Coming Home

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3 months later

Willow was finally back to her old self so she was able to leave the facility she had checked herself into. The only people she talked to while she was there was her parents and Lacey.

She decided to go to her parents house to stay the night because she knew the guys had a show and wouldn't be home the night she got out.

The next morning she went to the home she shared with Zacky. When she got there she thought about walking in but decided to ring the doorbell instead. Zacky opened the door and he just stood there in shock.

"Hi baby." She said nervously.

The part that still loved her wanted to scoop her up in a hug but the part that was angry with her wanted to go off on her.

"You're, you're back. Is this for good or just came to say hi and leave again?" He stepped to the side to give her room to come in. "Nova and Zeppelin aren't here, they're with my parents."

She slowly walked in, "Well I was hoping for good. I've missed you. I still love you despite everything."

"Right, but didn't love me enough to say bye."

"I left because of my love for you. I left to fix myself."

"But you could have at least tell us bye Willow! Our kids deserved that, I deserved that much! But no, you only thought about yourself!"

"That's not true! I was thinking about you and our babies when I left! That's why I left! And I'm sorry I didn't say bye but it was easier on everyone doing it that way, myself included!" She yelled through her tears, "I didn't come here to fight with you!"

"Yeah well you should have known damn well there would have been one! You left for what, 6 months, couldn't even be bothered to call to at least check in on your damn kids. So I'm sorry I'm not welcoming you back with open arms because you hurt me, I've been miserable since you left!"

"Trust me, it killed me to leave and not call!"

"Well you look just fine to me!"

"It's not like I was out on the streets or with some other guy Zack! I checked myself into a damn facility! Because of my depression, because I started becoming bulimic, and worse of all I was secretly abusing my medication the doctor's had gave me! And it's partly your fault I left, because I overheard you telling someone about leaving me! So I saved you the trouble!" She started for the door, "Obviously you hate me now so I'll leave."

As she opened the door, he slammed his hand on it, causing it to slam shut. He then flipped her around, pushing her up against the door and grabbed the sides her face as he kissed her hard, she sighed as she kissed him back.

He rest his forehead against hers as he breathed out, "I don't hate you, I could never hate you Willow. You're the love of my life for fucksake."

"I love you too, so much and I've missed you, so fucking much. You and our babies are all I thought about while I was there."

"I've missed you too. And." He ran his hands down her body, stopping at her waist, "And you look so fucking good, I mean you've always looked good in my eyes, but you look healthy again."

"I feel so much better, that's why I left, was to get professional help before it all got worse than what it did." She sniffled.

"I'm so happy you're better baby." He smiled then started kissing her passionately.

Smiling into the kiss, she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck. As they kissed he reached around her, locking the door, then grabbed the backs of her thighs, picking her up to which she instantly wrapped them around his waist.

As she started kissing on his neck he carried her to the bedroom. When they got in there he laid them both down, exploring her body with his hand as they started kissing again. He raised up, taking his shirt off then took hers off. Smiling down at her he then began kissing all over her upper body, as he kissed on her stomach he undid her pants and took them off.

He kissed back up her body and started kissing her lips, since he was still wearing pajama pants, she slid her fingers into the hem and slid them down.  He kicked them off and started thrusting into her, making her moan into the kiss.

All of a sudden his phone started ringing, "Son of bitch." He groaned, causing Willow to giggle. He glanced over, "It's Matt, he can wait."

He reached over, thinking he hit ignore but actually hitting answer as they kept going.

She moaned into his lower neck as she lightly sucked on it and she rubbing her fingers up and down his back.

"Oh Fuck." He groaned out of pleasure.


Matt heard what was going on and quickly hung up with a scrunched up face.

"What's wrong?" Val giggled seeing his facial expression.

"I called Zack to see if he was joining us for some drinks tonight and he answered but I don't think he meant to because him and some girl was going at it." His eyes got wide, "He's really cheating on Willow?!"

"Maybe it is Willow babe."

"No." He shook his head, "Lacey said that she was staying another month before leaving. And last night, after the show we went for a few drinks and this chic was flirting with him and he did flirt back this time because he was drinking heavily."


"Fuck, I've missed that." Willow smiled at Zacky as she rubbed her fingers around in his hair .

When they were done, he had laid his head on her chest.

"Me too, I'm so glad you're finally home." He ran his hand up and down her thigh.

"I am too, I'm sorry it was so long."

He turned his head where he could look up at her, "It's okay babe, I understand why now. You're better and that's all that matters." He leaned up and kisses her.

They laid there for a few minutes then Zacky laid down next to her and decided to call Matt to see what he wanted.

"Man, you better not have done what I thought you did." Matt grumbled.

"So what if I did? And how would you know what was going on anyways." Zacky smirked putting his phone on speaker and putting his finger on his mouth to Willow.

"Because you didn't ignore the call jackass, you answered it." Matt couldn't help but snicker.

"Oh shit, sorry man, what all did you hear?"

"Not much, just what sounded like you going at it with some girl, and I hung up quickly after that. Did you really take some random girl home? While your wife is trying to get better?"

Zacky decided to mess with him, "So what if I did? I've got needs too you know. I can't hold out forever."

"Are you fucking shitting me man?! The fuck you can't! You don't do that shit!"

Zacky and Willow busted up laughing quietly.

As Matt kept going off, saying how wrong it was, Zacky spoke up, "Matt! Matthew!" He finally got him to stop rambling, "Relax man, I was joking, I didn't fuck some random chic. I could and would never do that unless I was single which will be never. It was Willow, I promise."

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Very serious."

"Hi Matt." Willow giggled.

"Man, you are an asshole." Matt laughed.

"But you wuv him." Willow said innocently.

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