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A month later

"Lacey? It's Willow, if you're around the others please don't say my name. I don't want them to know it's me calling, especially Zack." She spoke softly.

"The only one I'm around is Johnny right now, but we're fixing to go to Brian and Michelle's. Where are you? We're all worried about you."

"I'm, I'm fine, for the most part." She sighs, "I checked myself into a facility before things got worse than what they had gotten."

"I thought you were getting better? Before you took off I mean. What happened?"

Willow scoffed, "That's what I made everyone believe but truth is, it was getting bad. I wasn't taking my medication like it was intended, I uh, I started snorting it. Then to make Zack feel better I would eat but late at night, I would force it all back up."

"Oh my God W-!" Lacey breathed out.

"Shh! But I overheard him talking to someone about me and my problems, he knew I was forcing the food back up. And to make matters worse, he mentioned how part of him just wants to leave with the twins, so I figured I'd save him the trouble." She sniffled and lowered her voice, "And you know what sucks? Is I decided give him some loving, just because I knew I would be leaving, and I couldn't even get a release if you know what I mean so I faked it. You know how shitty that is? That I couldn't even get off from having sex with my husband?"

"Oh honey, it's probably just because all of the stress and then the abuse of the medication."

"Yeah, that's what my therapist said. How's he doing?"

"Who Zack? He's coping, the first week was miserable for him. As far as I know all he did was mope around. I think if it wasn't for taking care of the twins, he'd be worse but he's staying strong for them."

"Good, I bet the twins have gotten bigger in the last month."

"They have, they're so adorable. How much longer you got?"

"I, I don't know. I guess until I feel comfortable enough to leave since I checked myself in here. Look, I've got to go, I'll call soon, love you."

"I love you too Will." With that they hung up.

Johnny walked back into the house about that time and so he got a confused look on his face, "Who is Will?"

Lacey smirked and decided to mess with him, "Oh you know, he's my new boyfriend when you're not around. He just called to see when we can hang out again." As she spoke his jaw dropped and she busted up laughing, "I'm only kidding babe!"

"Right, I knew that." He smirked.

"Mhm sure you did." She smirked back, "But we have to keep this between us. It was Willow, she checked herself into a facility." She then frowned, "Apparently she had us fooled that she was getting better but in reality she hadn't. It actually got worse."

Johnny wrapped his arms around her waist seeing her get sad, "Zack mentioned how she was basically starving herself."

She sets her hands on his shoulders, "It was more than that. She was abusing her medication the doctor's had prescribed."

"How was she abusing it?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Because she wasn't taking it like it was intended, she was snorting it. And to do that she apparently would crush it up."

His eyes got wide, "Are you serious?! That's horrible!"

"I know, but she realized she had a problem and decided to get professional help before it was too late. And what helped with that is she overheard Zack talking on the phone about part of him wanted to take the twins and leave."

"But he wouldn't, I mean look how he's been since she took off."

"I know babe. But when you overhear things you misunderstand. Anyways, we have to keep this between us. Meaning do not tell Zack about her misusing her medication, I don't know if he knows but if he doesn't, I don't want him to be pissed if it came from us. He would probably blame himself because he didn't know his wife was doing that sorta thing and he didn't help her."

"That's going to be a hard secret to keep. But he should at least know where she is, he thinks she just took off. We need to put his mind at ease that she entered herself into a facility."

"No, if she wants him to know then she needs to call him and let him know."


"No buts Jonathan." She said sternly, cutting him off.

"Woah, the whole name." He smirked.

"Damn straight, but we need to get going."

They then headed to Brian and Michelle's. Once they got there Lacey couldn't resist and went up to Zack.

"Zack, I just wanted to tell you. Willow is okay, she's getting herself better for you, for those babies and most importantly for herself."

"Wait, how do you know?"

"I uh, she called me earlier."

"Are you fucking kidding me?! She called you but she couldn't have the decency to call me, her own damn husband?!" He groaned.

"Zackary, calm your ass down!" Lacey groaned back. "At least she's called someone and it was me, her best friend. And she did it because it was probably easier to talk to me than you in her state of mind! Less heartbreak that is. But just know she's making herself get better, she's getting the help she needs. Yes she took off, but not because she doesn't love you anymore, she's did what she did because she does loves you! Because she was tired of feeling miserable and was tired of seeing you miserable because of her."

"Is that so? Well now her fucking leaving made it worse because she didn't say bye to us! We deserved that much."

"I know, but when you have problems like she did, it was easier on her to leave without saying bye to anyone."

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