Thinking Bad

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Zacky walked into Willow's room and noticed she was asleep so he gently kissed her forehead then sat down in the chair next to her bed. Since the chair was a recliner type of chair that was also comfortable, exhaustion took a hold of him and he drifted off to sleep no matter how much he tried to fight it.

Pretty soon Willow woke up, seen him asleep and smiled. All of a sudden there was a soft knock on the door from a nurse, as soon as she was in view Willow put her finger to her mouth then pointed over to Zacky with a smile.

The nurse nodded with a smile and walked over, "I'll be quiet then. I just came to see how you are feeling." She kept in a whisper.

"I'm feeling all right, my stomach hurts a bit though."

"Well we can up the pain dosage some if you'd like."

"Please? But not too much, I don't want to be too out of it."

"Of course hun." She messed with her machine, "You should feel some relief soon."

"Good, but where are our babies? I want to see them."

"They are in the Nicu, unfortunately they have to stay in there since they're premature their immune systems aren't strong enough. That's another reason I came in, was to see if you felt comfortable enough to go down. They're needing to be fed."

"I would love to see them but I don't know about being able to feed them."

A little while later Willow came back into the room. As soon as she was settled in bed Zacky woke up.

"Hey baby." Willow grinned.

"Hey." He smiled back then yawned.

"Have a good sleep? You needed it, I'm sure."

"Yeah I slept all right. How are you feeling?"

"With my fingers." She smirked. "But I'm feeling not too bad despite everything. Just got back from seeing our beautiful babies. Have you gotten to see them?"

He sat on the edge of the bed facing her, "Yes I have. They're beautiful like their mother."

"They get their looks from their father." She moved over then patted the spot next to her so he turn and sat next to her. She smiled as she laid her head on his shoulder and he laid his head on hers, "Sucks they have to be in the Nicu for a while."

"Yeah but just until they get stronger."

"I know."

"We did good." He kissed her forehead.

"No we did great." She smiles then they kissed.


Willow only had to spend a couple days in the hospital but the twins had to spend a week before they got to go home. Since their immune systems were still weak they limited the visitors as much as possible even though they hated to but everyone understood.

2 months later

"Everything okay?" Lacey sat down next to Willow in one of the lawn chairs since they were all outside.

Willow shrugged, "Still alive so I guess that's a bonus. Everything's just been so difficult. Sometimes I don't think I can do this. I went from having no kids to having two babies to take care of. I should be excited but something is wrong with me, because I'm not. I don't know what I'm doing, I've never had to take care of babies before. I feel like a bad mom because the only time I want to hold them is when I'm feeding them. And they barely want me to, they just cry."

"Sweetie, it's normal to feel overwhelmed. Zacky helps doesn't he?" She looks across the yard at Zacky who was holding Zeppelin then back at her.

"Of course he does. He does more for them than I feel like doing half the time. That shouldn't be normal Lace, I'm their mom, I have birth to them for fucksake. But." She sighs, "I don't know. I just, I can't be alone with them. What if I accidentally hurt them when changing their diaper or, or, when I'm putting them in their bassinet? What if when I'm carrying them I fucking drop one of them or bump their head on the wall? And it doesn't help I barely get sleep, as soon as I do one of them cries. I barely even get to eat, because one of them needs attention. Then when I do get to eat, I'll eat a few bites and then it feels like I'm having to force myself to eat because I feel full when I shouldn't feel that way yet. Then I get nauseous after I eat." She blinks back tears.

"Have you went and seen a doctor?"

"For what? So they can think I'm crazy and want to take the babies away from us? I can't do that to Zacky, he'll hate me."

"Sweetie he won't hate you and they won't think you're crazy. They will help you get better before they even think about taking those babies away. I think you might have postpartum depression. How long has this been going on?"

Willow scoffed, "Since like a week since we brought them home. Fuck, Zack's going to take the kids and leave us with my depression happening. Actually he needs to, it would be better in the long run. He's doing a better job at this parenting thing than I am anyways. I don't deserve to be around them." She sniffled.

"I highly doubt he'll leave Wills, you are his whole world just like them babies are now. And you deserve to be around them just as much. In the last month how much sleep have you gotten?"

Willow shrugged, "Beats me, not very much that's for sure. Maybe a couple hours a day, if that."

Lacey looks around then back at her, "Look, how about you go up and take a nap."

Willow quickly shook her head, "Lacey, I can't do that with company over. That would be so disrespectful."

"But you need it, and you know everyone would understand and wouldn't care because it's not good for you to not get any sleep. Now go before I drag your ass upstairs."

Willow gave in and went to the bedroom.

"Zack, can I talk to you?" She motioned her head away from everyone.

He nodded "Yeah, of course."

"Let me hold Zep while you two talk." Michelle smiled.

Zacky handed him over then walked away with Lacey, "What's up?"

"I made Willow lay down, despite you guys having company over. She needs some sleep. We need to get her to see a doctor Zack. She's not herself, and I think she might have postpartum depression."

"It's probably just the lack of sleep, we both haven't gotten much since they've came home."

"No, I think it's more than that. She's scared she'll hurt them by accidently dropping them or bumping their head. We need to get her some help before it all gets worse. Yes she has all of us but she needs professional help along with our support."

"Wait, you mean to tell me she opened up to you but not me? I would think as her husband she would."

She laid her hand on his upper arm, "Zack, chill, it's not as easy as you may think. You're the love of her life and in her state of mind, she might be scared to tell you because she thinks you'll leave and take the babies away."

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