The Meeting Part 2

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Right after they got done eating there was a knock on the door. Joe smiled at Barbara and then got up and answered it knowing who it would be.

"You guys ate without me, how rude." Jimmy playfully gasped after they walked into the dining room.

Willow quickly looked up then ran to her brother, "James!" She jumped into his arms.

He smiled as he caught her, "Hey short stack. Did you miss me?"

"Duh!" She giggled as he put her down, "I want you to meet someone. James this is my new boyfriend David, David this is my brother, James."

They exchanged their nice to meet you's.

"And before you start, dad already lectured him." Willow smirked.

"Oh damn, beat me to it." Jimmy snapped his fingers causing them all to softly laugh, "So tomorrow night we're having a get together at Matt's, it's a small welcome home party, you guys are coming." He said to Willow and David.

"James, I don't want to overwhelm the poor guy with meeting everyone at once."

"No, it'll be fine sweetheart. I would love to meet your friends, even if it's at one place."

"You sure?"

"Totally sure, I promise."

"Okay, thank you." She grinned and kissed him lightly.


The next day they headed to Matt and Val's house for the get together. Everyone was excited to meet the new guy and Leana and Willow were happy to finally meet each other.

As Willow was sitting on David's lap, he noticed Zacky kept glancing over at them so he had enough of it.

"Get up for a minute." He patted her hips.

"Okay." She stood up so he stood up.

"Zack is it? Can I talk to you in private please?"

"Uhm sure." Zacky nodded.

"What are you doing?" Willow asked in a whisper.

He spoke in the same tone as her, "Just wanted to talk about his glancing towards us. I'll be nice I promise." He kissed her cheek, "I'll be back."

With that they walked inside. Willow sighed and sat back down.

"Something wrong?" Michelle asked as she sat in the chair next to Willow.

"Hm? Oh nothing wrong, I just hope they truly will have a nice, friendly conversation."

"I wanted to ask you something, now that he's not by you. Wills, is he truly treating you good? Because I've noticed the bruises." She motioned to the back of her own neck.

"Oh those." Willow smirked using her hair to try to cover them up more, "Trust me, he does. Those are from our, you know, bedroom time." She winked, "And same with these." She pulled down the hem of her pants to show off the bruises on her hip where he's held onto them, "He likes it rough."

"Damn girl." Michelle smirked, "But isn't it a little too rough if it's leaving bruises?"

"Oh come on, we can't help it if we get carried away." Willow giggled.


"So what did you need to talk about?" Zacky asked once him and David got inside.

"Oh how about the fact you keep looking at my girl and me. It needs to stop man, look I know you two had a fling or whatever you want to call it. And how she had something for you but she's over you now. You had your chance to be with her and you threw it away for some other girl. Now she's with me so get over it. Before I make you regret it, especially if you don't quit starting at us."

"Hmm you think you really can do that huh?" He smirked rubbing his hand on his jaw.

"What make you regret it?" David smirked and Zacky nodded so he continued, "Oh I can and I will. Like I said, you lost your chance and she's mine now."

Matt walked in and seen them standing close to each other, "Everything cool in here?"

They turned and faced Matt.

"Oh everything's cool, just having a friendly conversation right Zack." David patted Zackys upper back a little rough.

"Right." Zacky said lowly.

"Okay." Matt said with a little skepticism in his voice, with that he walked upstairs.

"Remember what I said and also, this conversation stays between us." David whispered in Zackys ear then walked out back where everyone was.

Zacky groaned and stormed out the front door, accidentally slamming it. As soon as he got out there he sat on the step and lit a cigarette up. Matt then took the opportunity and walked out there and sat beside him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Zacky huffed.

"Bullshit Zackary, what the fuck did he say to you that caused you to storm out here, slamming my front door."

"I didn't mean to slam it, I'm sorry."

"No, it's cool. That's not my concern, my concern is why you're upset."

"It just, fuck." Zacky put his head in his hands, "I fucking screwed up. I thought I'd finally get the chance to be with Willow, but I don't because I waited too long and now she's with someone else."

"Doesn't feel good being in that situation does it?"

"What do you mean by that?" He looks at him.

"Think about it Zack. All these years she wanted to be with you, but you were with Gena and now you're the one single while she's with someone. Now you know how she's felt all these years."

"I guess you're right." Zacky hung his head.

"Not to sound cocky but I know I'm right on that." Matt smirked.

"Shut up fucker." Zacky couldn't help but smirk as he bumped his shoulder against his then sighed, "I just don't know what to do."

"Live your life man, and hope for the best. There's nothing you can do, she didn't try to break your relationship up so don't scoop low and try it."

"Right." He smirked rolling his eyes, "That's a lie, she technically has."

"What do you mean?" Matt raised an eyebrow.

Zacky shook his head, "If you want to be technical, it was multiple times, but Gena never knew, or at least she never came forward about it."

"About what?" Matt asked slowly.

"About Willow and me. First time was at Jimmy and Brian's, when she was 17, she stuck her panties in my pocket that night. I got them back to her before Gena found out about them. And we've been together multiple times since then."

"Are you shitting me man?" Matt laughed, "And you never came forward to your girlfriend about you sleeping with her? Wow dude! That's low." He shook his head.

"I can't help it! I lose control when I'm around her man! And when you walked in, and Jimmy was laying into me, it was because when I was with that chic when I was shit faced, I blurted out Willow's name instead of hers when she was going down on me."

"Yeah, Brian told me about that and how James face got so red, he thought he was going to punch the shit out of you."

"He had every right to." Zacky shrugged.

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