'I need to see my dad'

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Everyone spread around the food court trying to find anything useful as Mike called for 'scoops troop.' Rah walked over to Max and Will as she saw Nancy pull out a gun, she placed an arm around Max.

'You're gonna kill him, aren't you?' The redhead asked.

'This is just a precaution, okay?' the older girl told her.

'And not just against Billy, if he knows we're here, so does the Mind Flayer.' Anna tried to comfort her.

'Her and that bloody gun, my Lord,' Sarah tried to joke, but no one laughed. Will playfully smacked the back of her head and shook his head.

Everyone looked over to Mike who was still trying to get in contact as he walked in front of the toppled car.

'No chance, that thing'll drive right?' Nancy asked hopelessly.

'We don't need it to drive,' Sarah realized, 'we just need the ignition cable, right?'


The sisters watched as everyone tried to push over the car but to no avail.

'let me try,' El suggested.

'El..' Mike sighed.

'I can do it,' she insisted.

Everyone watched as El struggled to flip the car over, Sarah put a comforting hand on the girls shoulder.

'I'll just do it.' the girl told them.

'No you won't, you're dying. sit down.' Beau stressed.

Instead Mike got the idea to use the food court stools to help push over the vehicle which worked successfully.

'told you, physics.' he bragged.

'whatever,' the girl rolled her eyes, upset she couldn't help.


Sarah sat by herself 'discreetly' watching Anna and Beau standing close to one another before she heard Mike shout from behind her, the girl turned around confused to see everyone looking up. Her lips fell apart in shock before she looked towards the redhead.

'Max!' she yelled, getting up and trying to run over towards the girl but the Mind flayer fell through the glass ceiling in front of her, showering her with shards that cut open her skin, the girl held a hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming as she tried to slowly back away without being heard by the large monster in front of her.

From across the food court, Max watched before she was pulled away by El and Mike.

Sarah panted as she jumped over fallen tables and up stairs trying to find an exit. The girl held her stomach as she felt a sharp pain where she was hurt, holding up her hand she found that it was covered with fresh blood.

Ultimately trying to ignore it, Sarah continued to run, making her way into JCPenney where she found a back exit into the hallways. The blonde continued to run through out the halls until she came to an elevator.

'come on,' Sarah encouraged it, she looked down at her abdomen putting pressure on the wound. Her head felt light as she stumbled, leaning up against the wall, she closed her eyes as she forgot about everything that was happening.


'Rah! Wake up!' The girl groaned as she was shaken awake, Max sighed in relief as Sarah's eyes began to open.

'We've got to go, come on,' The redhead encouraged.

'What?' she asked in confusion, sitting up to see Mike and Max.

'Are you okay? here, lets go,' offered Mike as he tried to get the girl up.

'I can't,' cried the girl as she felt the pain in her stomach.

'Sarah, Billy's got El. We need to go save her, right now.' Immediately the blonde girl got up despite the terrible pain, ready to find her sister.

The three teens ran out of the hallway and towards the food court where they found the Mind Flayer being beaten by fireworks whilst Billy stood a top of  El, staring towards the monster.

Sarah didn't waste a second in running to her sister and pulling her away, holding her face in her hands and sobbing, checking the girl over.

'Are you okay?' she stressed over El.

'I'm.. okay.'

The girl let go of her sister and looked at the Mind flayer just as its talon attached to the older boy at the hip. Sarah looked back at Max as she heard Billy's name being called.

The girl ran forward, holding out her hands and forcing back the Talon out of the boys stomach, each time he was hit with another. Sarah watched in defeat as a final claw stabbed Billy directly in the chest, slowly a tear fell down her cheek as she saw Max run towards her step-brother.

Rah fully turned towards the Mind Flayer with both hands in front of her, as she used everything in her to rip the monster in half, screaming as she felt her stomach open further. The girl fell to the floor along with the now fleshy mess, sobbing as everything died down around her.


Sarah stayed on the floor long after everyone had left to go outside, until she was found by one of the military men who carried her out towards an ambulance.

'I have to see my dad,' the girl cried as she was ushered into an ambulance.

'You can see him soo-' A paramedic tried to calm her.

'No! I want to see him now, I need him or.. El' the girl trailed off as she saw her sister. In a split second, Sarah had jumped out of the ambulance and limped towards her sister who was sobbing and shaking her head.

'I need to see dad,' the blonde girl muttered to her sister, El shook her head again as she cried.


'no,' she whispered, 'I need to see him.'

'Get off me!' the girl shouted as she felt someone grab her from behind, 'I need my dad.'

'You can't ,he's gone.' the paramedic told her, taking her back to the ambulance, Sarah cried as they tended to her stomach, she cried as they took her away and she cried because she was alone.


BAD IDEA - STRANGER THINGSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora