Thinking Problems

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Once Matt and Val were done helping Willow they took her into the other bedroom. Matt then found Zacky where he left him but this time he had his knees to his chest and head in his hands.

Matt shut the door a little hard, he wanted to slam it but didn't want to be disrespectful to his best friends property.

"Let me have it." Zacky didn't look up, "Maybe save Jimmy the trouble and punch the shit out of me."

"I'm not going to hit you, I could never do that on purpose, I mean you're one of my best friends Zack. But what were you thinking man? Trying to fuck our best friend's little sister really? Especially when she's intoxicated with a drug?"

Zacky finally looked at him, "Look, I didn't know. I thought it was just alcohol, just like the rest of us have been drinking on all night okay? If I'd known she had some drug in her system I wouldn't have let that happen okay?! I fucking have feelings for her and have had for a couple years now!" Zacky looked at him through his red eyes.

"Then why the hell are you with Gena?" Matt sat at Zacky's feet.

"Honestly I don't know. I guess probably because I never told Willow my true feelings, and I know Jimmy doesn't want us together, I heard what he told you that day in your garage. And so I've tried so hard to fight my feelings for her I have but whenever I'm around her when Gena or Jimmy isn't around I just sorta loose control."

"So is that why you two ended up in here?"

"Not exactly." Zacky shook his head, "I knew she was 3 sheets to the wind and I was almost there. I brought her in here for her to sleep it off and she wanted me to lay down with her so I did because I didn't feel comfortable leaving her alone with there being people here we don't really know. And well she climbed on me and as she started kissing me, I'm not going into exact details." Zacky couldn't help but smirk, "But my feelings for her took over and before we could get any farther you and Val walked in."

"Look, you two are adults, I can't tell you what to do and technically Jimmy can't either. He can however voice his opinion on the whole ordeal. And he never once said he didn't want you two together, all he said was it would be awkward. But Zack man, you've got to stop playing with these girls hearts. Either be with Gena or be with Willow."

"I'm going to tell you like I told Brian. I can't do that with her going to college, I want her to be able to focus on that, be carefree and not worry about anything but the college experience."

"So you're just going to play with Gena's feelings until then?"

"I care about Gena, I really do like her."

"But not like you do for Willow right?"

"Of course not, they both hold a special place in my heart." Zacky sighs.

"Just be careful man."

"I am, so uh, is Val still with her?"

"As far as I know." Matt nodded.

"Well I'm sure you two don't want to stay here all night and watch over her. I can do it, and nothing will happen I promise."

"I don't think that will be a problem really. I'm sure by now she's passed out at least I kind of hope she is."

"And hopefully she'll be okay by morning." Zacky said as they walked over to where Willow is.

"Hey, how she doing?" Matt asked.

"She's all right, after we brought her back here she laid down and fell asleep." Val answered as she moved Willows hair out of her face. "I'm assuming everything is good with you?" She asked looking at Zacky.

He nods, "I'm sorry for what you guys seen. I shouldn't have let it get that far, but I kinda lost control. I tend to do that when it comes to her."

"It's okay, just if it was someone else that caught you, just know this would be a different outcome you know that right?" Val pointed out.

"I know, and I really don't want to talk about that whole ordeal Tonight." Zacky nodded, "But we need to get everyone out of here. What happened should not have happened. Who the fuck was that guy and where is he now?" Zacky balled up his fists.

"Zack, it's handled." Matt patted Zacky's shoulders.

"But what if it wasn't me that she came to Matt?! What if it was that asshole that got to her first?!"

Val quickly walked over to him, "Shh before you wake her Zack. She needs to sleep it off, she's safe and that's what matters."

His eyes then got wide, "We have to talk her into not going to college, what if this shit happened there, do you realize none of us would be there to protect her?"

Matt grabbed Zacky's shoulders, "Get a hold of yourself man. She's fine and she'll be fine in college."

"What the hell is going on out here?" Jimmy asked as soon as he walked out of his room.

"James! When your sister wakes up, we have to convince her not to go to college." Zacky rushed over to him.

"Why the hell would I do that? It's been her dream to go since we were little."

"Because some asshole slipped her something and if I, I mean we hadn't been there he could have found her and took advantage of her." Zacky stated.

Jimmy's eyes got wide, "Seriously?! Where is he, I'm going to beat the shit out of him for doing that to my sister!"

"Jimmy, calm down, Brian and Benji took care of it. It's handled." Matt stepped over to block his way down the hallway.

"Good, fuck, I wasn't there for her when she truly needed me." Jimmy frowned.

"She's okay, and honestly Zacky made her lay down and he didn't want to leave her unattended. He could tell she wasn't sober. He was a good friend and stayed with her until Me and Val took her to the bathroom and made her throw up." Matt explained part of what happened.

"You did?" Jimmy asks looking at Zacky, who nodded, so he hugged him, "Thanks man, I appreciate it."

"Uh no problem."

"And on the college thing, it's a no can do. She may be little but she can handle her own, trust me, I've found out the hard way. You don't want to piss my sister off and telling her she can't go to college is one way to piss her off." Jimmy shrugged.

They then start making everyone leave except for their closest friends.

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