Second Chance

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The next day Willow realized she had bruises her neck from when David grabbed her during their fight. She sighed knowing she couldn't tell anyone the real reason they were there so she grabbed her make-up and covered them up.

A few days before they were set to head back to school Willow decided she was going to see her friends regardless what David thought. Especially since they were going to be at Jimmy's house.

"Where you going?"

"To James house to hang out with him one last time before we leave. I'm sure it'll be thanksgiving or Christmas before I get to see him next."

"Will the guys be there?"

"I'm sure they will be." Willow shrugged.

"Then I'm sure Zack will be there so why are you going?"

"I told you, to see my brother. I don't care that he'll be there, I'm not there to see him."

"Still shouldn't go." David shrugged.

Willow sighed, "Regardless, I'm going. What part of, I'm going to see my brother, don't you understand David? And the rest of them are like my family, I pretty much grew up with them. You say you don't care if I go see my brother but yet here you are trying to keep me from going."

"And I don't have a problem seeing James, it's you hanging out with Zack I have a problem with."

"Why? Why do you have a problem with him? He's done nothing to you."

"Because he's a guy you've had feelings for Willow! You were basically in a sexual relationship with him until you met me."

"That ended months before I met you. Fuck, why are you so intimidated by him? He's my past, I'm with you now! You're the one I want to be with. Don't you think that if I wanted to be with him I would be? That as soon as I found out he was finally single I would have left you and went straight to him? But I didn't because he's not the one I want anymore." She told him but it was more for herself than to him. "If I were going break us up and run to him, why would I bring you to meet my parents and my brother?" She placed her hands on his hips, "Because I care so much about you and I wanted them to meet the guy who holds my heart."

He took a deep breath, "I guess I see your point."

"So are you going or not?"

"I don't really think that's a good idea."

"Oh come on, be the big man and face them. Prove to them that they, that Zack doesn't intimidate you. That what happened last time we were all together didn't scare you."

"Okay, since you put it that way." He smirks.

With that they left and went to Jimmy's house. Everyone was kind of surprised Willow showed up with him though.

"So, why did you bring him? I mean after what happened last time we were all together." Lacey whispered in Willow's ear.

"Because he's my boyfriend and I want everyone to get along. Hopefully everyone will bygones bygones." Willow whispered back.

"Look, I can see everyone is confused why I'm showing my face again. But what happened last time you seen me was a mistake. I just want to be able to get along with Willow's friends, who she considers her family." He goes over and wraps his arm around her shoulders, "So let me just say I'm sorry for how I acted." He then looked towards Matt and Val, "I'm sorry for disrespecting you in your house and trying to punch you, I shouldn't have done that." He walks over and holds his hand out, "Can we put it behind us?"

Matt looked at David's hand then back up at him and shook his hand, "It takes a real man to apologize like that and with that, I accept your apology."

"Thank you." David said as they let go of each other's hand then looks around at the guys, "And another thing. I'm sorry for saying your guys music sucks, because it doesn't actually. It's totally badass, even though I'm more of a Classic Rock type of guy."

"Hey no worries on that, we hear people dissing our music more than you can imagine but we don't let it get to us." Brian shrugged, "We do it for the people that do love it, not the people that don't like it."

"As you should." David chuckled.

As the night went on, everyone was getting along. David and Zack ignored each other, and Willow was grateful that they didn't even look each other's way. Willow had gotten 3 sheets to the wind, she walked up behind the couch to someone sitting there and wrapped her arms around them.

"Hey baby, having fun?" She kissed his cheek.

"I'm not your baby." Brian chuckled.

"Oh you're not David. Shit." She quickly stood back up, but when she turned around she seen David glaring at her, "Oh there you are." She grinned.

"What the fuck was that shit?"

"Baby, I thought that was you, you both have black hair and I'm a little tipsy." She giggled as she held her finger and thumb close together.

"Hm right, but we have different hair styles."

"Hey man, it was a mistake. She quickly realized it and stood back up." Brian stood up and defended.

"But she kissed you."

"Yeah on the cheek, I promise."

"Baby, why are you getting mad?" Willow asked softly as she placed her hands on his stomach.

"I'm not getting mad, just trying to clear everything up, that's all." He says as he rubs her shoulders. "All I seen was my girl, leaning over the back of the couch on someone and her kissing him."

"And it was a mistake, I thought it was you I promise. I wasn't paying attention to the hairstyle, just the color because I did it so fast, I'm sorry." Willow sighed.

"No no, it's okay." He kept his cool, knowing it would be bad if he showed that he was mad and hurt over what she did, with all her friends around. "Mistakes happen easily when you've got alcohol in your system huh?"

"Mhm." Willow nodded with a smile at him.

She went to get another alcoholic drink but he stopped her, "I think you've had enough of this."

"But it's not going to hurt me having at least one more because I'm thirsty."

"No, you've had enough." He kept his voice calm but there was a hint of sternness to his voice, "I mean hell you've already mistaken someone else as me and kissed him granted it was only on the damn cheek but it could have very well been on the mouth. And that wouldn't have been good, and I know damn well his girl wouldn't have been too happy at least I know I wouldn't have been. Here drink this." He handed her a bottle of water.

She sighed as she took it from him, she wanted to argue with him but was afraid of what his reaction would have been and she didn't want her friends to see that side of him. They stuck around for another half hour then left Jimmy's house.

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