o15 || delilah

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Delilah was getting a little tipsy already. They had been at the party for maybe an hour and she was already starting to feel it. She couldn't help but keep looking Eddie up and down, glad he was able to pull off his costume so well. She also couldn't keep her eyes off his ass in those jeans. One of his go-to's but for some reason as Han solo it looked way hotter to her. As the football players patted him on the back, Delilah snaked her way past one of them so that she was now under Eddie's arm. She was feeding off of the attention he was getting, even though she was still being skeptical of their kindness towards him. Deep down, she hoped that she scared them into being civil. She had been in her fair share of fights when she was in high school and it was no secret that she wasn't afraid to play dirty. She was probably giving herself too much credit but that shot had her feeling some kind of way.

A KISS song started playing and Eddie's face lit up lightly before he started nodding his head to 'Shout It Out Loud'. This pleased Delilah greatly since this was one of her mixed tapes, she was sure of it. Chrissy held hostage at least twenty of Delilah's party tapes since the two were notorious for holding the best ones. "Glad you found a song you like," She nudged Eddie , still hanging beneath his arm.

"Who knew Chrissy Carpenter liked KISS?" He said with a small smirk, looking down at her and her now empty solo cup.

She briefly thought about letting Chrissy take credit for her, but the thought spiked her as a little jealous when she did so, "I made this tape for this party," She softly bragged on herself for a moment. Liquid courage was a thing, right?

Eddie's brows raised before he began nodding in approval towards her, "So I can expect lots of The Smiths and The Cure next right?" He joked about her new wave music taste.

"Maybe," She shrugged, looking up at him. She went to lean up to kiss him before the two were suddenly shoved out of the way. "What the fuck?" Delilah swore out, making eye contact with Jason. "Excuse you, asshole," She said, turning around, Eddie's hand suddenly grasped in between her thin fingers.

"Did you put her under some kind of spell, Munson?" Jason called after them, stopping both of them in their tracks. Delilah was the first to turn around, "Some dungeons and dragons love spell? And now she can only fall in love with losers?" Some of his friends chuckled and one even high fived him.

"Suck my fist, Jason," Delilah spat, her words slurring just a bit as she took another long drink from her solo cup, finishing it off.

The group of boys and some of their girlfriends 'oooooo'-ed at her reaction before Jason took a couple steps towards them. "What's your game Henderson?" He asked, towering over the stoner before him.

"Apparently dungeons and dragons, since i'm," She took a moment to dramatically fan her face, "Under a love spell," She stopped for a moment, looking dead serious up at Jason, "How do you know it's not me?" She tilted her head softly, "How do you know I'm not a witch? You have no fucking clue about me," She shoved at him, quite forcefully for a girl her size, "I'd hate to have to put a curse on you and the laundry basket brigade," She made a pouty face before throwing her cup at him which only had melting ice left in it.

"I'm going to end you, Henderson!" He stomped forward before Chrissy ran in front of him. "Jason! Stop!" She called, grasping onto his costume armor tightly.

"You can't fucking touch me, asshole!" She raised her voice when she swore at him, watching him only slowly stop due to Chrissy begging him to. Delilah laughed lightly before spotting an almost full cup of punch on the island in the kitchen. She snatched it up and took a long swig from it before raising a brow at the couple before her, "Does anybody else have anything to say to me? Or can we have a good fucking time now?" She asked, waving her cup around , hollering at the people in her vicinity.

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