chapter one - dear lord

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~3rd pov~

"your brain isn't as safe as you think Stanford pines, this is the last straw. time to unlock the journal's greatest secret." Gideon monologed while flipping through the journal, the page showing the cipher wheel before fading into the main theme.

y/n sat lazing on the couch slurping at her slushie while watching the show on her laptop. by now she might have watched the whole show about six times, but none the less still enjoyed it. she found each character's arc unique. like how both Dipper and Ford shared an abnormal thing they got at birth and both were monster hunters, and how Stan and Mabel both shared the left-out sibling vibe, Bill was chaotic and funny, Gideon was a yandere, Wendy was a chill teen, Pacifica had a spoiled brat to poor kid arc going on,  Fiddleford was a little crazy, and Robbie needed a life. all of these characters brought together made a interesting show with an even more interesting climax.

Y/n by now was on Dreamscapers for the 7th time and was waiting for Bill cipher's introduction patiently, I mean, can you blame her? 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH DUDES" Soos enters through the doorway as everybody watches TV "there's a bat in the kitchen, it tried to touch me with its weird little bat fingers" Soos moves his fingers up and down like he was telling a ghost story.

"don't worry I got this under control!" stan paused reclining back "Dipper, take care of it."

Mabel giggled and dipper complained, made a staring contest with stan and then got up to take care of the bat and Mabel made a statement about ducklings. soon he was sitting in a chair while Soos cleaned his wounds from the 'battle' 

"why does Grunkle stan always pick on me, think about it! the more painful or difficult the chore the more likely I have to do it. why doesn't he pick on you guys!" dipper complained while Mabel put on his bandages. 

"dipper, stans personality is one of life's great mysteries. like whether its possible to lick your own elbow." Soos explained

"I bet you cant" Mabel teased

"I bet I can" Soos said back

"lick it! lick it! lick it!" Mabel chanted

"some times I feel like stan hates me..." dipper said out loud to nobody in particular 

"DIPPER! THE SINK'S CLOGGED! DIPPER GET IN HERE AND FIX IT!" stan yelled while dipper shot his photo with a nerf gun.

the scene faded to Gideon summoning bill, Y/n started quoting Gideon as he was summoning, trying to see if she can get the Latin right.

"you think that combination is safe in your mind Stanford? we'll see what my new Minon has to say about that." he paused (so did y/n who was quoting him) "Triangulum, entangulum. Veneforis dominus ventium. Veneforis venetisarium." they chanted (with y/n messing up some of the Latin but mostly doing fine.) 

at that moment that the scene faded into Mabel chanting at Soos to lick his elbow, the laptop went black. the sound still played in the background but you wouldn't be able to see the source of it.

Y/n looked up to try to figure out what was going on while moving the laptop around in her hands to see if she broke something. while doing that it seemed as if she was getting smaller, or the laptop, bigger. 

she felt a pull into the screen and in just a few moments, she disappeared from her living room.

actually she wasn't even inside a building, but falling from extremely high up into a recognizable birch forest. the forest that defies the laws of nature having birch leaves that are orange in the summer.

all walls are meant to fall (bill cipher & reader story)Where stories live. Discover now