✴️Chapter 29✴️: The great reveal (1)

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 "Any news so far?" Phillips asked his personal assistant as soon as he was out of the ward. He had just been discharged from the hospital but he couldn't wait to hear what he had missed out from.

"Your father is awake, boss". The assistant announced, making Phillips stop in his steps, his cane almost falling from his hand.

He was admitted into the hospital after he had drove himself to the hospital with a wounded bleeding leg, making sure to get the bullet out of his body so as to reduce the pain and get the wound treated. After days of staying in the hospital, he finally got released from the hospital. Thankfully, he could now move around with the help of a cane. But that could only help his legs, it couldn't help his shocked state.

"I thought I asked you to keep him unconscious". Phillips challenged his assistant.

"We tried boss, but while you were in the hospital, the drugs finished. And we didn't want to bother you since you were recuperating". The assistant replied.

"So you let him wake up?!" Phillips replied angrily. He was so angry, he tried to use the wooden stick that was supporting his weight to hit his assistant but the guy dodged it and the stick hit the wall instead, making the stick snap into two.

Phillips lost his balance from that, and just to avoid his weight from resting on his injured leg, he found himself falling towards the floor. Luckily, his assistant caught him right on time, swinging his boss's arm across his shoulder, the assistant became the alternative walking stick. But that didn't help with Phillips annoyance.

He had long planned to release Nora and get her to wreck havoc before his father wakes up, so his father would totally lose faith in Dure his elder brother, making him the heir automatically. But for him to make his plan to work without hindrance, he needed his father to be totally out of the picture, so he sedated his father. Making sure that the supply of the drug was constant so as to keep his father asleep. 

But now everything was ruined because of an incompetent assistant he had.

"But I heard boss, that the big boss is exceedingly furious at your elder brother and the mess he woke up to meet". The assistant said to his boss, hoping his boss would calm down but he only frowned in response.

"The havoc isn't enough to make father lose faith in Dure, you dimwit! Why is my life like this?!" Phillips groaned in frustration as his assistant offered to help him sit down.

"What are you doing?" Phillips asked his assistant.

"You need to sit down while I go look for another walking stick for you"  the assistant innocently replied.

"Is my brother home?"

"No boss. According to report, he went to check on the dens".

"Then what are you waiting for? We need to see father before Dure does"

"But your leg-"

"HURRY!" Phillips yelled, putting fear in the mind of his assistant, the two struggled to get to the car, both wobbling like ducks.

  "Please calm down, Master". Solomon said after narrowly dodging a flying whisky glass which smashed once it reached the wall.

"CALM DOWN?! SOLOMON ARE YOU BLIND? I WASN'T EVEN DEAD AND THIS MUCH HAVOC HAD BEEN DONE, WHAT WILL NOW HAPPEN IN MY DEATH?!" Mr Wilson Henia yelled, aggressively pushing all the documents off his table.

"Sweetie, you really need to calm down. You just woke up from a coma. Your health-"

"MY HEALTH?! YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT MY HEALTH?! MY BUSINESS IS MY HEALTH AND FOR AS LONG AS IT'S DWINDLING, MY HEALTH WOULDN'T RECOVER, WOMAN! I WAS GONE FOR JUST HOW LONG, AND MY PHARMACEUTICALS HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN, MY CUSTOMERS HAVE STARTED DECLINING BECAUSE OF OUR INABILITY TO PRODUCE THEM SNUFFS, AND THE RBI ARE INTO US?! TAMARA, WHEREVER YOU ARE, COME BACK AND TAKE THIS BASTARD YOU CALL A GRANDSON, I WANT HIM NO MORE!" The old man yelled, his eyes and face were red with fury, the steam coming out from his ears were almost visible and his shouts could be heard round the mansion, accompanied by the sound of crashing instruments and smashing glasses. 

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