Truth Comes Out

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Willow had woken up the next day to see that it was a little past 11am, she slowly got out of bed, as to not wake Zacky up, got dressed and walked out of the bedroom. She had decided to cook them some brunch so she walked into the small kitchen.

As soon as she got her ingredients out she heard his phone ringing.

"Shit." She whispered and quickly walked into the living room.

She noticed it was Johnny calling him so she smirked and decided to answer it.

"Zackary Baker is unavailable right now as he's still asleep, may I take a message."

"Oh okay, wait Willow?"

"That's what they call me." She smirked, "What's up John boy?"

"Uh nothing, was just calling to see what Zack was up to and see if he was going to meet up with us at Johnny's Saloon later this evening."

"Ah well he came to visit me as you can tell. I can ask him when he wakes up though."

"Ask me what?" Zacky asked from behind Willow as he wrapped his arms around her, causing her to jump, "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." He kisses her shoulder.

"No, you're good. It's John boy on the phone, he was wanting to find out if you were joining them at his Saloon this evening." She giggled him as she turned in his arms, putting the phone on speaker.

"Well it's not my Saloon." Johnny smirked.

"But it does have your name in it so ha."

"You answered my phone? Why did you answer my phone?" He unwrapped his arms from her waist but left his hands on her hips.

"I'm, I'm sorry." She choked out.

"Yeah." Johnny said slowly, "I'm getting off here and letting you two talk this one out." With that he hung up before Willow could say anything to him.

"It's just that, it started ringing and I was going to silence it because I wanted to let you sleep and then I seen it was Johnny. I'm sorry I shouldn't have answered it, it's your property and I had no right to answer it." She stumbled out as she stepped away from him.

"Baby, baby, it's okay." When he put his hands on her shoulders she flinched, "What the... Willow, baby." He hooked his finger under her chin and made her look at him, "Did you really think I'm going to hurt you for that? Fuck, I'm not okay? I would never hurt you that way. I'm not like that asshole." She started crying so he pulled her to his chest and rubbed his hand down the back of her head while resting his head against hers, "Shh it's okay. I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. I was just joking when I asked you why you were answering my phone, I don't care that you did."

After a few minutes she calmed down and sniffled, "I'm sorry for crying, I know you're not like him. I know I'm safe with you."

He kissed her forehead, "Don't be sorry, you have to no reason to be sorry babygirl. But did you really think I would hit you?"

"No, I knew you wouldn't, it was just an initial reaction anymore."

"Look." He pulled her away from him some so he could look her in the eyes and wipe away her tears, "Brian and me, we went to the police station about him and-"

"Why would you guys do that Zack? It's going to make things worse now." She cut him off with her eyes wide.

"Will you hush and listen? Please? They won't do anything unless we see him first hand physically abuse you and call them right away, or that you come forward first."

"I can't, I can't go to the authorities. He'll be livid if I do."

"You have to, because next time he could take it too far and kill you."

"No he won't. He says he loves me."

"Really?" He snorted, "That's amusing for him to say that. When you truly love someone, you don't do this shit to them." He lifts her shirt showing off the bruises on her abdomen area.

She quickly puts her shirt down, "It's my fault, I do stupid shit and piss him off. That's all."

"It's not your fault, it's far from your fault. It's his fault he takes things too far, yes everyone gets mad, but doesn't mean we have to take it physically out on someone we claim to love. That's not love Willow." He pointed to her stomach. "That's abuse, he doesn't love you, not like I love you, like Jimmy loves you. He loves the fact he can knock you around and you still stay with him."

"Yeah well he feels bad after doing it and he apologizes Zackary."

"No, no he's not sorry. Because if he was truly sorry he wouldn't kept doing it after the first time it happened. Why can't you get it through your thick head that you need to leave him!"

"Because he'll kill me! He'll kill me if I leave him okay?! He's even told me he would if I ever try!" She yelled through her tears.

"Fuck." He breaths out as he pulls her to him, "We won't let that happen. You have a whole army of people that will stand with you and protect you baby. We love you so much and we won't let anything happen to you."

They stood there hugging when Zacky's phone started ringing so he answered it.

"Matt, I'm glad you called. I need your help, it's basically a life or death situation."

"Yeah man, what's going on?" Matt asked concerned.

Willow broke the hug, wiping her cheeks and headed for the kitchen.

Zacky watched her as he spoke, "It's about Willow, I uh, I came to see her. She needs our help getting away from here, he, he, hurts her man. He fucking abuses her badly, so bad he leaves marks." He choked out.

"Are you fucking serious?!" Matt roared, "Oh he's a dead man! He's not even a real man for that shit!"

"I know, she's scared he'll kill her if she leaves on her own. That's why she needs our help."

"Give me a couple hours and we'll be there okay?"

"Okay thank you."

After they hung up, Zacky joined her in the kitchen.

"Help is on the way. We'll get you out of this situation." He leaned back against the counter with his arms folded.

"And what about school? I can't just leave school and abandon my scholarship."

"There's got to be a way to put in a transfer. I'm sure there's schools by Huntington that offers the same program."

"Okay but what about when you guys leave for tour? You can't protect me from the road."

"Well... if it's during school season, can always be awesome and have a bodyguard around like the princess you are." He grinned. "Although there's a problem to that statement."

"And what would that be."

"To me you're better than a princess, you're a queen."

"Well then, if I'm a queen then you're my knight in shining armor." She smiles as stood up against him.

He places his hands on her lower back, "Exactly."

They smile at each other as they kissed.

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