The Talk

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"Hey, want to meet up for lunch?" Brian messaged Zacky.

"Sure, where at?"

They agreed on a small little diner and met up.

"So what's the deal with you and Willow?" Brian asked after they ordered their food.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on Zack, don't play dumb with me." Brian chuckled, "I know what happened between you two, I seen what happened but you both were so into it you guys didn't even hear me. Really man? Fucked our best friend's little sister on our couch?"

"It just sorta happened honestly. Didn't exactly mean for it to happen there." Zacky shrugged.

"You better just be glad that I was the one who walked in and not Jimmy man." Brian rubbed his hands together, "He probably would have freaked the fuck out. And probably not because of what you was doing but who you were doing it with."

"Does he know?"

"No he doesn't, at least I haven't said anything to him. Like I told Willow, it's not my secret to tell. That's on you two." Brian pointed at him.

The waitress brought their food and as soon as she walked away Zacky spoke up.

"It's just, I really do like her. And when she kissed me, my feelings got the best of me and I lost control. I never intended for it to happen, not like that anyways."

"Yeah." Brian smirked, "Poor Jimmy, we were all getting laid while he was by himself."

Zacky chuckled, "We really need to find him a girlfriend."

"Speaking of girlfriends. You say you like Willow, but yet you got with Gena? Like really man? What's what's the deal with that?"

"I don't know." Zacky shrugged, "It's just, that day when I overheard what he said to Matt, I was planning on following your advice still and then James introduced Gena and me. And it just happened that we got together. I mean hell man, with us touring and Willow wanting to go to college, we'd never get to see each other anyways."

"But yet you think you and Gena will see each other, she has a career of her own you know."

"Yeah and? Come on man, having a career you get more off days than schooling does."

"Well if you and Willow truly wanted to be together than you would find a way that works for you two trust me. And you would follow your own hearts more than any one else's feelings because like I've said before, in the long run people will be happy if you guys are happy. That's all we want for each other, is to be happy with someone, Jimmy included. And yes he introduced you to Gena but he also introduced that girl to other people too because she kept hitting on him and she's not his type. So he was trying to steer her mind away from him."

"See, he was trying to do the same with me and it worked, somewhat. Look, we're at the peak of our careers and Willow is going to college. I don't want anything to fuck that up. I've heard all the stories about what goes on in college and I want her to be able to experience that without worrying about what I'm doing on tour just like I don't want to have to worry about what she's doing there. You get my drift?"

"I get it man, I do. But what are you going to do when Gena finds out what happened last night?"

"Who says she has to find out? What happened was a one time thing, I even told Willow it can't happen again. And I'm not saying it was a mistake because nothing with her is a mistake."

"So, you're just going to go on knowing you cheated on your girlfriend with your best friends sister?"

"Damn straight I am. Because we were both had alcohol in our system. And she told me that she was happy she wasn't going to college a virgin."

"Wait, she was a virgin and she lost it to you? Did you know before?" Brian smirked.

"Fuck." Zacky breathed out in a low voice then nodded, "Yes she did and no I didn't know until we started. Cause she was tight and when I slid into her she gasped but that stays between us, please man."

"Of course, hell at least her cherry was popped with someone awesome and not some random college guy." Brian chuckled.

"Oh my God Brian." Zacky chuckled with him, "Why man why?"

"Hey, it's the truth." Brian smirked with a shrug.

"I know." Zacky smiled. "But this is the last of this conversation we're having about Willow and what happened. It's done and over with. I'm not going to do anything to fuck up her college experience."


"Sorry I couldn't take you to the clinic this morning. Was you able to find someone else to go with? Wait, you never told me why you needed to go." Lacey spoke as her and Willow started hanging out.

"It's okay, Brian's girlfriend, Michelle, went with me. And uhm, well after the bowling alley we ended up at Brian and my brothers place. They started drinking so I joined in. Anyways, after everyone went to bed Zack and me stayed up talking." Willow shrugged.

"And?" Lacey smirked. "What happened? Tell me everything."

"I went to the bathroom but when I came back I lost my footing and I landed on him. I uh, in my drunken state I kissed him. I thought for sure he was going to push me off but he didn't and well we uh we had sex."

"You had sex with Zack?!"

"Shh! Geez Lace!" Willow laughed softly.

"Oops Sorry. So how was it?"

"It was ah-mazing!" Willow exclaimed, "Just like the stories I've heard honestly. But anyways after we were done I realized we didn't use any protection and I'm not on the pill because he was my first."

"Awe, my best friend growing up." The girls giggled.

"I'm just happy it was with someone special to me rather than someone random guy. And I can go to college not a virgin, I know I probably wouldn't have been the only one but still."

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