Morning - Jay Halstead

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You curled up against Jay and smiled. Mornings like this were the best. The sun was slowly coming through the curtains, you had a good night sleep, and your boyfriend was next to you.

"Morning," Jay smiled.

"Good morning," you mumbled. Last night you had so much fun, but you went to bed pretty late because of it.

Jay kissed your cheek and pulled you closer to him. "We need to do this every day," he mumbled.

"But maybe of to bed a little bit earlier," you yawned.

Jay laughed. "Do you want breakfast? What should we order?"

"I want pancakes with strawberries and orange juice." Only the thought of having that or breakfast made you hungry.

"You're going all in today, aren't you?" Jay chuckled.

"Oh hell yes. It's a nice day, I'm feeling, and I'm waking up with my boyfriend next to me, so yeah, I'm going all in today."

Jay used your phone to order breakfast for the two of you. You turned on your side and looked at Jay.

He looked back at you and smiled. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

Blushes rose to your cheeks. "You have. You are handsome as well, Mr Halstead."

Jay leaned in for a kiss, but the two of you were interrupted by the fire alarm going off.

"What the hell," you mumbled as you quickly got out of bed and put on the first clothes you could find; Jay's shirt and some sweatpants. Jay did the same. He hurried to the door. When he opened it, smoke filled the apartment. He could see the flames in the hallway.

"We can't get out through here," he said and closed the door.

You rushed over to the window. The fire escape was gone. That's when it hit you that they were renovating it. "Jay, it's our only way out. They were renovating the stairs or replacing them. Either way, they are gone."

"Shit," he mumbled. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand and started calling. "This is Detective Halstead, badge number 51163. I'm stuck in a burning building, apartment 62B, on the third floor. We can't get out. Including me, there are two people in here."

You looked at Jay in horror. This wasn't happening.

"Call Voight," he mouthed to you.

You rushed over to the nightstand and called Voight.

"Y/N, tell me you're not at home," Voight said as soon as he picked up the phone.

"We are. We can't get out. Jay is on the phone with 911, I think."

"Alright. I'm going to give the phone to Chief Boden. He is going to tell you what to do. The firefighters are in the building, but they are not on the third floor yet."


"Y/N, it's Boden. Can you see the fire in the hallway?"

"Yes. There is a lot of smoke."

"Okay, put towels, shirts or whatever you can find and stuff that in the door's cracks to keep smoke out."

You did what he told you and put mostly clothes against the door's cracks.

"Severide and Casey are on their way up to you. Is there anyone else with you?"

"Yes, Jay."

"What about the neighbours? Any of the home?"

"I don't know."

"Alright. I'm going to hand the phone back to Voight. Stay on the phone with him. Update him if anything changes."

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