In distress

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Over the next week Joe and Barbara put the finishing touches on Jimmy's funeral. He knew he was going to die eventually so without anyone knowing it, he had already had most everything planned out to take the stress off his family.

Willow kept to herself most of the days, not wanting to see nor talk to anyone.

"Hey Lacey." Zacky said once he answered the phone.

"Hey, how you guys holding up?"

Zacky slumped on the couch and took a deep breath, "Not very well. At least Willow hasn't, Lacey all she does is drink, I barely can get her to eat anything. I'm fucking scared shitless that she'll be next. She's drinking herself to death."

"Sweetie, she's just in mourning. I'm sure once after the funeral she'll be better."

"I don't know if you know." He had lowered his voice, "I think she did try, she swears she didn't but I don't think that's a 100% true. The day we found out she swallowed some pills, she said it was just too dull the pain from the news and that she wasn't thinking clearly." He cried.

"She probably wasn't trying to. Look, I know for a fact she wouldn't go out that way. She's always said people who go out that way is a poor person's way. That there's way better ways to go out then taking some lousy pills."

"So, drinking non stop is better?" He scoffed.

"Well not exactly, no. She'll get through this, just like the rest of us. We just have to continue to be there for her. This is just her way of dealing with the pain of losing her brother. Yeah we may not like it but we have to let her mourn her own way because if we force her, or anyone really, to stop, it could just make it worse. We all deal with the loss differently."

"It's just, it's so hard seeing her do this to herself. She barely even let's me comfort her. And as bad as it is, if I didn't love her so damn much I would just give up and walk out. But I'm not going to because that's the last thing she needs."

"Yeah, she definitely doesn't need to be alone during all of this. Where is she at?"

"Where she has been all week, the bedroom. She comes out to go to the bathroom and get more to drink then goes back in there."

"Have you gotten her to eat at all?"

"Only a little, some toast, a few pieces of bacon and half of a bagel this morning I made her some eggs and she only took a small bite. That's all she's consumed, food wise."

"That's better than nothing honestly. Hey, I've got to go, I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Okay bye Lace."

They hung up and Zacky decided to go check on Willow. She was laying in bed awake so he laid down with her.

"Hey." She said lowly, rolling over and laid her head on his chest.

"Hey baby." He sighed as he wrapped his arms around her, he kissed her forehead but left his lips against her as he tightly closed his eyes.

"Please don't leave me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I've been a bad wife." She sniffled.

"What?" He pulled his head away and made her look at him, "Baby, I'm not leaving, what makes you think that?"

"I heard you on the phone Zack, I heard what you said about leaving me."

"Well it's not going to happen okay?" He moves her hair behind her ear, "I love you so much and will never leave you."

"Never say never. We all leave eventually, whether we want to or not. It's the way of life." She sighs.

"Well I'm not leaving any time soon. We are going to raise babies together and grow old together before any of that happens."

She smiles at him through her tears, "We better, I love you."

"I love you too."

She raises up and kisses him, as he kisses her back, he sighs into the kiss. This was the closest they had been since the morning after their wedding.

As they kissed she climbed on to of him, she kisses his cheek then starts on his neck.

"Babe, stop, this isn't a good idea." He nudges her away.

"I want, I need you." She grabs his hands as she rubbed herself against him. "Please." She kisses his neck, "It'll make me feel better. It'll distract my mind."

He flips them over, "But having sex isn't the best thing to do right now, there's other things we can do if you need to distract your mind. Let's go get some fresh air by walking on the beach or something."

"No! I just want my damn husband but you don't want me because I'm horrible, just admit it."

"No I won't admit it because it's not true." He rests his hand in the side of her neck, "You are far from horrible, you're amazing and beautiful and I love you so much. And yes, I would love to take you right here right now but it's bad timing baby."

"No, no its not bad timing. It's something that a husband and a wife should do but you can't, or you won't. It's obvious you don't want me and I don't blame you so might as well leave." She tried pushing him off but he didn't budge, "Just give in and leave." She cried as she hit her fists against his chest.

He grabs her wrists and slams down on the bed next to her head, "Baby! Stop! I'm not leaving you! Regardless what you think or want, I'm not leaving. Because the last thing you need is to be alone! And since I love you so damn much I'm not going to leave no matter how much you may think you want me to."

"I'm sorry." She cried.

He sighs sitting back and pulls her into his arms, comforting her as she cried. "You have nothing to be sorry for." He kisses the top of her head, "You're just mourning the loss of James, and this your way of doing it. And you have every right to do it the best way that you can. And I'm going to be right here for you, to comfort you and try my best to make you feel better."

"Then make love to me, make me feel better that way." She groaned. "Show me how much you love me like you say you do."

"You just won't give up do you, fine you want it." He slams her back on the bed, making sure not to hurt her, "You're wanting this?" He pushes himself against her.

"I fucking do, please." She begged with a nod.

"Then you got it." He groaned, kissing her roughly as he slid her bottoms down.

They began making love, doing it roughly because she liked it that way.

"Mm fuck yes Zacky!" She moaned loudly.


Val knocked as she walked into their house, heard them going at it and quickly stepped out, stopping Matt.

"Uh yeah, we need to leave."

He looks at her confused trying to step around her but she wouldn't let him, "Why, what's going on?"

"Because they're having sex Matt."

"Wow, seriously? Her brother just died a week ago, figured she'd be too sad to do anything." He grumbled.

Val smacked him upside the head and pulled him away from the house, "It can be a good thing they're doing something other than moping around finally. I talked to Lacey, she said she talked to Zack. Willow has been in a depressed state of mind drinking heavily. Sounds like she finally snapped out of it."

"Let's hope that's the case. I would hate to think he would take advantage of her drinking heavily." He said as they climbed in their car.

She smacked his head again, "Don't think so low about our best friend like that! He would never do something like that jackass."

"I know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it I promise."

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