Labour - Jay Halstead

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Walking into the ED, Natalie is the first one who notices you. "Y/N, you okay?"

You shake your head. "My stomach hurts. I'm having these really bad cramps, so I'm guessing my period is coming, but they hurt way too much."

"Okay, let's take a look. Do you want us to call Jay?"

You nod as Natalie helps you to a room. "You can try. I've been calling him ever since I left to go to the hospital, but he hasn't picked up." You lay down on the bed, and Natalie gets the ultrasound ready.

"We'll see if we can reach him," she says before placing the cold gel on your stomach. You look at the screen, not really knowing what to look at. But it feels like your heart stops when you hear a fast heartbeat.

"It looks like you are pregnant," Natalie says. She looks at the screen a little bit longer. "I'd say you are 38 weeks pregnant."

You look at her in shock. "Pregnant?" you mumble. You look down at your stomach. There is no belly. You had been getting your period every month. This couldn't be real.

"Yes. Can you put your legs up so I can do a pelvic exam?"

You do as she says.

"And you're also into labour. You're three centimetres dilated." Natalie stands up. "We'll move you up to the maternity ward. We're going to call Jay. Is there anyone else I could call?"

"Yeah.. uh... Trudy Platt, and.... Can you get Will down here?"

"Of course." Natalie leaves.

The tears stream down your face. You had been with your boyfriend Jay Halstead for a couple of years, but you never talked about having kids. You never told him that you didn't want kids. When you were 20 years old, you hit rock bottom. You were depressed and didn't know what to do with your life. You slowly got out of the black pit, but ever since then, you never wanted to have kids of your own. They didn't ask to be born, so what if their life was just as miserable as yours? Now you were lying in the ED, about to give birth to a human being. Pregnant women had months to get used to the idea of having a baby. You were going to have what, a few hours? You grab your phone and called Jay again.

"This is Jay Halstead. I can't come to the phone right now. Leave a message, and I'll call you back."

"Jay..." you croak out. "Please call me back. I'm a Med, and I need you." You hang up the phone—more sobs filling the room.

"Y/N, Natalie told me you were here. Are you okay?" Will walks into the room.

"I'm..." God, you couldn't even say it. You took a deep breath. "Apparently, I'm pregnant and in labour. I can't reach Jay. Natalie said she was going to call him and Trudy."

Trudy was like a mother to you. If you were going to do this, you needed her by your side as well.

Will grabs his phone out of his pocket and brings the phone to his ear. He stays silent. "He's not picking up," Will says as he puts the phone back in his pocket.

More tears stream down your face. "I can't do this, Will."

"Of course, you can! You're strong. You can do this. I'll stay here until they've reached Jay, okay?" Will grabs your hand as he sits next to the bed.

"I can't have a baby. I never wanted one. Before I met Jay, my life sucked. I don't want to do that to another person."

Will didn't know what to say. "Does Jay know?"

You shake your head. "We never talked about having kids. It's not that I don't want his kids. I mean, it would be pretty cool to have a mini Jay running around, but what if they hate life? What if they don't want to be here? They didn't ask for this. I've said this to my parents way too many times. They died before I met Jay, so he never met them. But I... People have nine months to get used to the idea of having a kid around. I didn't even know I was pregnant until I came here. I thought my period was going to come."

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