Party Time

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When Willow was dress shopping she had found another dress she had fell in love with besides her wedding dress so she decided to get it and wear it to the reception. It was a cocktail type of dress that was white and faded down to a teal color that came down to her knees.

After She had taken off her wedding dress Zacky came up behind her and wrapped his arms behind her.

"I want to take you right here, right now." He kissed her neck.

"Mm baby, I wish we could but everyone is expecting us in there." She leaned back against him.

He rubs his hands down her body slowly, "They can wait, I want my wife so bad right now." He slides his hand under the fabric of her panties and starts rubbing her.

"Baby." She breathed out, "We don't have time."

"We have plenty of time." He pushed her waist back against him to make her feel his bulge, "This is what you do to me." He then started moving his hand faster on her.

"Fuck Zacky!" She whispered moving her arm behind her to wrap around his neck.

He sucks lightly on her lower neck as he used his other hand to massage her breast. She bit her lips together to try to keep her moans quiet.

He licked his lips as he slid her panties down, undid his pants and bent her over the counter where they made love like that. As soon as they were done there was a knock on the door.

"Hey, everything okay in there? Everyone's wondering where the happy couple is." Matt smirked through the door.

"Uh yeah, we'll be right out." Zacky called out and washed his hands.

"We're coming we promise." Willow quickly put her other dress on.

"I'm sure you did." Matt chuckled.

"Matthew!" Willow laughed with Zacky laughing softly also.

Once she was dressed they walked out.

"Just couldn't wait huh?" Matt winked at them.

"Yeah, yeah hush you." Zacky chuckled, bumping his shoulder against Matt's.

"Everybody! I finally found the guests of Honor. I now introduce Mr. And Mrs Zackary and Willow Baker!" Matt called out once they joined the others in the banquet hall.

Zacky and Willow smiled, holding hands and raised them in the air as everyone cheered. Once they were seated it was time to do toasts.

It was decided for Zacky to go first, "I still remember the day I met Willow. It was actually at the bands practice in Matt's parents house, when she walked in with James I thought she was so beautiful, she still is to this day. But I knew I couldn't make a move because well I'll be honest, he didn't introduce her as his sister so I thought they were together. Well a few days later I found out that wasn't the case." He chuckled nervously, "When I showed up she was in the garage by herself and as we waiting on the guys to come out of the house she asked me if I wanted these snacks she was eating on, dates, and I thought for sure she was asking me for on an actual date and I wanted so badly to blurt out yes but the guys walked out right after that. Skipping ahead, I decided I did want to be with her, so I made the decision I was going to be respectful and ask James for basically permission, that's when I overheard him and Matt talking, and as a punishment to me for basically easedropping I misunderstood and thought he didn't want us together and as one of my best friends I felt like I would be disrespecting him so I never made a move until years later when I found out he actually didn't care so here we are, finally together and married." As he sat down everyone clapped.

"Wow how am I going to top that." Willow giggled, "When I walked in and first laid eyes on Zack, my heart fluttered. And at first I thought it was just some teenage crush so I tried to ignore it but the more I hung out with him around our friends the more my heart grew more fond of him. I couldn't get him off my mind. Since he wouldn't make a move I decided to first and unfortunately waited too late. I knew he was an amazing guy, but he proved it twice, once at my highschool graduation party, he knew something wasn't right with me so he took me into another room and stayed with me, which as it turned out now instinct was right because some sicko had slipped me something and if it wasn't for Zack keeping me safe he would have hurt me. The second time was when I got into a bad relationship he was there for me, helping keeping me strong and if it wasn't for him being there, helping me keep strong I doubt I'd be standing here today talking. " As she sat down Lacey reminded her of the letter, "Oh yeah, I'm sorry I'm not done." She opens the letter, "This was given to me before the wedding and I'd like to read it." She smiles at Zack, "It's something that apparently was written to me and never given to me until today." She then began to read it.

"Willow, I'm writing this to get my feelings out there because I don't have the guts to do it in person like I should. This feels like such a high school thing to do, well technically you're still in school, but that don't matter to me because I think you are amazing, beautiful and I would love to spend my life with you and only you. Every time I look at you, it feels like the world stops spinning for me, like my heart skips a beat. And I know you're the one for me, the saying love at first sight is definitely true for me. I can't wait to call you mine. Love Zackary." Be time she was done reading it she had tears in her eyes, "Awe babe, this is amazing."

He stood up, hugging and kissing her, "I totally forgot I wrote that. Who found it and gave it to you? It's amazing they did."

She smirked, "Someone you'd least expect, Gena."

"Oh, yeah, didn't expect that."


At the end of the night it was time for end the party. Most everyone had already left and there was only a handful of people.

Jimmy walked over to Willow and slurred, "Since no one wants to party anymore, Leana and me are heading out, bye sis."

"Yeah sorry bub." She giggled as she hugged him, "You okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine, just a little tipsy." He held his fingers close together.

"Just a little huh?" She mimicked what he was doing with his fingers.

"Yeah huh." He nodded with a grin.

"Go sleep if off you big lug." She playfully pulled on his beard.

"Mine, no touchy." He chuckled, he playfully smacked her hand, "Anyways go make me a niece or a nephew." He winked, "I'll see you later, I love you."

"You're unbelievable." She laughed, "Bye, I love you bub."

"I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow." He winked.

With that they parted ways.

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