chapter fifteen - so why are you blind again?

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"Alright author, who are you... who are yo-" dipper says, chewing and then breaking another pen while facing the cork board full of possible suspects.

"Two questions, one how does one even break a pen, in my 24 years of uneventful life I have never broken a pen by mistake. two, why am I here?"  I said swinging my legs back and forth on Mabel's bed after finally moving all the stuffed animals to one corner of it.

"Number one-" dipper started, turning to face me.

"don't answer that it was rhetorical." I cut in.

"Two, you're the oldest person in this shack that will actually allow us to do mystery stuff, also after yesterday I don't trust you to be alone." dipper said, looking back at the board. 

"That makes sense" I shrugged, watching dipper attempt to connect the pieces of string, only to be stumped once again and throw his arms in the air in defeat.

"Hey bro bro!" Mabel said bursting into the room then hopping onto dipper's bed "look what I got~"  Mabel said, holding a green glass bottle and waving it up and down. 

"a filthily green bottle?" I said, getting up from the bed and walking over to Mabel.

"Yay a- I was going to say that!" dipper said looking at me, teasingly but also dead in the eyes.

"No! y/n how could you, you're a girl you're meant to know these things! it's a bottle message from mermando! remember, he was part fish, part shirtless guy." she moved her hands around to try to trigger a memory. 

"To be fair, I'm busy doing something whenever you talk to me about your summer crushes." I stated, waving my hand around dismissively. 

Mabel breathed in excitedly (how does one do that?) "What if he wants to get back together!?" she jumped up and down.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up Mabel" dipper tried to reason with her, to little avail. 

"Too late! hopes are way WAY up!" Mabel squealed while taking of the bottle's quark. 

"Oh no.." I sighed 

"EEEEee" Mabel sat down and moved her legs excitedly. "Dear Mabel, so far so good... it is with a heavy heart... so far so good... that I must inform you, I'm getting married!?" she held out the paper in shock.

"anddd there it is." dipper using a hand to 'point' it out. 

"yeeep." I said dragging out the 'e' then popping the 'p'

"In order to prevent an undersea civil war... arranged wedding... queen of the manatees?!" Mabel screeched. "And she's so beautiful, this can't be happing!" 

"are you listening to yourself? queen of the manatees? why does she have breasts! plastic surgery? yanno that manatees don't have human-like breasts naturally right?  you can do much better than a man who likes a woman who looks like THAT" I said, walking over to Mabel and patting her back. 

"Oh Mabel, you'll get over him eventually." dipper said.

"You don't understand dipper..." Mabel wiped her tears "on my first day here I made this page for summer romances and look at my luck! turned out to be gnomes... child pycho... made out with his own hands... and now..." Mabel stuck the photo of mermando and the manatee to the page "I wish I could forget about them forever."

and roll credits!

"Hey if it's any consolation my summer mission isn't a huge success either." dipper stated, opening his journal. "I'm still trying it find the author of this journal! but with this laptop smashed and y/n not being useful I've lost any lead of finding him!" 

all walls are meant to fall (bill cipher & reader story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن