The Beginning

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"So you wanted to see my fellow band members practice right? Now's your chance." Jimmy came into Willows room.

"Can I? Mom and dad don't care that I go, do they?" Her eyes lit up.

"Of course they don't short stack. But the only downfall is, mom and dad are using the car so I have to use my bike to get there."

"But my bike tires are flat, dad says they need new inner tubes. So that means I'm walking." She sighs.

"Nah, you can stand on the back pedestals and ride that way. Just fair warning, don't fall in love with any of my boys because we're gonna be famous one day and when we do, we'll be gone most of the time." He winked at her which caused her to giggle.

"Well that will be so awesome, to have a famous brother."

So that's what they did. She stood on the back pedestals with her arms loosely around his shoulders and they rode over to his friend Matt's house.

"Hey you guys, you know Willow." Jimmy stated when they walked in, "And this here is Zack, I don't think you met him yet."

Willow had already met Matt and Brian from school but she hadn't had the chance to officially meet Zacky yet.

"Hello boys." She smiled, "And nice to meet you Zack."

"Same to you." He smiled back.

"Hope it's cool she tagged along."

"Nah, it's totally cool." Brian told him.

Throughout the practice, Willow kept eyeballing Zack, she thought he was really cute. But every time she would see either him or Jimmy look towards her she'd quickly look away. She wasn't sure how her brother would react knowing she was eyeballing his band member.

"So what did you think?" Jimmy asked after they were done.

"That was amazing. With the talent Pinkly Smooth have, you are going to go far." Willow beamed.

"Oh, no, this band is called Avenged Sevenfold, Pinkly isn't a thing anymore." Jimmy pointed out.

"Oh okay, my bad." Willow shrugged one shoulder with a smile.

A few days later Willow was sitting in garage at Matt's waiting for him and Jimmy to come out of the house when Zacky walked up.

"Hey what's up?" She smiled some.

"Nothing much, where's the guys?"

"Oh they're inside, went to go get some drinks. They should be out in a few minutes."

"All right."

"Want a date?"

"What? Aren't you and Jimmy together?"

"What? Good no! He's my brother! I was asking if you wanted a date." She held up the small bag in her hand. "You know the snacks."

"Oh right." He chuckled nervously, "No thanks though."

"Wait did you think I asked you for a date? As in us going out together?" She smiled.

He didn't get a chance to answer because Jimmy and Matt walked out.

"Hey, what do y'all think about after we're done here we go to the beach?" Matt suggested as Brian walked up.

"Woo yes, that would be fun!" Willow beamed she then remembered she had plans, "Well I can't, I'm going over to my friend Lacey's house."

"Well maybe you girls can meet us there." Jimmy stated.

"No can do, we're studying for a test on Monday."

"Nerd." Jimmy joked.

"At least I'm smart." She giggled and and stuck her tongue out.

"Hate to break up this sibling moment, but didn't we have to meet up those exec's about re-recording some of our demo's with Brian included?" Zack chuckled.

"Not until tomorrow man." Matt told him.

"Ah okay, couldn't remember." Zacky nodded.

"You know what would be cool, is if Willow here sung some of softer lyrics." Brian smiled.

"Ohh no, James is the musical talent of the family not me. Plus I'm not tempting to do the screams he does. It's like he's possessed by the devil." She stuck her tongue out playfully.

The guys laughed at her comment as Matt chuckled, "Well I'm sure some would think the music we make is the devil's music."

"I can only imagine." She smirked, "But watching practice is the only time I remotely listen to any kind of music like you guys do."

"Why what kind of music you listen to?" Matt asked.

"Uh I'm not saying because I'm sure you boys would make fun of me." She shook her head.

"Why would we make fun of you? Everyone is entitled to have their own taste in music." Zacky popped off.


"Because she's into Boy bands like NSYNC and Backstreet boys." Jimmy playfully cooed cutting her off.

"Oh that's totally different than our style." Brian smirked.

"Yeah it is." She nods and shrugs.

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