Spoonful of Jimmy

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Willow had just failed a big test at college and was feeling down. She decided to call the one person who could make her feel better.

"What's up short stack?"

"Ugh I'm a failure, that's what up." She groaned.

"You are not a failure! But why do you say that?"

"I failed a big test."

"Awe sis, it'll be okay. I'm sure there's way to make up the grade isn't there?"

"I'm sure there is but it's just got me bummed and I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything. I just needed a spoonful of Jimmy to make me feel better. Okay that came out wrong." She giggled.

"Yeah, it did sound wrong." He laughed, "But you're not interrupting anything. You'll get through this, you're amazing at school, better than me and probably smarter." He smirked, "I have so much respect for you and I'm so proud of my little sister that you got this far. I believe in you just like you believe in me and the band."

"Thanks James, that means a lot." She grinned.

"You feeling any better?"

"A little."

"A little? Only a little? Oh no we can't have that, we have to have you feeling a lot better short stack. You missed it, Brian went to step off one of the speakers at the front of the stage and lost his footing. He fell backwards, right on his ass. It was so funny." Jimmy laughed.

"Oh my God." Willow laughed, "Sucks I missed seeing that when it happened."

"Oh I'm sure someone recorded it so you could probably get on the interweb and find it."

"The interweb? Really James?" Willow snickered.

"Yes, the interweb." He smirked, "Don't judge my vocabulary, I'm too lovable for that."

"Yes, you are very lovable. And you're an amazing big brother who can make their little sister feel so much better. And it's not just me, you make tons of people feel better about themselves and about life."

"Well good, it's awesome to know that a spoonful of Jimmy helps the whole world go down." He snickered.

"Well it does, you make so many people happy and they look up to you. In more ways than one because you're so damn tall."

"Hey, God made me so tall because he couldn't fit all this awesomeness in a small body." Jimmy smirked.

"Makes perfect sense." Willow laughed.

"It does." He laughed with her.

"So where you guys at now? I mean what city?"

"Well we're at a hotel in Chicago tonight, heading out in the morning to head to play a show in Kansas City."

"Oh in middle of the states huh."

"Pretty much." He said in a drowsy tone.

"Well I'll let you go to sleep. You sound tired."

"No, I'm good."

"Goodnight, bub."

"Wow you haven't called me that in a while." Jimmy smirked.

"Yeah, just decided to call you that now. Now good night, get some well deserved sleep."

"Good night sis, love you."

"Love you too."

With that they hung up.

Over the next few months Willow barely got to talk to her brother because them both being busy and the time difference didn't help.

The time came for spring break so she decided she would look where the guys would be and decided to surprise them. As soon as she got to town she realized she didn't know where they were staying so she messaged Val and found out.

As she was walking Zacky had noticed her so he hid around the corner knowing she'd be heading that way. As soon as she got close he jumped out.


She squealed and out of reflex she threw a punch, catching him right in the eye.

"Ow! Fuck!" He put his hand to his face.

"Shit! Zack, I'm so sorry sweetie. I didn't mean to punch you it's just you scared the shit out of me and it's just a reflex is mine."

"Apparently so." He groaned.

"Come on, let's go get some ice for you." She hooked her arm in his, "I really am sorry."

"It's okay, just remind me to never scare you again. Man you can pack a punch." He groaned as they walked to the rooms.

"Well yeah, have to protect myself if needed."

"So how did your know where we were?"


When he walked in the guys smirked at him.

"Damn Zack, what the hell happened to you?" Matt chuckled.

"I'm what happened." Willow smirked stepping where they could see her.

"Short stack!" Jimmy jumped up, ran to her, picked her up in a hug and spun her around.

"James Owen!" She hugged him back, "You're going to make me dizzy!"

"My bad." He chuckled as he stopped and put her down, "What are you doing here?"

"And how did you do that to Zack?" Brian chuckled.

"Well first, it's spring break at school and second, he jumped out at me, scaring the shit out of me and so my initial reaction was to punch and it happened to be his face that caught my fist." Willow bit the corner of her bottom lip.

"Oh damn, that's quite a punch." Matt smirked.

"That's because she's amazing." Jimmy stood behind her and put his arms around her shoulders.

"Girl's gotta protect herself." Willow smirked, "But we should probably get some ice on that." With that she got some ice and wrapped it in a rag then handed it to him.

"Here, put it in this first." Val handed her a Ziploc bag.

"Oh good thinking." Willow smiled and put the iced rag in it then handed it to him, "Put that against your eye."

"Thanks." He smiles at her and gently sets it against his eye.

"You want something to drink?" Val asked.

"Sure, what you guys drinking?"

"What we always drink when we hang out." Jimmy winked.

"Sorry I don't want to drink blood." Willow joked.

"Oh damn, I was hoping you would join our cult of blood drinkers." Jimmy snapped his fingers as he chuckled.

"Nah, not this time." Willow giggled.

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