chapter three - the most horrible place

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we 'woke up' sitting on a gray strip of land covered in fog. everybody took a look around in awe, shock, and confusion. we all got up and started walking around.

"woahh" everybody spoke at the same time.

"yep, welcome to stan's mind." I said unfazed, looking at the 8-ball sun with the creepy old shack Infront, and the creaky swing gives me horror movie vibes every time. (not saying they are scary, they just give the vibe)

"woahhh this is stan's mind?" Mabel asked.

"did you hear what I just said-" I asked. 

"huh. figured there would be a lot more hot old ladies." Soos mentioned. (heh, very glad there isn't.) 

"alright everyone, we've got to look out for the triangle guy" Mabel said looking around. 


"yeah look for the triangle guy!" bill said spinning his cane. damnit bill you messed up my dramatic-but-sarcastic countdown. 

"its him! its the guy!" Soos said.

"great job Soos, you solved the mystery. now we can go home" I said sarcastically. 

"really?" he said, hopeful.

"no, I was being sarcastic, idiot." I said coldly. god, I wonder how much of space and time I mess up with just by my remarks alone. 

"you leave our great uncle alone you isosceles monster!" Mabel shouted and ran into bill warping through his body while bill brought out a hand watch and did a countdown. (like I was TRYING to do.) 

"gotcha!" she screamed "wait, what!?" she said looking behind her. 

I got bored and started floating around in stan's mind. I wonder if mind-popcorn tastes just as good as normal popcorn. oh. fuck, now I sound like Soos. I popped a kernel into my mouth. yep, tastes like air. what did I expect. 

"ah, stan's family." man, why does everybody say that Soos is in his family, my god. your a all-knowing triangle for gods sake. also is he just ignoring me? god I really am a fucking side character huh. I'm just up here floating, don't mind me. "we meet at last! question mark, shooting star, pine tree." he said moving his fingers over each one stopping at me in confused. can he not read my mind? or do I just not have a zodiac. personally I'm find with either of those really. "I had a hunch I might bump into you." he said as he shot dipper in the chest, I gave a light giggle at his reaction. 


"man dipper, you scream like a little girl that caught on fire." I stated calmly as Mabel stuck her hand into his chest-hole.


"I'm floating, why wouldn't I be? also Mabel's hand is literally in your chest"


"how is Mabel's hand in your chest? I don't know. maybe cause you got the hole in it?"


"no need to yell, sheesh." 

he waited for the proper answer.

"simple answer: the mindscape is cool." I said bluntly.

"the WHAT?"

"so much for Mr. brainiac over here, did journal number three really not mention anything about the mindscape? I don't remember, I haven't read it in a hot bit, last time I checked my friend was 'borrowing' it from me." I said looking at the group as I teased dipper to find that bill was the only one mildly amused. dang it, I'm unappreciated in my time.

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