Pass out - Jay Halstead

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"Come on, get up. We have to leave in like ten minutes," Jay said as he pulled the blanket off your body. He was usually the one who snoozed three times, but this time it was you. You just didn't feel like leaving the bed. Your head was throbbing, and you just felt off. You sighed and sat up in bed, grabbing your head with your hands.

"You good?"

You looked up at Jay and smiled. "I'm fine. Just a deep sleep tonight." It was a lie. You didn't sleep good at all.

Jay didn't say anything more about it and left the bedroom. You slowly got out of bed and put on the most comfortable and work-appropriate clothes. Jay handed you your coffee, and some breakfast, and the two of you headed out.

"Are you sure you shouldn't stay home?" Jay asked as you were driving to the district.

"As I said, I'm fine. I just had some trouble getting out of bed today," you took a sip from your coffee. "And maybe a little headache," you mumbled under your breath.

Jay looked at you, worried, but didn't say anything. You didn't like to be sick; even if you felt miserable, you didn't want to stay home from work. So much work needed to be done, and the team needed you.

Arriving at the district, Jay wasn't the only one who noticed that something was off today.

"Damn girl, you look like you've been hit by a train," Kevin said. He was standing next to Trudy, who smacked him on the back of his head with a folder.

"You don't ever say that to a woman," she said. Then she looked at you. "But I do have to agree with detective dumbass over here. Long night?"

"Yeah, let's go with that," you said and made your way upstairs, not in the mood to socialize. Once upstairs, the work started immediately as a case came in.

The day went too slow for your liking, and your headache kept getting worse. The smell of Jay's sandwich made you want to throw up, but you acted like everything was fine, too worried that they would send you home. Most of the day, you stayed behind to research the suspect.

"Y/N, what do we have so far?" Voight looked at you.

You were standing right in front of the board. Everything you needed was right in your hand, all you had to do was hang some pictures up and tell about the suspect, but no words left your mouth. Your hands were shaking.

"Y/N, you okay?" Voight asked.

Jay looked at you, worried. He knew he should've let you stay home. "Alright, let's sit down," Jay helped you to a chair and gave the file to Ruzek. He took over what you were going to say.

Jay crouched down in front of you.

"I just need some fresh air," you quietly said.

"Jay, you go with her," Voight said.

Jay nodded and hooked his arm around you, slowly making your way to the back of the stairs. You didn't even make it that far. Before you reached the stairs, you felt your legs give out under you, and everything went black.

"Sarge!" Jay yelled as he caught you and played you down on the ground.

The whole team came running into the hall.

"She just passed out. She had been feeling well this morning but insisted on going," Jay briefly explained.

"Lay her down on the couch and wait till she wakes up. Call me as soon as she wakes up. The rest of us have work to do." Voight turned around and pushed the whole team back to the bullpen. Jay lifted you up from the ground and brought you back to the kitchen, where he laid you down on the couch. He took a chair from the table and sat down next to you, quickly texting Will to come over if he had any time.

When Will arrived, you were slowly waking up. You looked at Jay, who was standing at the door, filling Will in. Will looked at you and gave Jay a nod.

"Sleeping beauty is awake," Will grinned and walked over to you.

"What happened?" You slowly sat up, looking at Jay.

"You passed out in the hall. I told you to stay home...."

"I thought I was fine. It wasn't until that briefing that I felt like a train hit me." You looked at Will. "He called you to check up on me, didn't he?" You asked like Jay wasn't right beside you.

"No, he texted," Will grinned. "But honestly, how do you feel? People don't just pass out, Y/N."


"Don't say you're fine, or we'll take you to Med," Jay threatened. He knew how much you hated hospitals.

"My head hurts, worse than it normally does. Before I passed out, my hands were shaking. I did eat and drink today, not enough, but it was still something. But it's mainly my head. And I fell a little stiff or something. I don't really know how to explain it."

Will nodded and made you follow a light with your eyes. He did some other quick tests, and it all turned out okay. "It's probably the flu or a migraine. Go home and try to sleep it off. You can take medicine if you like. If the headache is still the same tomorrow or even worse, just stop by at Med, so we can fully check you out."

"Thanks, Will."

"Any time." Will turned to Jay. "Make sure she takes it easy, alright?"

"You got that. She will not leave her bed all day."

You rolled your eyes but loved how Jay cared for you. Will left while Jay filled in Voight and wrapped some work up.

Once you made it home, you changed into more comfortable clothes and laid down in bed. Jay put a glass of water on your nightstand and went to leave the room.

"If you want me to stay in this bed for the rest of the day, you better come join me."

Jay chuckled. He changed into some sweats and then laid down next to you. You crawled up against him.

"Thanks for always taking care of me."

"No problem at all." He started playing with your hair, and you were in a deep sleep before you knew it.

Jay Halstead imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now