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As David was driving Willow realized he wasn't heading to her house.

"Where you going?"

"To a hotel, I'm sure your parents are sleeping by now and so we shouldn't disturb them by coming into the house."

"Oh okay."

"You know how embarrassing it was for me to have to sit out there with your friends while you were supposed to be just getting beers. And then to hear you yelling like you were with the shit you were saying?" He gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"I'm sorry, I just went off, I didn't mean to yell so loud for you guys to hear."

"Yeah well you did. So you lied to me, you said he was only a friend but yet you had feelings for him. Do you still have feelings for him?"

"What? He is a friend, I didn't lie about that."

"Seriously? Friends don't treat friends like he did. And you didn't answer my damn question." She didn't say anything so he grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her head to him, "I asked you if you still had feelings for him damnit!"

"No, no, I don't. I promise. You're the one who I'm with. I've given up on him months ago when I met you. That that's why I laid into him to let him know." She stumbled out.

"Hm right." He pushed her head away.

They got to the hotel and checked into a room. Once they were in the room he continued the conversation.

"You know how fucked up it was to sit there in front of your friends and your brother hearing you yell about fucking some other guy? A guy who you apparently had feelings for all these years."

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean for you guys to hear all of that."

"Yeah well we did Willow! And it pisses me that all these months you lied to me, telling me he's just a friend when he was more to you. That you had feelings for him! And it's bullshit I got threatened when all I was trying to do was be protective about you!"

"Yeah well Matt was just trying to calm the situation and protect his best friend from being hit by you David."

"I wasn't going to hit him."

"Oh right, because it sure fucking look like you were when you stepped closer to him with your fists balled up."

"You really protecting those dipshits?"

"Those dipshits are my friends David! They're my family!"

He grabbed her throat and growled, "Don't you dare fucking yell at me."

"Or what? You'll hit me? Real men don't hit women." She glared, trying not to show she was scared.

"What do you know about real men? Obviously that Zack isn't a real man. But see his loss is my gain, you're mine now and none of them are going to forget it. So did you think about him as we were fucking?" She couldn't answer so she just shook her head but it was the wrong move because he pulled her closer by her throat, "Answer me!"

"No, of course not!" She rasped out.

"Good answer!" He nudged her away as he let go of her. "By the way, while we're here we are not going around them."

"Correction, you're not going around them because I'll be damned if you keep me from my family."

"Oh no, see I didn't mean James and your parents, I'm talking about the rest of those people. They're not blood so they're not your family."

"The hell they aren't, blood doesn't make someone family."

"Right, because family slams your boyfriends head down on the counter!"

"Because you tried hitting him David! Of course he's going to protect himself!"

"Yeah because he threatened me! No one threatens me and gets away with it!"

"He was trying to protect Zack! Because he thought you were going to hit him since you went towards him with your damn fists balled up! What part of that don't you understand!"

"You really going to stand there with enough balls to yell at me?! You should be on your boyfriends side, you should be defend me! Not them!"

"Yeah well they were around long before you! So of course I'm going to defend them too! What you don't realize is I did defend you when they asked why I was with you after you acted the way you did! And you want to stand there and tell me you were just worried and being protective but who the fuck rushed to me when my hands was bleeding?! Who the fuck bandaged up my hands?!" She held her hands up to show off the bandages then put her hands down, "Surely not you! Instead of making sure your girlfriends hands were okay, you decided to focus on Zack and what he did! When he didn't do anything! I did it! I'm the one who slammed the bottles down and hurt myself! What, did our past intimidate you?! Trying to be the big man huh?!"

He glared at her, lost control and smacked her across the face, "Don't you dare talk to me like that! I didn't go to you because your brother did! I was just trying to find out what happened for you to do that! And I am definitely intimidated by that punk! Unlike him, I actually care about your feelings!"

"Oh yeah, Mr big man stands there and smacks women! If you cared about my feelings you wouldn't have smacked me!"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that babe." He sighed as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I don't know what got over me."

"It's okay." She said lowly.

He kisses her cheek where he smacked, "I promise it won't happen again."

"I pissed you off enough, that's all." She shrugged one shoulder.

"We were both mad. Would you feel better if you hit me back?" He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

She couldn't but giggle at what he did, "No, I can't do that, especially cause of my hands."

"There's that beautiful laugh." He grabs her wrists and kisses each palm then lays her arms over his shoulders, "That was our first fight."

"That it was." She nods as she rubbed her fingers on the back of his head.

"You know, they say you never fully make up until." He stops as he grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling her closer, making their hips rub against each other.

"Is that so?"

"Mhm." He kisses the side of her neck then gently ran his tongue up the side of it.

"Baby." She breaths out, tilting her head giving him more access to her neck.

He picks her up, takes her to the bed and tosses her down with a smile. As soon as they were both naked they started having sex.

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