to read out loud, the vale of shadows.

"How do we get there?" Lucas asked, "we cast shadow walk" the boy replied. "In real life dummy." Rah snorted.

"We can't shadow walk, but maybe she can," Dustin suggested.

Each boy looked over in the girls direction, Rah protectively put her arm around El looking back up the boys with a defiant glare.

"Do you know how we get there? To the upside down?" Mike asked.

The girl shook her head. Thank fuck.

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