Time For Goodbyes

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A/N: Beware this is a tear jerker chapter. And also to note, some of the things mentioned in this chapter I don't own credit to because there's sayings I put that I found in an article that I found about the guys talking about The Rev.

Today was the day everyone dread, Jimmy's funeral. At first Willow was going to go first but couldn't do it so Brian stepped up to talk.

"I met James in middle school and I still Remember to this day that when I first met him, I couldn't stand him. The way he constantly picked on everyone. And he wasn't doing it as a bully, don't get me wrong, he was doing it to try to get people to laugh with him. He loved the attention. One day in class we got into a huge fight because I finally went off on him on how he was acting. We ended up in detention together, where we hit it off over music. He boasted how good he was at the drums, I thought for sure he was blowing smoke out his ass so I invited him over to my house to prove it and boy was I blown away by his skills. There was one day he was over and my dad asked him about his goals and dreams of out life, James looked at him with the most serious face I had ever seen him do at that time and said, that he was going to be in a famous rock band and he was going to die before he was 30 years old." Brian paused for a second then continued, "No one ever imagines a teenager to talk like that because we were only around maybe 15 when he said that. That's when I learned about his heart condition. Ever since then, he's been one of my best friends, he became more than my friend, he became a brother to me."

Next up was Johnny, "Jimmy was amazing guy really as we all know. You couldn't feel bad around him because he wouldn't let you. When Matt called me about the news of Jimmy, I grabbed my stuff and headed straight to his house. Thanks to his sister, Willow, Jimmy came to become one of my best friends. Its funny though how before I even met him, I already seen the guys play a show and thought they were amazing."

Matt had stood up there collecting his thoughts before he spoke, "There's so many things to describe James, or Jimmy. We could go on for months just talking about what an amazing guy he was. He wasn't just a friend to us, he was a brother. He never met a stranger that's for sure. All his life he's always either wore glasses or contacts but he got to get LASIK surgery and he was so happy he could see the world with his own eyes. And I'll always remember one of the last things he said to me, he came up to me and is like dude you're a really good looking dude, and we just laughed about it." Matt sighs.

Last of the guys was Zacky, "To some, they might be put off by the way James acted, but it's just, he was a very lovable guy, like he wanted to make sure he knew people loved him, just like he always made sure you knew he loved you. He'd randomly say it to you or randomly asked if you loved him. Its funny because I always joked he's like a kid when it comes to that. And he was, he was just a big kid at heart. At my house I have his favorite jacket hanging up, he left it there and he called saying he forgot it, and despite me telling him he could come back and get it he said no, just keep it there. And now thinking, he left it on purpose because he knew how much I loved that jacket. He's one of the guys I always respected the most, because he was a genius when it came to music, and to making people happy by making them laugh when they needed to the most."

After a few more people spoke it was time for Willow to speak, "Gosh, what can I say that people don't already know about him." She laughed softly through her tears, "Anyone knew James and me knew we were tight with each other. There wasn't a day we didn't speak to each other physically, except when I was in college, but that's only because we kept missing each other's calls. But regardless, he always tried to make time for me when I really needed to talk to him, when I needed a pick me up. There was one day in college, I had failed my first major test, and I called him, because it made me upset. And I flat out told him I needed a spoonful of Jimmy to help make me feel better, of course we laughed because of how wrong that sounded but he made me feel better mentally in the end. I told him how proud I was of him, how he can make so many people laugh and feel good about themselves. That because of him, he's probably saved so many lives by being so caring and lovable like he was because a spoonful of Jimmy helps the whole world go around. That's when he popped off with his now favorite saying, a spoonful of Jimmy helps the whole world go down." She laughed, which everyone else did too, thinking of him saying that.

"Wait, that was your fault?" Brian chuckled.

"Yes, sorry if he annoyed you with it." She joked.

"No, he never can be annoying." His stepmom patted him on the shoulder and gave him a stern look so he cleared his throat, "Sorry for interrupting."

"No you're good Bri." She shook her head, "Jimmy was the best friend and best Brother anyone can ask for. It's funny looking back, there's been multiple times we've been mistaken as a couple and as twins, but of course that wasn't the case obviously. We always got along, I mean there was times like normal siblings we'd bicker but nothing major." She then got more tears in her eyes as she spoke, "The one and only time I told him I hated him out of anger, was on Christmas day, he had just written a song, and he showed me, and it was an amazing song don't get me wrong but it's the words to it that irritated me. So as we were talking about it he started talking about the whole him leaving us and I didn't want to think about that but he wouldn't stop saying no matter what it was the truth and I just...I just kinda freaked out on him saying I hated him and the song." She sighs, "That evening, I quickly went up to him, gave him the biggest hug I could and I told him that what I said was a lie and that I regretted saying it. He sat me down and said he knew that, that he knew I didn't hate him, just hated that he was talking the truth. And I will always remember the last words he said to me. He told me he'll see me tomorrow. And I'll be waiting for tomorrow the rest of my life." She cried.

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